Its FRIDAY! That means spinning and power hour. Last Friday's power hour class was intense and my heart is quivering in fear and what may lay in store for us this morning. When I told her how hard and intense the class and how I got bruised hands and how I could not move for 2 days, GI Julie smiled and said "That's Great". So will she lift the bar? Will she give us a reprieve? Who knows but from the look of that smile and the gleam in her eye I think GI Jane will "Give us our Money's Worth" I have told her several times rip me off I don't care I am just tired but she is very determined that we get our money's worth of pain and agony.
Yesterday's run was hard...I think it was harder then Tuesday's sprintsbut I made it thru the 5k route at 12.00 minutes per mile. My usual standard for running is to run slooooooow then speed up and then have to kill myself to make up my time/miles to keep it at 12 average for the route. This time started at 12 and then kept it there the whole time. Hard hard hard but I think necessary. I am aiming for 11 minute mile consistently and that is gonna take a whole lot of hard work. Last night my husband went camping and while I missed him I did so enjoy getting to watch episode after episode of Law and Order. Though sleeping alone was no picnic. I got freaked out and had to sleep downstairs because I kept hearing noises. So finally I came downstairs because I thought if a maniac was to come in I did not want him to sneak upstairs and catch me unaware. I wanted to be downstairs and meet the maniac head on and be able to kick some maniac butt. I don't know why I was scared it was not like Zedo my evil dog would let anyone in the door...he does not let ANYONE in and if a stranger got in he would be shredded stranger by the time Z was done with him. Well better get to spinning and power hour? My thighs, my hips, my flabby abs say yes yes yes, my mind says no no no I want coffee, I want the newspaper. The body wins!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Training in Progress
Monday's workout: Spinning and Power Hour...took it kinda of easy in those classes still recuperating.
Tuesday: Wanted to do sprints outdoors....nobody to do them with. Sprints are not fun by yourself. I settled doing my 400s on the treadmill. They are not quite as effective but that was okay. 5 sets of 400s with my .25 mile runs at 9.30 minutes per mile, recovery .25 miles walking at about 15 minutes per mile. So walk, run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, run and a walk Next Tuesday I will do six sets. Whew 9.30 minutes per mile was rough for me...tiring...hard to breath, but so so so good for me.
Wednesday will be swimming which is more or less a rest day given the amount of exertion I put forth. I will be debuting my new bathing suit!
Thursday will be at least 3 miles trying to keep my pace at 12 minutes per mile average.
Friday is spinning and power hour
Saturday Rest
Sunday going to for 1 hour 15 minute run...which hopefully will be at least 6 miles. The instructor at the Y says go for time on my long runs and check my miles when I get home but I should be shooting to be able to run for two hours by the end of the year. So there we go ladies and gentlemen my agenda for the week. I hope nobody fell asleep!
Chaos Rules: I am losing control of my house..unopened mail, dirty laundry, dust bunnies, and one backed up sewer. I handled the unopened mail today, my husband is handling the backed up sewer this afternoon (which I am so grateful that I have a handy dandy husband that can do all those nasty chores), the dust bunnies will continue to mulitply because I am not up to dealing with them...and I still have some clean laundry left so the laundry will be put on hold at least until I run out of gym shorts. Well back to work! Thank you all for your loving support. You keep me strong and keep me focused!
Tuesday: Wanted to do sprints outdoors....nobody to do them with. Sprints are not fun by yourself. I settled doing my 400s on the treadmill. They are not quite as effective but that was okay. 5 sets of 400s with my .25 mile runs at 9.30 minutes per mile, recovery .25 miles walking at about 15 minutes per mile. So walk, run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, run and a walk Next Tuesday I will do six sets. Whew 9.30 minutes per mile was rough for me...tiring...hard to breath, but so so so good for me.
Wednesday will be swimming which is more or less a rest day given the amount of exertion I put forth. I will be debuting my new bathing suit!
Thursday will be at least 3 miles trying to keep my pace at 12 minutes per mile average.
Friday is spinning and power hour
Saturday Rest
Sunday going to for 1 hour 15 minute run...which hopefully will be at least 6 miles. The instructor at the Y says go for time on my long runs and check my miles when I get home but I should be shooting to be able to run for two hours by the end of the year. So there we go ladies and gentlemen my agenda for the week. I hope nobody fell asleep!
Chaos Rules: I am losing control of my house..unopened mail, dirty laundry, dust bunnies, and one backed up sewer. I handled the unopened mail today, my husband is handling the backed up sewer this afternoon (which I am so grateful that I have a handy dandy husband that can do all those nasty chores), the dust bunnies will continue to mulitply because I am not up to dealing with them...and I still have some clean laundry left so the laundry will be put on hold at least until I run out of gym shorts. Well back to work! Thank you all for your loving support. You keep me strong and keep me focused!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Thunderstorm Fury

We always leave the laundry room open but Lizzie is known for shutting doors when she gets scared. In this case a thunderstorm blew into town while we were at work. She freaks and shuts the back door...trapping herself in the laundry room. She then proceeds to freak out and tries to eat thru our door. Good thing we are remodeling the laundry room. Unfortunately if we suspect a storm we are probably going to have to cage her because I am going to KILL her if she eats thru my new drywall.
Pushing thru the Pain
I did my 5.2 miles had to walk like twice (probably less then .25 mile total walk time), so given how much pain I was in I consider that successful. I finished up with another 1 1/2-2 miles of some light sprints and some walking. I am still sore but not as bad as yesterday. But when I was running I could feel all my lower joints saying (rather forcibly), "Hey Kimmie give us a break" I pushed thru the pain and finished. Thought I was going to throw up but I did it! Came home ate a HUGE breakfast which gave me a bad bad stomach ache. Laid on the couch, finally remembered I promised my grandson I would take him to see XMen 3, so I got myself up and took him to the movie. Moving around made me feel MUCH better. The movie AWESOME! Ate a ton of popcorn which I justified by telling myself I needed Carb replenishment from my active week. Boy my mind is powerful I can talk myself into just about anything...sometimes that is good, sometimes, as in the Carb Replacement theory, not so good. Tyson is amazed my ability to eat tubs of popcorn. He told his little friend (who went with us), that his Grandma can eat a whole tub of popcorn BEFORE the movie even starts. He made sure to stress the word "BEFORE". He always keeps his box of popcorn far away from me because he knows when I finish mine I start eyeballing his. FYI young boys are impressed with vomit. He had to tell me in great detail about the end of season baseball party which involved one of the boys vomiting everywhere. Ty says "And he puked in the pool and by the swing set and he just kept puking everywhere" I guess that is why he keeps trying to talk me into doing things after I eat...he IS hoping I will puke. I can just hear him, "My grandma jumped on the trampoline and she puked on the trampoline and she puked by the swingset and she just kept puking everywhere". So Tyson, NO I WILL NOT JUMP ON THE TRAMPOLINE AFTER A FAMILY COOKOUT!
My dog Lizzie is freaking out from the neighbor kids blowing off fire works. She chewed up my window blind and when my hubby comes home he is going to be most unhappy as this is the 3rd blind she has destroyed. She is going to end up in doggie prison while we are gone ( a big cage). Last time she actually MOVED our dryer into the middle of the laundry room and shredded the vent stuff and destroyed a window blind. She has chewed up three doors and parts of our carpet to our bedroom. A couple of nights ago, because of the storm, she opended up the cabinit with the canned goods and pulled out a bunch of canned goods and they were all over the kitchen. She also destroyed our hallway by pulling all the gun cases out from beside the gun safe, shredded a box of gun accessories and chewed up a couple of gift bags. Keep in mind this is a small dog that might weigh in at 35 pounds. All this damage because she freaks out during storms and fireworks. Right now she is hanging out under my feet and shivering and breathing hard. Can't keep her tranquilized all the time so she is just gonna have to tough it out. I hate it when I try to sleep because she jumps on our bed and keeps walking on me and then she snuffles at my head and she shivers and sheds and dog hair gets all over me.
I will post some pictures of the current Lizzie damage as well as a picture of the little weapon of mass destruction.
My dog Lizzie is freaking out from the neighbor kids blowing off fire works. She chewed up my window blind and when my hubby comes home he is going to be most unhappy as this is the 3rd blind she has destroyed. She is going to end up in doggie prison while we are gone ( a big cage). Last time she actually MOVED our dryer into the middle of the laundry room and shredded the vent stuff and destroyed a window blind. She has chewed up three doors and parts of our carpet to our bedroom. A couple of nights ago, because of the storm, she opended up the cabinit with the canned goods and pulled out a bunch of canned goods and they were all over the kitchen. She also destroyed our hallway by pulling all the gun cases out from beside the gun safe, shredded a box of gun accessories and chewed up a couple of gift bags. Keep in mind this is a small dog that might weigh in at 35 pounds. All this damage because she freaks out during storms and fireworks. Right now she is hanging out under my feet and shivering and breathing hard. Can't keep her tranquilized all the time so she is just gonna have to tough it out. I hate it when I try to sleep because she jumps on our bed and keeps walking on me and then she snuffles at my head and she shivers and sheds and dog hair gets all over me.
I will post some pictures of the current Lizzie damage as well as a picture of the little weapon of mass destruction.
The Pregnant, The Crippled and The Engaged
We got the dress! Oh my she looks beautiful! I would post a picture but the groom reads my blog! I so badly to describe it to you...but then again... the groom reads my blog. She will be shopping for her shoes and a tiara and then she will be good to go. The groom needs to get on the stick and figure out what he is going to wear. We had fun time and laughed alot. We found an excellent restaraunt called the Castleton Grill. Cheap, generous and GOOD! We will definitely go back there again! Poor Tasha had to watch me and Kendra grunt and grimace as we tried to get out of her car. Kendra because her body is so very pregnant and me because I AM UNBELIEVABLE sore. I have not been this sore since I started excising. The combination of spinning and power hour class beat me up bad. It feels like I have been beat with a baseball bat. That has not happened in quite awhile. So back to our day, we picked up the dress and we were getting ready to leave the parking lot when I saw a Shoe Carnival. I said "Hey I wonder if they would have shoes there" That set my co shoppers into fits of laughter. They KNEW I meant shoes for a wedding dress! So we went to Shoe Carnival and the pregant one walks in and and says, "Wow, they have SHOES here" Kendra says I get the stupid remark of the year award. My very kind daughter in law also took me to the running company so I could get 2 new pair of orthodics . She has determined that I am the worst navigator ever and I don't think she is going to let me sit in the front seat again. Just because I let her drive a couple of miles past her bridal shop. I saw it, thought she knew where she was going, thought maybe there was another one down the road, stayed silent till we ran out of stores and then I say, "Well I saw one a couple miles back." Oh and I guess I forgot to read the directions completely to her when trying to get to the running company. I let her turn left when the directions clearly said turn right. After we drove again for several miles out of the way, we turn around and I pull out the directions and say, "Oh my...we were suppose to turn RIGHT on 62nd Street." I did however, makeup for it when we were leaving the running company and we started going the wroing direction. I said, "Hey we never passed these restaraunts before." She says no we didn't and turns around and then we were heading in the right direction... I am very good at noticing food establishments and could usually remember places by what kind of restaraunts our nearby. I told Tasha The Running Company was by a Danotos and it was! Now off we go to our next stop of LS Ayres/Mall. The mall was nice but it was kinda of sad because it was a dying mall. Dying Malls makes this woman very sad. We went into a Payless Shoe Store and brought Kendra slip on shoes as it makes her tired and hot to bend over and tie her own shoes. She has quite and elaborate ritual for putting on shoes. By the time she is done she is too tired to go to the place she was putting her shoes on for. While in the Mall we found that they had a PUBLIC LIBRARY in the MALL. That amazed the crap out of me! How Awesome...Library, is my two favorite things wrapped up into one! On the way home we stopped at Donaldson's Chocolates and got some of the best chocolate ever made. It is perfectly creamy and smooth...ymm. I was a good girl and only had 4 raisens and 2 orange peels. I bought my husband and 1/2 pound box and have been staring and drooling at it. But must not take because it is a gift..that would be wrong...wouldn't it? Okay off to attempt my run. I don't know how well this is going to go since I am still incredibly sore but we gonna try. I don't even one to get up out of my chair let alone run my self around town!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
The plan was to get up this morning and run 4-5 miles then swim. The plan has changed because OMRIS along with other pained assorted body parts which I am going to bore you to death by telling you every and every ache I have and why I think I have it:
Rear: From the gazillion lunges she had us to do around the 1/4 mile track. We would lunge then jog, lunge , jog. 1/4 miles does not sound long but just try to do lunges around it and you will see! My GLUTES are on fire and I could barely make it down the steps this morning.
Quads/hamstrings: From the little over 1/2 mile warm up jog to the horrendous sprints she made us do...while yelling "GO GO GO"
Foot: See above note on quads
Triceps/Biceps: From the inch worm she made us do around the ENTIRE track. In case you don't know what an inch worm is it is a nasty little drill that involves going down and doing three pushups and then walking your feet foward to meet your hands then doing three more pushups. We would do those for a portion of the track then jog forward then inch worm again...etc....
Palm of the Hand: Okay this doesn't hurt but Ihad to tell you about it just because I am so proud. My hands are brusied from doing pushups on hard/rough textured track. Not bruised bad just slightly on the heel of each hand. I love a class that tears you up a little bit. I was so proud of my mat burns that I got one time from the Army Crawl that I showed everyone at the Y.
So no running or swimming for Kim today because I am sore. The only exercise I am going for today is one where I carry a shopping bag on my arm. The run will be scheduled for tomorrow and the swim...oh well that is going to get skipped.
Swim Suit: Tried it on. Jessica Simpson DID NOT appear but a tolerable Kim stood in her place. I think I can live with this swimsuit. I don't look good but I don't like too horrible.
Foods: Had my Mom over for dinner. We had a yummy yummy dinner. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, greenbeans, peas, biscuits, watermelon, sugarfree pudding for dessert. My husband looks at the mashed potatos he says, "Why are they so white" I respond "Because they are not yellow from a stick of butter. These are made with no butter and skim milk." He did not say anything. He just looked kinda of resigned and sad. He ate his potatos. He did not eat the pudding. Mom and I cleaned our plates! What a surprise! Pretzel update: Pretzel free all week!
Grandchildren : Cupcake and Parents of cupcake stopped by. I love that baby. Click Click Click went my came talk abounded. Grandpa loves his little girl. She can roll over now and sit up more or less. She loves the remote control and the keyboard. She also loves her big brother and he can make her laugh like crazy. Tyson was at his other grandparents so did not get to see him...told his mother to let him know we would try to go see Xmen on Sunday afternoon. Tyson is now done with baseball...I think soccer is next???
Well better start cleaning the house so I can come home to a clean house. We are going to Indy today to pick up "The Dress". Yeah! She is going to be a beautful bride and I am so grateful that my sister is going to drive me to Florida so I see them get married. Have a great day!
PHRASE OF THE DAY: "Come on Kim, Get Going" spoken by Jeff at the Y who thought I should not be walking over to the track for our workout but should be running over there.
The plan was to get up this morning and run 4-5 miles then swim. The plan has changed because OMRIS along with other pained assorted body parts which I am going to bore you to death by telling you every and every ache I have and why I think I have it:
Rear: From the gazillion lunges she had us to do around the 1/4 mile track. We would lunge then jog, lunge , jog. 1/4 miles does not sound long but just try to do lunges around it and you will see! My GLUTES are on fire and I could barely make it down the steps this morning.
Quads/hamstrings: From the little over 1/2 mile warm up jog to the horrendous sprints she made us do...while yelling "GO GO GO"
Foot: See above note on quads
Triceps/Biceps: From the inch worm she made us do around the ENTIRE track. In case you don't know what an inch worm is it is a nasty little drill that involves going down and doing three pushups and then walking your feet foward to meet your hands then doing three more pushups. We would do those for a portion of the track then jog forward then inch worm again...etc....
Palm of the Hand: Okay this doesn't hurt but Ihad to tell you about it just because I am so proud. My hands are brusied from doing pushups on hard/rough textured track. Not bruised bad just slightly on the heel of each hand. I love a class that tears you up a little bit. I was so proud of my mat burns that I got one time from the Army Crawl that I showed everyone at the Y.
So no running or swimming for Kim today because I am sore. The only exercise I am going for today is one where I carry a shopping bag on my arm. The run will be scheduled for tomorrow and the swim...oh well that is going to get skipped.
Swim Suit: Tried it on. Jessica Simpson DID NOT appear but a tolerable Kim stood in her place. I think I can live with this swimsuit. I don't look good but I don't like too horrible.
Foods: Had my Mom over for dinner. We had a yummy yummy dinner. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, greenbeans, peas, biscuits, watermelon, sugarfree pudding for dessert. My husband looks at the mashed potatos he says, "Why are they so white" I respond "Because they are not yellow from a stick of butter. These are made with no butter and skim milk." He did not say anything. He just looked kinda of resigned and sad. He ate his potatos. He did not eat the pudding. Mom and I cleaned our plates! What a surprise! Pretzel update: Pretzel free all week!
Grandchildren : Cupcake and Parents of cupcake stopped by. I love that baby. Click Click Click went my came talk abounded. Grandpa loves his little girl. She can roll over now and sit up more or less. She loves the remote control and the keyboard. She also loves her big brother and he can make her laugh like crazy. Tyson was at his other grandparents so did not get to see him...told his mother to let him know we would try to go see Xmen on Sunday afternoon. Tyson is now done with baseball...I think soccer is next???
Well better start cleaning the house so I can come home to a clean house. We are going to Indy today to pick up "The Dress". Yeah! She is going to be a beautful bride and I am so grateful that my sister is going to drive me to Florida so I see them get married. Have a great day!
PHRASE OF THE DAY: "Come on Kim, Get Going" spoken by Jeff at the Y who thought I should not be walking over to the track for our workout but should be running over there.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Yes, I am SO PROUD of myself. I did 3.30 miles running (no stopping and walking) in the heat and humidty. I warmed up by walking .30 miles then ran the 3.30 for a total of 3.60. I thought it was 3 1/2 but after checking my map (which I think is WRONG AGAIN) it is only 3.30 but Yeah ME! It was so very humid and my first thought was that I should go back in and work on the treadmill and then I thought it was that very same attitude that caused me to suffer on the 10k. So out I went and I lived! Breathing not great but somewhat under control. Had to change my shirt when I came back in because I was dripping wet...but I FINISHED and NO WALKING, granted I did not break any speed records but that is okay because I overcame a BIG mental hurdle. After Saturday's "Learning Experience" I thought I was back to square one but I did good!
Food: NO pretzels yesterday and none so far today! I feel thinner already!
Aunt Denise's Poker Addiction: Denise tells me while she was in Vegas she considered "Going all in" on a hand and throwing in her kids/house as well. But she figured she would probably win and then she would get the other person's kids and house as well! So she refrained! She should have bet Mom's critters...surely one half wild cat and two ugly ferrets are worth something?
Baby Susan: Susie and I are going to Florida in November to see Jamie and Tasha get married. I am so excited not only to see my son and Tasha get married but also because I will be getting the heck out of Dodge. I am seriously in need of some fun fun fun.
Dental: My dentist says "Nice nice nice" when doing a final check after my bone graft. What a good feeling to hear that. The next side will be done the first week of January.
Have good day! Tyson I will be checking my schedule to see if we can squeeze that movie in soon!!!
Bathing Suit: It is HERE. The mail lady brought it during my lunch time. I am so excited! I can't wait to try it on. I hope it lives up to my expectations. I am assuming that this is a suit of miracles and I will look like Jessica Simpson with it on! I will keep you posted on that!
Food: NO pretzels yesterday and none so far today! I feel thinner already!
Aunt Denise's Poker Addiction: Denise tells me while she was in Vegas she considered "Going all in" on a hand and throwing in her kids/house as well. But she figured she would probably win and then she would get the other person's kids and house as well! So she refrained! She should have bet Mom's critters...surely one half wild cat and two ugly ferrets are worth something?
Baby Susan: Susie and I are going to Florida in November to see Jamie and Tasha get married. I am so excited not only to see my son and Tasha get married but also because I will be getting the heck out of Dodge. I am seriously in need of some fun fun fun.
Dental: My dentist says "Nice nice nice" when doing a final check after my bone graft. What a good feeling to hear that. The next side will be done the first week of January.
Have good day! Tyson I will be checking my schedule to see if we can squeeze that movie in soon!!!
Bathing Suit: It is HERE. The mail lady brought it during my lunch time. I am so excited! I can't wait to try it on. I hope it lives up to my expectations. I am assuming that this is a suit of miracles and I will look like Jessica Simpson with it on! I will keep you posted on that!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A Level of Self Acceptance
After a week of beating myself up mentally. I have come to a level of self acceptance. I am not okay with where I am in fitness and weightloss but I realize that I am on the right track. Two years ago I could barely walk around the block and I would get winded walking up the 12 steps to the post office so this is just another leg of the journey that may take a little more effort to get thru. Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement. I will carry on!
Swim Suit: My new swim suit is still not here! So another week of gym shorts and tank in the pool. My problem is that I have built up this suit to be a healer of fatness. I am think I am going to be sorely dissappointed when I try it on! Listen for the shrieks for I am sure you shall here them.
Food: Having pretzel withdrawls and I can't stop eating watermelon. I have decided that all the sodium in pretzels is not good for me! My usual snack is pretzels in the morning and in the afternoon. I love love love pretzels. My mouth was watering yesterday and I thought I was going to pass out from the withdrawls but managed to have a only 1 snack of pretzels. They sit in the break room and taunt me with their delicious salty crunchiness. Today I am going the whole way...NO PRETZELS. Now that I read that it is funny because I use to feel that way about lots of food. Now I have two vices...pretzels and cereal....I have come along way from a woman that use to sit down and eat the industrial size bag of M&Ms in one sitting. Matter of fact I could eat industrial size bags of LOTS of things, Cheese Nips, Bacon Crackers, Pork Rinds, Chicken and Biscuit Crackers....hmmmm I guess I can see why I once weight 289 pounds. I still have the huge appetite...nothing changed there...I just fill me up with things I can eat LOTS of.
Well time to go to swimming! I read an article about doing the freestyle...hope I can remember all that stuff. The poor lifeguard tries to give me instruction...I think I am a lost cause.
Swim Suit: My new swim suit is still not here! So another week of gym shorts and tank in the pool. My problem is that I have built up this suit to be a healer of fatness. I am think I am going to be sorely dissappointed when I try it on! Listen for the shrieks for I am sure you shall here them.
Food: Having pretzel withdrawls and I can't stop eating watermelon. I have decided that all the sodium in pretzels is not good for me! My usual snack is pretzels in the morning and in the afternoon. I love love love pretzels. My mouth was watering yesterday and I thought I was going to pass out from the withdrawls but managed to have a only 1 snack of pretzels. They sit in the break room and taunt me with their delicious salty crunchiness. Today I am going the whole way...NO PRETZELS. Now that I read that it is funny because I use to feel that way about lots of food. Now I have two vices...pretzels and cereal....I have come along way from a woman that use to sit down and eat the industrial size bag of M&Ms in one sitting. Matter of fact I could eat industrial size bags of LOTS of things, Cheese Nips, Bacon Crackers, Pork Rinds, Chicken and Biscuit Crackers....hmmmm I guess I can see why I once weight 289 pounds. I still have the huge appetite...nothing changed there...I just fill me up with things I can eat LOTS of.
Well time to go to swimming! I read an article about doing the freestyle...hope I can remember all that stuff. The poor lifeguard tries to give me instruction...I think I am a lost cause.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Contemplations on my Results
Yes I finished. Yes I am happy I did not quit. YES I am dissappointed in myself. I know I could have done much better yesterday and after talking to my son I have to concur with him that I talked myself right out of doing well! Here is why!
1) As soon as I got there I saw NO woman my size. I saw fit running women. I kept saying to my daughter where are "MY GIRLS" (meaning my size). We finally found 2. One was about 20 and she came in right before I did and one was probably my age and she did not finish the entire run. I was freaked. To many fit woman and none my size. The ones my size were doing the 2 mile which my son said would have been to much within my comfort zone that I needed to do something to really push me. Which believe me I picked the right one. The result of not seeing any of "MY GIRLS" was the beginning of my panic zone.
2) It was hot. It was not too bad when we got there but I could feel the tempeture rising. I always run early in the AM with no sun most of the time it is dark. I have an aversion to heat and sun. During winter runs I usually just wear a tee shirt and shorts unless it gets below 30 then I will wear pants but keep the tee shirt on...usually no jacket. So I kept thinking if I am hot in the winter what am I gonna feel like now? I felt the sun start to him me and the panic level raised. I just keep thinking "Oh my gosh I am going to pass out from the heat. I am going to have heat stroke and die" At that time I went over to my kids and said, "What the heck have I done. Why am I here? I don't belong here."
3) I have only done six miles like a few times and that was at least a year ago...before I hurt my foot. So I keep thinking, "How am I going to do 6. I don't have the stamina to do six. I have not trained enough for six" So then the panic rose ALL the way to the top and I wanted to cry.
So here is what happened. I started out feeling panicked, it keep rising, at the 1/4 mark I started to walk. My son and daughter drive by I take off my headphones. I look at them and say I can't do this. I quit. My son glares at me and says to keep going. I put my earphones back on. My music is making me crazy, the cadence is making me crazy. I start to jog. The one armed man passes me. The man in the wheel chair passes me. The old old old man passes me (though in all fairness he looked like one of those old men that have run like a gazillion marthons..all legs...lean lean lean legs.) Then every one passes me and I am last. I do no like to be last I pick up the pace till there are around 4 people behind me. At that point I decide if there are 4 people behind me the entire time that will be good enough. So there I set my expectation down real real low. That was a big mistake. I did see pick out four woman that I was going to try to catch. Two were young and they kept a absolute steady pace the entire race. They never VARIED. Not one bit! There was also another woman in front of them that was doing the walk/run thing. I tried to catch her. I did several times and as soon as I did she would take off again. At one point I said to her, "Hey man I just caught you, stay put for awhile" She looked irriated and took off. I guess she did not want to be last either. The nice people of Flora were sitting in their yards. Some had sprinklers and hoses to cool off the runners. Some just clapped and encouraged. I say "God Bless you even though I was too much in a fog to show appreciation" Okay so I kept pushing, walk, jog, sprint. I would catch the girls in the backpacks and pass them and then I would have to walk...they kept going and passed me. I swear they were like little windup robots. They weren't breathing hard at all. I would say they were probably about 20 years old. There was a young girl behind me. She passed me so then there were just three behind me. As she passed she said to me, "My Dad is behind you but don't worry he won't pass you." I semi laughed (cause did not have the energy to really laugh). Poor daddy his baby sold him out. And she was right he did not pass me. So I continue on. I am in full panic mode. I am mad because I can't catch my breath. I am mad because I keep walking. I am mad, panicked, dissapointed, tired hot, and miserable. Finally at one point I found it. I found my breath, I found my pace and then it started, "Oh no, can I keep this up? I still have a ways to go." Then I started to loose control of breathing and started to pant, then had to walk. I am at the end now. Jeff (another Y member and a fantastically kind man) met me at the last 1/4 mile. He had already finished. He ran me to me to the barricades for the final stretch and said you can do it...don't stop...keep going. He said I still had more in me. I saw the checkered flags and I picked it up and moved it. However, a little too late at this point. I finished...could not take off my own timing chip. Bonnie (another Y member) sees me says "Are you okay?" I shake my head no. Mike (another Y member) gives me water. He knows I will be okay he has seen me like this before (in the 5k). My son and daughter missed me come in because the had met me at around the last 1 mile mark and got lost trying to get back to the park. They got back. They thought I had not crossed yet. Someone Jamie knew said no she came in. I bet they were relieved because when I jogged pass them I said right into the video recorder (and I apolgize if this offends anyone) "THIS SUCKS". I said it LOUD and with feeling. As soon as I pass them I started walking and then started jogging again. I think they thought I was gonna quit because when someone jogs past you and says "THIS SUCKS" with so much emotion it does not look well for the outcome.
Well I finished. I did not quit. Was I successful? In the fact that I finished yes. But Successfull over all. I would have to say no because I did not do the best that I was capable of doing. I came home researched stamina endurance. Decided I don't know how the heck to train. Finally decided one long run on the weekends. Will try for a tempo run during the week and one day during the weeks do speed work (400s for now). I hope this works. I found a little chart that tells me what my training speeds should be. I need to work out in the evenings at least one night after work to get use to the heat...or during my lunch break for thirty minutes...but then that would involve coming back to the office and sticking my head under the bathroom faucet/blow drying my hair and having like 10 minutes for that probably is not going to work. So likely I need to do after work. If anyone sees this post and runs please give me guidance! Okay I got off subject again. After the race. I recovered within 5 minutes or so and was able to walk around the car show. I think since I was able to walk around the car show that I did not give it all I had! Okay back home, took a soaking bath, iced my foot(which just feels a little store this morning), then went out to lunch. Came home took a 30 minute nap. Got up went to my son Brad's house to complain about how bad I did. He said "Mom you finished. You did great." HUMPH! Picked up Tyson took him the Dollar Store and the Grocery Store with me. He was looking a little antsy in the house. I bought the stuff for our father's day cookout. He got a new ball. Brad and Natalie should be very grateful that I said "NO NO NO" to the flute he wanted. I also said no to the water balloon, kit, and the candy bar and pop. He ended up with the Ball, some yougart and some string cheese and a bottled water. Took Tyson back home, kissed and cuddled my little cupcake for a few minutes ( I call Carissa cupcake because she smells like a bakery), then went home put my groceries away and then plopped on the couch where I stayed till 2 in the morning and my husband had to say, "You need to come upstairs and go to bed". Today my legs are I used butt is foot is little sore..all in all I am in pretty good shape. I am going to train and be serious. I need to train, loose at least 20 pounds, probably more but will settle for 20. I want to be a middle of the packer! I don't want to be able to see the tail car. Okay I am going to reread this after the Pumpkin Push in October to see if I made any improvement. To the Future Pumpkin Push Kim from Kim the back of the packer says, "Congratulation Pumpkin Push Middle of the Packer Kim"
1) As soon as I got there I saw NO woman my size. I saw fit running women. I kept saying to my daughter where are "MY GIRLS" (meaning my size). We finally found 2. One was about 20 and she came in right before I did and one was probably my age and she did not finish the entire run. I was freaked. To many fit woman and none my size. The ones my size were doing the 2 mile which my son said would have been to much within my comfort zone that I needed to do something to really push me. Which believe me I picked the right one. The result of not seeing any of "MY GIRLS" was the beginning of my panic zone.
2) It was hot. It was not too bad when we got there but I could feel the tempeture rising. I always run early in the AM with no sun most of the time it is dark. I have an aversion to heat and sun. During winter runs I usually just wear a tee shirt and shorts unless it gets below 30 then I will wear pants but keep the tee shirt on...usually no jacket. So I kept thinking if I am hot in the winter what am I gonna feel like now? I felt the sun start to him me and the panic level raised. I just keep thinking "Oh my gosh I am going to pass out from the heat. I am going to have heat stroke and die" At that time I went over to my kids and said, "What the heck have I done. Why am I here? I don't belong here."
3) I have only done six miles like a few times and that was at least a year ago...before I hurt my foot. So I keep thinking, "How am I going to do 6. I don't have the stamina to do six. I have not trained enough for six" So then the panic rose ALL the way to the top and I wanted to cry.
So here is what happened. I started out feeling panicked, it keep rising, at the 1/4 mark I started to walk. My son and daughter drive by I take off my headphones. I look at them and say I can't do this. I quit. My son glares at me and says to keep going. I put my earphones back on. My music is making me crazy, the cadence is making me crazy. I start to jog. The one armed man passes me. The man in the wheel chair passes me. The old old old man passes me (though in all fairness he looked like one of those old men that have run like a gazillion marthons..all legs...lean lean lean legs.) Then every one passes me and I am last. I do no like to be last I pick up the pace till there are around 4 people behind me. At that point I decide if there are 4 people behind me the entire time that will be good enough. So there I set my expectation down real real low. That was a big mistake. I did see pick out four woman that I was going to try to catch. Two were young and they kept a absolute steady pace the entire race. They never VARIED. Not one bit! There was also another woman in front of them that was doing the walk/run thing. I tried to catch her. I did several times and as soon as I did she would take off again. At one point I said to her, "Hey man I just caught you, stay put for awhile" She looked irriated and took off. I guess she did not want to be last either. The nice people of Flora were sitting in their yards. Some had sprinklers and hoses to cool off the runners. Some just clapped and encouraged. I say "God Bless you even though I was too much in a fog to show appreciation" Okay so I kept pushing, walk, jog, sprint. I would catch the girls in the backpacks and pass them and then I would have to walk...they kept going and passed me. I swear they were like little windup robots. They weren't breathing hard at all. I would say they were probably about 20 years old. There was a young girl behind me. She passed me so then there were just three behind me. As she passed she said to me, "My Dad is behind you but don't worry he won't pass you." I semi laughed (cause did not have the energy to really laugh). Poor daddy his baby sold him out. And she was right he did not pass me. So I continue on. I am in full panic mode. I am mad because I can't catch my breath. I am mad because I keep walking. I am mad, panicked, dissapointed, tired hot, and miserable. Finally at one point I found it. I found my breath, I found my pace and then it started, "Oh no, can I keep this up? I still have a ways to go." Then I started to loose control of breathing and started to pant, then had to walk. I am at the end now. Jeff (another Y member and a fantastically kind man) met me at the last 1/4 mile. He had already finished. He ran me to me to the barricades for the final stretch and said you can do it...don't stop...keep going. He said I still had more in me. I saw the checkered flags and I picked it up and moved it. However, a little too late at this point. I finished...could not take off my own timing chip. Bonnie (another Y member) sees me says "Are you okay?" I shake my head no. Mike (another Y member) gives me water. He knows I will be okay he has seen me like this before (in the 5k). My son and daughter missed me come in because the had met me at around the last 1 mile mark and got lost trying to get back to the park. They got back. They thought I had not crossed yet. Someone Jamie knew said no she came in. I bet they were relieved because when I jogged pass them I said right into the video recorder (and I apolgize if this offends anyone) "THIS SUCKS". I said it LOUD and with feeling. As soon as I pass them I started walking and then started jogging again. I think they thought I was gonna quit because when someone jogs past you and says "THIS SUCKS" with so much emotion it does not look well for the outcome.
Well I finished. I did not quit. Was I successful? In the fact that I finished yes. But Successfull over all. I would have to say no because I did not do the best that I was capable of doing. I came home researched stamina endurance. Decided I don't know how the heck to train. Finally decided one long run on the weekends. Will try for a tempo run during the week and one day during the weeks do speed work (400s for now). I hope this works. I found a little chart that tells me what my training speeds should be. I need to work out in the evenings at least one night after work to get use to the heat...or during my lunch break for thirty minutes...but then that would involve coming back to the office and sticking my head under the bathroom faucet/blow drying my hair and having like 10 minutes for that probably is not going to work. So likely I need to do after work. If anyone sees this post and runs please give me guidance! Okay I got off subject again. After the race. I recovered within 5 minutes or so and was able to walk around the car show. I think since I was able to walk around the car show that I did not give it all I had! Okay back home, took a soaking bath, iced my foot(which just feels a little store this morning), then went out to lunch. Came home took a 30 minute nap. Got up went to my son Brad's house to complain about how bad I did. He said "Mom you finished. You did great." HUMPH! Picked up Tyson took him the Dollar Store and the Grocery Store with me. He was looking a little antsy in the house. I bought the stuff for our father's day cookout. He got a new ball. Brad and Natalie should be very grateful that I said "NO NO NO" to the flute he wanted. I also said no to the water balloon, kit, and the candy bar and pop. He ended up with the Ball, some yougart and some string cheese and a bottled water. Took Tyson back home, kissed and cuddled my little cupcake for a few minutes ( I call Carissa cupcake because she smells like a bakery), then went home put my groceries away and then plopped on the couch where I stayed till 2 in the morning and my husband had to say, "You need to come upstairs and go to bed". Today my legs are I used butt is foot is little sore..all in all I am in pretty good shape. I am going to train and be serious. I need to train, loose at least 20 pounds, probably more but will settle for 20. I want to be a middle of the packer! I don't want to be able to see the tail car. Okay I am going to reread this after the Pumpkin Push in October to see if I made any improvement. To the Future Pumpkin Push Kim from Kim the back of the packer says, "Congratulation Pumpkin Push Middle of the Packer Kim"
Saturday, June 17, 2006
It was hot hot hot...10k average pace 12.01 per mile. 1 hour 14 minutes time. I had to walk, jog, sprint etc...I got myself so freaked out in the beginning that I could not breath and could not adequately control my breath the entire time. I consider this a learning experience and next year I WILL KICK BUTT. I did not come in last but almost. 2 woman quit behind me and and one man was about 1/4 mile behind me. Next time when I pray I need to NOT say "Please please don't let me be last" Because I was not. What I need to say is "Please please please let me be in the middle of the pack" I will do better in October when I do the pumpkin is in October so it should be cool....MAN was I HOT TODAY. I am going to train train train...look out Pumpkin Push because I am going to kick butt.
Take Me Out to the BallGame

I would love to have peanuts and crackerjack...but filled with fat...sigh. I went to Tyson's baseball game and even though they did not win Tyson did a great job. My camera does not zoom well so this is the best shot I could get of him in the outfield. Tyson is with his paternal Grandparents. Tyson loves baseball and watches it on TV with his Braddy. Hopefully I will get some free time soon so we can go see Xmen 3.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Down Down and the Scales Went Lower
Yeah down 2 pounds this week! 18 more to go to hit my Mini Marathan Weight Goal. I need to put a ticker on my blog. Kendra my darling Kendra has gone to run errarnds for her mother. She is fetching me one red or gray tank top (so I do not have to wear the orange) some bananans, one cantalope and some carb controlled yogurt. I plan on having some fruit a couple of hours before the run. I tried on the white tank and it did not look so husband suggested I get it wet and then put it on. could see thru it AND it clung to all my rolls...Blah...good call on the part of Kendra. She saved me from public humilation. I guess I should say "ADDED" because I think this is going to be a rather humiliating experience as I come jogging in DEAD LAST!
Aunt Denise is on her way home from Vegas. They had a little plane problem. She was stuck in New Jersey because the plane was too heavy so they had to remove some passengers, some paperwork???, and dump some fuel. She is not happy about this...they have assured the passengers that other then that little problem that the plane is safe to fly. Aunt Denise is having flight anxiety...I can't believe she told me this story as she has been trying to get me on a plane and she knows I am deathly afraid of flying. Boy has she blown her progress she had started to make with me and flying issue.
Aunt Denise is on her way home from Vegas. They had a little plane problem. She was stuck in New Jersey because the plane was too heavy so they had to remove some passengers, some paperwork???, and dump some fuel. She is not happy about this...they have assured the passengers that other then that little problem that the plane is safe to fly. Aunt Denise is having flight anxiety...I can't believe she told me this story as she has been trying to get me on a plane and she knows I am deathly afraid of flying. Boy has she blown her progress she had started to make with me and flying issue.
Laughing our Rears Off
Last night my son, James came over for dinner. Brad and Kendra your invites are forthcoming! We had delicious dinner (if the cook must say so herself). We had Marinated Chicken Breast, Twice Baked Pototos (yes homemade...not out of a box), Steamed Carrots, Corn, Biscuits and Sugar Free Chocolate Pie. We were just getting ready to have pie when who should appear (not Santa and his Reindeer) but mother and father of Baby Flickard. We proceeded to chat and then it began....barbs being slung back and forth...sometimes hitting their mark...sometimes not (thats when the laughing stops and the others just stare at you blankly). Phrase of the Day goes to mother of Baby Flickard:
PHRASE OF THE DAY: "Was your face in the pavement or in the snow". Now I would dearly love to explain the background of the phrase but I do not think I should share our family's dirty laundry to the web world. I will tell you that it took more then 5 minutes for us to quit laughing and I was laughing so hard I was crying. I must stay that Kendra has been extremely sharp witted since she has gotten preganant (she was before she was pregnant but now it is magnified by like a million). I think she should go on Last Comic Standing!
After our evening of laughter I went straight to bed on account of Saturday is almost here. I was going to go to the Y this morning but I did not trust myself to not participate fully in class and I am suppose to be resting in preparation for Saturday. Anytime I see someone run in front of me it sends my competitive side into overdrive and I have to catch them. Unfortunately for me last time there was a 14 year old boy in front of me. He was wicked fast and trying to get close to him almost gave me a heartattack. Wow off the subject again...anyway...where I was going with this is that I am not at the Y I am sitting at home blogging. I miss my friends at the Y...I miss spinning...I miss power hour.
White Shirt NO NO! I had my tank top all picked out to where to the Hog Jog. My daughter saw it and stared at me and said, "You're not wearing that white tank are you? Mom, Don't you know is going to happen? You are going to be sweating like crazy and you are WEARING a WHITE TEE SHIRT." She then looks at her brother (who is going with me) and says, "James you tell her! Do you want to see Mom in a wet white Tee Shirt?" James says, "Mom go find a colored tank top!" I tell him...I can't wear my orange tank because it does not match my gym shorts. He says, "Is this a fashion show or a run?" Kendra seeing that the true horror of their mother wearing a wet white tee shirt has filled her brother says, "Well they were your breakfast, lunch and dinner for awhile" So now I am going to wear the ORANGE tank top because I don't want to emotionally scar my children. Now not only am I going to look like an inept runner but I am also going to be dressed like a clown, because I have an orange tank and can only find blue or burgandy gym shorts. I hope I can dig up a pair of gray ones.
WEATHER UPDATE: It is going to be the hottest day of the year on Saturday. Low of 70 high of 93. I am going to suffer. My co worker suggests that my boss start looking for new assistants as I will probably have heat stroke and keel over and she will be lost on a highway loop in Ohio as she attempts to find King's Island.
Wedding Dress: Tasha's wedding dress is in and we will be going to Indy to pick it up next Saturday. Yeah!
Children I will be cooking hamburgers for your father on Sunday at 4:30. I will cook and you can come to eat and adore your father.
TGIF and STDOS... you know the first one...the second one is Scared to Death of Saturday.
PHRASE OF THE DAY: "Was your face in the pavement or in the snow". Now I would dearly love to explain the background of the phrase but I do not think I should share our family's dirty laundry to the web world. I will tell you that it took more then 5 minutes for us to quit laughing and I was laughing so hard I was crying. I must stay that Kendra has been extremely sharp witted since she has gotten preganant (she was before she was pregnant but now it is magnified by like a million). I think she should go on Last Comic Standing!
After our evening of laughter I went straight to bed on account of Saturday is almost here. I was going to go to the Y this morning but I did not trust myself to not participate fully in class and I am suppose to be resting in preparation for Saturday. Anytime I see someone run in front of me it sends my competitive side into overdrive and I have to catch them. Unfortunately for me last time there was a 14 year old boy in front of me. He was wicked fast and trying to get close to him almost gave me a heartattack. Wow off the subject again...anyway...where I was going with this is that I am not at the Y I am sitting at home blogging. I miss my friends at the Y...I miss spinning...I miss power hour.
White Shirt NO NO! I had my tank top all picked out to where to the Hog Jog. My daughter saw it and stared at me and said, "You're not wearing that white tank are you? Mom, Don't you know is going to happen? You are going to be sweating like crazy and you are WEARING a WHITE TEE SHIRT." She then looks at her brother (who is going with me) and says, "James you tell her! Do you want to see Mom in a wet white Tee Shirt?" James says, "Mom go find a colored tank top!" I tell him...I can't wear my orange tank because it does not match my gym shorts. He says, "Is this a fashion show or a run?" Kendra seeing that the true horror of their mother wearing a wet white tee shirt has filled her brother says, "Well they were your breakfast, lunch and dinner for awhile" So now I am going to wear the ORANGE tank top because I don't want to emotionally scar my children. Now not only am I going to look like an inept runner but I am also going to be dressed like a clown, because I have an orange tank and can only find blue or burgandy gym shorts. I hope I can dig up a pair of gray ones.
WEATHER UPDATE: It is going to be the hottest day of the year on Saturday. Low of 70 high of 93. I am going to suffer. My co worker suggests that my boss start looking for new assistants as I will probably have heat stroke and keel over and she will be lost on a highway loop in Ohio as she attempts to find King's Island.
Wedding Dress: Tasha's wedding dress is in and we will be going to Indy to pick it up next Saturday. Yeah!
Children I will be cooking hamburgers for your father on Sunday at 4:30. I will cook and you can come to eat and adore your father.
TGIF and STDOS... you know the first one...the second one is Scared to Death of Saturday.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
How True is This?
I found this on someone's blog. How true it is: "Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired." - George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Second, Third, Fourth Thoughts
I am in a panic! The 10k is this Saturday and I am NOT ready. It is going to be hot hot hot. I don't run later in the morning...I don't run in the heat...I am going to be LAST. I called my sona asked "Should I cancel?" Son says "NO NO NO I will drag you up if necessary" My son a/k/a Big Daddy has given me a shot of what if I have to walk so what if I am dead last...ack...I do not do well under pressure. Oh my gosh the things I sign up to do when I am tantalized with a free tee shirt and a free pork burger. I HATE being LAST! but I guess someone has to be last and I am sure it that being last will build character. I have a full MP3 player of cadence...I have a tank top (willing to withstand public humilation in the pursuit of staying semi cool)...I have new shoes that have been broken in...I have everything BUT endurance. My legs will hold it is my breath...Ack I am feeling the panic rise up in my chest as I write I am going to suck it up and do it. Please chant "COLD FRONT COLD FRONT COLD FRONT" At least in the winter runs I have the edge of cold tolerence. I can run in below 0 weather..because I am a sturdy woman! The itty bitty woman get frozen to the bone quick! Do I sound freaked??? I should. Because I AM! Okay calming deep breath...allowing the panic to dissapate....If I am freaking this bad over a 10k I will probably have a nervous breakdown when it gets close to the Mini. New training plan...yes another one.... Long slow runs on the weekend to build endurance....will not worry about speed...worry about running for one hour and increasing time each weekend. Okay I am going to bed....the panic is staring to rise again and I need to get lots of good sleep....REMEMBER "COLD FRONT". ACK!!!!!
Hump Day
Finally half way thru the week! Sunday turned out to be a pretty good cardio day...I ran 5 miles on Sunday(thought it was 6 but the map on the computer keeps saying 5. I think it is WRONG). Then in the late afternoon I biked 7 miles. Though the bike riding was less about cardio and more about Fruity Pebble penance. Monday was spinning...which as usual was AWESOME and then Power Hour which, and I repeat myself, was AWESOME. Tuesday did 2 miles on the treadmill. My legs were VERY tired from my Sunday and Monday workout! I finished up putting in another mile and a half on the elliptical and weight lifting. This morning I am up and suited and ready for the pool. I know you are probably tired of reading this but I HATE THE POOL. Perhaps I will not hate it so much when my NEW SWIM SUIT gets here. Yes, I found the Blair catalog It is everything I desired. Well almost, the shorts could have been a little longer. It is a Tankini, which is a Tank top and shorts for swimming. Darn somebody stole my million dollar idea! My new suit should be here in one week. In the meantime I am in the Process of "Kim's four easy steps to wearing a swim suit in public" The week before I wore my tank top instead of my ususal tee shirt. This week I will take off the tank tip while I am in the water and put it back on before getting out. I do not know why this bothers me so much but I just feel NAKED.
I did much better with food control this weekend. Still not good but all in all much better then ususal. This weekend I will tighten down a little harder and then gradually squeeze most of the bad out of my weekend.
Kendra's baby shower has been set for July 15, 2006. It will probably be at 1:00 pm at her new house!
Aunt Denise called me last night she is in Vegas! Wooo Hoooo Texas Hold Em all night long. I wish I could go but there are several things holding me back. 1) I don't fly 2) Don't like to spend money. I would rather spend it on running shoes and 3) Don't think I could control my gluttony when faced with unending buffets. So I guess I will have to settle for our (Denise and me) little trip to Michigan. In November I am going to Florida with Aunt Suzie to see Jamie get married. So I guess I will get some vacation fun. My poor husband his idea and my idea of fun are NOT the same thing. I drive him crazy because when we go on a trip I want to go go go and he wants to soak in the hot tub. Last time we went on vacation I lost several pounds despite eating like a pig because everytime he got in the hot tub I got on the treadmill and he LOVES the hot tub.
I have decided that I like biking and I need a better bike. It is unlikely I will get one anytime soon though. But I am going to keep my eyes open for sales and that Bike Shops. Perhaps I can squirrel away a litte $ here and there and before you know it can have $$$ to buy a bike. Don't need anything fancy since I am a novice but I would like something that does not creak and groan and will allow me to use more then 3 of the speeds.
Well time to go to swimming. Sob sob sob...I want the elliptical....Can't because someone told me I need to back off in preparation for the Hog Jog...or as call it my Piggie Shuffle. So today is swimming, tomorrow will just walk and lift and Friday participate in power hour but will avoid the running part. Hopefully with the help of a co Y person and my military cadence CD I will make it thru the Hog Jog. Because I am actually not ready for a 10k but am going thru with it anyway. I checked the weather and it going to be hot...which means I will whine and cry. I hate heat more then I hate swimming. Oops time to go!
I did much better with food control this weekend. Still not good but all in all much better then ususal. This weekend I will tighten down a little harder and then gradually squeeze most of the bad out of my weekend.
Kendra's baby shower has been set for July 15, 2006. It will probably be at 1:00 pm at her new house!
Aunt Denise called me last night she is in Vegas! Wooo Hoooo Texas Hold Em all night long. I wish I could go but there are several things holding me back. 1) I don't fly 2) Don't like to spend money. I would rather spend it on running shoes and 3) Don't think I could control my gluttony when faced with unending buffets. So I guess I will have to settle for our (Denise and me) little trip to Michigan. In November I am going to Florida with Aunt Suzie to see Jamie get married. So I guess I will get some vacation fun. My poor husband his idea and my idea of fun are NOT the same thing. I drive him crazy because when we go on a trip I want to go go go and he wants to soak in the hot tub. Last time we went on vacation I lost several pounds despite eating like a pig because everytime he got in the hot tub I got on the treadmill and he LOVES the hot tub.
I have decided that I like biking and I need a better bike. It is unlikely I will get one anytime soon though. But I am going to keep my eyes open for sales and that Bike Shops. Perhaps I can squirrel away a litte $ here and there and before you know it can have $$$ to buy a bike. Don't need anything fancy since I am a novice but I would like something that does not creak and groan and will allow me to use more then 3 of the speeds.
Well time to go to swimming. Sob sob sob...I want the elliptical....Can't because someone told me I need to back off in preparation for the Hog Jog...or as call it my Piggie Shuffle. So today is swimming, tomorrow will just walk and lift and Friday participate in power hour but will avoid the running part. Hopefully with the help of a co Y person and my military cadence CD I will make it thru the Hog Jog. Because I am actually not ready for a 10k but am going thru with it anyway. I checked the weather and it going to be hot...which means I will whine and cry. I hate heat more then I hate swimming. Oops time to go!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
I Puked on Daddy's Christmas Dinner

Please note that my son Jamie is not dressed in cute Christmas attire. He was. We had to put a tee shirt on him because for some reason he leaned over and puked all over his Dad's Christmas meal. Don't know if it was the excitement of Christmas or just too much junk. My mom offered to fix Jerry another plate of food he said "I'll pass". He looked a little green. Daddies are not that great with puke that is a Mommy thing.
Come See the Ducks in the Closet
On Friday husband and I went to our daughter's house to see Baby Flickard's new room. It looks really cute. Aunt Denise was there also with Amber and Abby. Abby(who is 3) was all excited about the new house and anxious to show me around (as she had just had the full tour prior to me getting there). Exicitedly she took me by the hand and said she was going to show me the Dungeon. We clattered down the steps in excitement, Abby was practically pulling me down in her haste to show me the dungeon. The dungeon was the furnance room. I went back upstairs, because I was not nearly impressed with the dungeon as she was. She then starts bouncing up and down and grabs my hand and says "Come see the Ducks in the Closet" So off Abby and I go hand in hand to the closet door. I open the closet door and there are DUCTS in the closet. Poor Abby must have been mightly dissappointed when she first got a look at the closet thinking she was going to see ducklings and all she got to see was Duct work.
Medical: Got my stitches and packing out. Ouch Ouch to the stitching removal and what a relief to have all that packing gone. My teeth are very sensative to the cold and are expected to be that way for a week or so. I took a bite of ice cream and almost jumped out of my seat. I go back in two more weeks for the Doctor to check the healing process. But so far it seems to be good.
I actually did something. Friday I ripped the baseboards out of the closet and took up the old tiles in preparation of the remodeling. Saturday was a rainy rainy day but surprisingly enough instead of laying around I actually got something accomplished. I cleaned and organized my computer room. I got all my filing done and cleaned out my closet. Which I might add was a disgusting jumble of shoes and other items. My closet is lovely now. My running shoes are all lined up like little soldiers on the shoe rack. What kind of woman am I? I have one pair of black dress shoes for work, one pair of black boots, 2 pair of casual jean shoes (black and brown) and I had 9 pair of running shoes and one pair of cross trainers. Oh I do have 2 pair of heeled sandals. After I organized my computer room and closet,I topped it off by cleaning out my junk drawer. My husband decided that I needed a sewing box after seeing the over 100 buttons I had in a tray. So he brings to me a little box for sewing items. He must think I sew because when he saw what I was going to put in the box he looked incredulous. "Is that ALL you have to put in your sewing box" "Yep that's it." He shakes his head and sighs as he puts my 100 buttons, 4 spools of thread, one package of sewing needles, one measuring tape (never used) and one thimble (also never used into my sewing box). Okay after the little organization adventure we went off to Menards to pick out tile and countertop. We had no difficulities. We agreed without argument on tile and countertop. Though he did say, "You have no idea what you like". I replied, "That's true but Iknow what I don't like" After our trip to Menards we went out to lunch. I have drawn my husband to the dark side...he went to a buffet. My husband does not particulary like to go out eat and to actually get him to a buffet...well that was amazing. I actually felt bad like I was leading him into the world of depravity and gluttony. So back home and it was not jiggity was more like "Oh don't turn the corner so fast all the food in my belly is sloshing to one side" "Ahhhh help me out of the truck I can't move" He went straight up to bed to take nap and I layed on the couch like a beached whale watching the "Corpse Bride", which was quite good I might add. Tim Burton has a very demented mind. He also did "The Nightmare Before Christmas" another excellent movie. Okay end of that day. All in all a very relaxing nice Saturday.
I now need to go for my run. My body is rebelling at the thought of running but I must as the Hog Jog is next Saturday and I am not ready. But as someone at the Y told me you can't think like that you have to think "No one is ever ready you just gotta do it". Good Motto to go by.
Medical: Got my stitches and packing out. Ouch Ouch to the stitching removal and what a relief to have all that packing gone. My teeth are very sensative to the cold and are expected to be that way for a week or so. I took a bite of ice cream and almost jumped out of my seat. I go back in two more weeks for the Doctor to check the healing process. But so far it seems to be good.
I actually did something. Friday I ripped the baseboards out of the closet and took up the old tiles in preparation of the remodeling. Saturday was a rainy rainy day but surprisingly enough instead of laying around I actually got something accomplished. I cleaned and organized my computer room. I got all my filing done and cleaned out my closet. Which I might add was a disgusting jumble of shoes and other items. My closet is lovely now. My running shoes are all lined up like little soldiers on the shoe rack. What kind of woman am I? I have one pair of black dress shoes for work, one pair of black boots, 2 pair of casual jean shoes (black and brown) and I had 9 pair of running shoes and one pair of cross trainers. Oh I do have 2 pair of heeled sandals. After I organized my computer room and closet,I topped it off by cleaning out my junk drawer. My husband decided that I needed a sewing box after seeing the over 100 buttons I had in a tray. So he brings to me a little box for sewing items. He must think I sew because when he saw what I was going to put in the box he looked incredulous. "Is that ALL you have to put in your sewing box" "Yep that's it." He shakes his head and sighs as he puts my 100 buttons, 4 spools of thread, one package of sewing needles, one measuring tape (never used) and one thimble (also never used into my sewing box). Okay after the little organization adventure we went off to Menards to pick out tile and countertop. We had no difficulities. We agreed without argument on tile and countertop. Though he did say, "You have no idea what you like". I replied, "That's true but Iknow what I don't like" After our trip to Menards we went out to lunch. I have drawn my husband to the dark side...he went to a buffet. My husband does not particulary like to go out eat and to actually get him to a buffet...well that was amazing. I actually felt bad like I was leading him into the world of depravity and gluttony. So back home and it was not jiggity was more like "Oh don't turn the corner so fast all the food in my belly is sloshing to one side" "Ahhhh help me out of the truck I can't move" He went straight up to bed to take nap and I layed on the couch like a beached whale watching the "Corpse Bride", which was quite good I might add. Tim Burton has a very demented mind. He also did "The Nightmare Before Christmas" another excellent movie. Okay end of that day. All in all a very relaxing nice Saturday.
I now need to go for my run. My body is rebelling at the thought of running but I must as the Hog Jog is next Saturday and I am not ready. But as someone at the Y told me you can't think like that you have to think "No one is ever ready you just gotta do it". Good Motto to go by.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Dead Lift
No I have not killed anyone and had to lift their body...but I did add the Dead Lift to my weightlifting program. Fun fun...but an easy lift to do incorrectly and hurt yourself. Not a lift for beginners! I did not hurt myself doing the lift but I did almost fall off the box I had to stand on to do the lift. I am truly the most ungraceful woman in the world. You should see me get off the incline bench. Another lady at the Y told me you dismount it like you would slide off a bar stool. Being as I don't go to bars that illustration did nothing to help me and so I continue with my most ungraceful dismount. Generally if an exercise takes some type of finesse I don't do it well so Line Dancing, Aroebics, Body Shop...etc are activites I am a less inclined to participate in. I had one instructor tell me I had "Poor Body Alignment". That means I am a Klutz!
AMBER: Went to my neice's birthday party last Sunday. It is hard to believe that she is 14 years old! I took care of her from the time she was born to about 1st grade. My sister worked and I took care of Amber. She was such a good kid....and still is....despite being a "little" naughty now and then. Baby Carissa came to the party and loved the saucer and the outdoor baby swing. She is just a little heart stealer. She was a swimsuit model for the day as Aunt Denise had bought her a new swimsuit with the cutest little butt ruffle on it. She paired it with a little hat and Carissa was "Styling" big time. Tyson and Abby swam and jumped on the trampoline. I got on the trampoline with them and that was just exhausting. Those little monsters also stole the socks right off my feet while I was on the trampoline. Somehow I ended up belly down on the trampoline with a 3 1/2 and a 8 year old on my back and then the next thing you know my socks are being waved around in the air. They were just laughing up a storm...end tired Grandma/Aunt Kim, One slightly bruised eye for Abby (a elbow got her in the eye). And as usually when it was time for me to get off the trampoline my dismount left much to be desired. I practically fell off the trampoline and I heard at least one one giggle in the background. I hope NO ONE got pictures of any of that!
Baby Shower: Kendra's baby shower is tentatively set for Saturday July 1, I am thinking about 2:00 but need to confirm with all before I set that time. We will be having it at Kendra's new house. Baby Flickard's room is painted now and ready to be decorated.
July 4, 2006. Will be having a cookout. Time to be announced at a later time. It will be a carry in.
AMBER: Went to my neice's birthday party last Sunday. It is hard to believe that she is 14 years old! I took care of her from the time she was born to about 1st grade. My sister worked and I took care of Amber. She was such a good kid....and still is....despite being a "little" naughty now and then. Baby Carissa came to the party and loved the saucer and the outdoor baby swing. She is just a little heart stealer. She was a swimsuit model for the day as Aunt Denise had bought her a new swimsuit with the cutest little butt ruffle on it. She paired it with a little hat and Carissa was "Styling" big time. Tyson and Abby swam and jumped on the trampoline. I got on the trampoline with them and that was just exhausting. Those little monsters also stole the socks right off my feet while I was on the trampoline. Somehow I ended up belly down on the trampoline with a 3 1/2 and a 8 year old on my back and then the next thing you know my socks are being waved around in the air. They were just laughing up a storm...end tired Grandma/Aunt Kim, One slightly bruised eye for Abby (a elbow got her in the eye). And as usually when it was time for me to get off the trampoline my dismount left much to be desired. I practically fell off the trampoline and I heard at least one one giggle in the background. I hope NO ONE got pictures of any of that!
Baby Shower: Kendra's baby shower is tentatively set for Saturday July 1, I am thinking about 2:00 but need to confirm with all before I set that time. We will be having it at Kendra's new house. Baby Flickard's room is painted now and ready to be decorated.
July 4, 2006. Will be having a cookout. Time to be announced at a later time. It will be a carry in.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Reducing Spinnation
I had to run 5 miles and I couldn't. I had to walk run walk run etc. I don't know why but my weekend runs have been unsuccessful. I think it might be my Friday workouts. On Friday I do both spinning and power hour. So that is about 2 hours of pretty intense workout. So for the next two fridays I am not going to spin. Hopefully that will allow me to get my 5.5 miles in next weekend and then next the following Saturday is the Hog Jog. I am hoping that will make a difference. I think when I start training for the Mini I probably should not spin at all but just focus on running.
TRI: I worked the Triathalon yesterday and it was awesome! My friend Barb, who goes to the Y, had a daughter in the swimming portion of the Tri. She is only 13/14 years old and she was 13th out of the water...out of at least 89 people. GO GIRL! I am so proud of her!!! She swam for a lady(Tina) who did the bike/run portion. I was so jealous...I wish I could do a tri but seeing as I can't swim, bike like crap and run a little better then I bike that I probably should put that on the shelf.
Strawberry Festival: After the triatholon I went to the Strawberry Festival with my daughter and my grandson Tyson. My daughter's friend was dancing there. It was amazing! The woman is 5 months pregnant and did the SPLITS! She also has a 3 year old daughter who came out at the end and did a little bit of dancing. They looked so cute together. When you watch Jenny dance you could just tell she "FEELS" the music. She is very talented and if she dances that well when she is pregnant she must be amazing when she is not! Ended my day of triatholon fun, strawberry festival fun, a trip to Dick's Sporting Goods (to buy yet another pair of running shoes)and a good lunch with a trip to the grocery store. Blah grocery shopping...but I was out of apples and fresh vegtables which are a primary part of my food had to go.
Sunday Morning Fun: Aside from my unsuccessful run, I have cleaned my bathroom. I have the grossest bathroom in town and need House Makeover 911 to come and remodel my bathroom. I have straightened up the living room, did a couple loads of laundry and now must get ready to go to church and I would bet my paycheck that I am going to ZZZZZZZZ during church. I try not to. I drink coffee, I drink water, I tap my foot, I pinch myself but the next thing I know I go into a staring trance and the next thing I know I am feeling my husband's elbow in my rib and get a well deserved glare of disapproval. Bad Kim! I am going to my neices birthday party this afternoon and hopefully will get the closet cleaned out so my husband can put some additional shelving in our utility closest. He wants to rip out my closet but then where will I stash all my treasures? So I finally convinced him the closet should remain but we should just add some more shelving.
Kendra and Lucas: Will be getting the keys to their new house on Monday! Yeah for Kendra and Lucas! And yeah that Baby Flickard's crib, changing table and dresser will be out of my computer room and I will be able to get to my filing cabinit. Not that I really mind but my body is rebelling at the climbing and twisting it takes to get my filing done.
TRI: I worked the Triathalon yesterday and it was awesome! My friend Barb, who goes to the Y, had a daughter in the swimming portion of the Tri. She is only 13/14 years old and she was 13th out of the water...out of at least 89 people. GO GIRL! I am so proud of her!!! She swam for a lady(Tina) who did the bike/run portion. I was so jealous...I wish I could do a tri but seeing as I can't swim, bike like crap and run a little better then I bike that I probably should put that on the shelf.
Strawberry Festival: After the triatholon I went to the Strawberry Festival with my daughter and my grandson Tyson. My daughter's friend was dancing there. It was amazing! The woman is 5 months pregnant and did the SPLITS! She also has a 3 year old daughter who came out at the end and did a little bit of dancing. They looked so cute together. When you watch Jenny dance you could just tell she "FEELS" the music. She is very talented and if she dances that well when she is pregnant she must be amazing when she is not! Ended my day of triatholon fun, strawberry festival fun, a trip to Dick's Sporting Goods (to buy yet another pair of running shoes)and a good lunch with a trip to the grocery store. Blah grocery shopping...but I was out of apples and fresh vegtables which are a primary part of my food had to go.
Sunday Morning Fun: Aside from my unsuccessful run, I have cleaned my bathroom. I have the grossest bathroom in town and need House Makeover 911 to come and remodel my bathroom. I have straightened up the living room, did a couple loads of laundry and now must get ready to go to church and I would bet my paycheck that I am going to ZZZZZZZZ during church. I try not to. I drink coffee, I drink water, I tap my foot, I pinch myself but the next thing I know I go into a staring trance and the next thing I know I am feeling my husband's elbow in my rib and get a well deserved glare of disapproval. Bad Kim! I am going to my neices birthday party this afternoon and hopefully will get the closet cleaned out so my husband can put some additional shelving in our utility closest. He wants to rip out my closet but then where will I stash all my treasures? So I finally convinced him the closet should remain but we should just add some more shelving.
Kendra and Lucas: Will be getting the keys to their new house on Monday! Yeah for Kendra and Lucas! And yeah that Baby Flickard's crib, changing table and dresser will be out of my computer room and I will be able to get to my filing cabinit. Not that I really mind but my body is rebelling at the climbing and twisting it takes to get my filing done.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Screwed up the courage and guess what?
I finally got the courage to sign up for the Mini. Thanks to Runner Susan's encouragement.! I got to the page where it said pick your estimated time of completion. Did not know what to pick...should I just go with the 4 hours or go with like 3.25??? They did not have a "Please God Let Me Finish" time. ACK I did not know what to do so exited out and put in a phone call to someone that has ran the Mini. Hopefully I will get my consulation phone call returned and I can sign up before the day is over! I am already nervous and antsy about the 10k and I know I will be the last one in. But I guess that is okay because someone has to be might as well be me. I ordered my military cadance tapes and they should be here before then! Yeah I hope they work miracles.
Music: I have rediscovered the joys of Michael Jackson, Van Morrison, Bad Company and Exile this morning! I tucked away my top 10 play list to go back in time. I had to have a little fun and listen to Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing". I tell you Michael Jackson will make your feet move! I was practically going over the top of my treadmill and had to increase the speed to 5.6, 5.8 and 5.9 for the last mile! Go Kim Go! I aim to be a 11 minute mile girl by the end of the year. At least that is to do a 5k holding a consistent 11. Oops back to work....
Music: I have rediscovered the joys of Michael Jackson, Van Morrison, Bad Company and Exile this morning! I tucked away my top 10 play list to go back in time. I had to have a little fun and listen to Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing". I tell you Michael Jackson will make your feet move! I was practically going over the top of my treadmill and had to increase the speed to 5.6, 5.8 and 5.9 for the last mile! Go Kim Go! I aim to be a 11 minute mile girl by the end of the year. At least that is to do a 5k holding a consistent 11. Oops back to work....
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