1. I do not think about stopping and calling a cab while I am out on a run.
2. I feel like puking, passing out and laying down in the road when I get to the top of the hill but I manage to refrain.
3. I was able to do math in my head while running (how may candy bars will this earn me for the weekend) (calculating whether this run could give me a calorie deficit for the day)
4. I am able to utter 4 word sentences periodically.
5. After a run I do not feel like someone took a ball bat and worked me over.
6. I am starting to think about time instead of just "Okay I just got to finish the route...it does not matter how long it takes"
7. I don't want to roll into a fetal position and cry at the thought of doing the Mini.
8. I don't have to wear my lucky shorts to run. I am relying on my own strength..not the supernatural powers of my faded old blue mens' gym shorts (neither do I need my lucky underwear or lucky socks..okay maybe my lucky socks)
9. My jeans have gotten tighter in the thighs on account of my awesome thigh mass increase...NO IT IS NOT FAT...OR THUNDER THIGHS...THEY ARE POWER THIGHS.
10. I always look forward to my next run!
Sunday run: AWESOME 4.23 miles in 42 minutes...quite good for me! And I was not sore afterwards!
PHRASE OF THE DAY: By Abby on Saturday: "Aunt Kim you have a lot of power" ...gee out of the mouth of a babe pours truth!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Me and Aunt Kim

This is a post by Abby (4 years old)
I baked cookies. We sprinkled them. We ate them. I am going to take them all home. We putting black frosting on the cookies and we put white frosting on the cookies. I made a project. I made a house and painted house. I played for 5 minutes before the cookies were ready and we put frosting on them and Kimmie put them in the oven and I put them on the baker thing and then I played for 5 minutes and then I was ready to eat them.
Wow So Much Going On!
Household (boooooring): Last Saturday got 1/2 of the privacy fence up. Fencing is not easy and I soon was very bored with it. Thank goodness my son in law came over to help and relieved me from the job. I have no concept of what is straight, neither do I understand the concept of a level....so I heard a lot of "Kim are you holding that up straight?" and my poor poor suffering husband heard alot of "I dunno". So I think he was every bit as relieved as I was when Lucas showed up. I also now have a bedroom door again! My weapon of mass destruction (Lizzie my sweet teddy bear looking dog)http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1216/1437/1600/dog.0.jpg completely chewed and clawed my bedroom door up. So it came off and we had to go doorless for awhile till we figured out what we were going to do. Our solution is that she is now locked in the laundry room while we are gone (Zedo however can be free) and my husband has reinforced the door frame with metal so she can't claw her way out. We have tried baby gates but she leaps over them effortlessly and if we put them up higher she snakes under...she completely flattens her body and goes under...it is amazing. So unless I have a babygate 5 foot high a baby gate will not stop my dog/gazelle. Oh and Zedo is not allowed in the living room without parental supervision...ever since he violated my gym bag by PEEING on it I have lobbied to have him banned from the living room. I was met halfway and now he can only go in there while supervised. DOGS ARE MORE TROUBLE THEN KIDS! Adam, Tyson and Carissa have yet to pee on my gym bag....though Adam tried to pee on my couch!
Tyson: Won his Superbowl! He did awesome and his name was called over the loudspeaker twice for tackles. Grandma was at the fence cheering him on! I know football players are not suppose to look cute...but by golly he does. Tyson don't forget to put November 11 on you calendar and I will pick you up and we will go to the movie and Chuckie Cheese!
Carrissa: She took a little wobbly step toward Grandma! Look out Brad and Natalie when she is completely mobile you will not ever sit down.
Adam: What a guy...my heart just fills with love everytime I think of him. He loves his Grandpa so much! He just lays in his Grandpa's arms and is just so content. He has his very first Halloween coming up and he is going to be a little skeleton. He is coming to Grandma's to trick treat and he is getting a can of Good Start Soy Formula for his trick or treat bag...and a owl rattle. Grandma bought him M&Ms too but I will have to be his M&M Proxy...too bad.......
Running: Ohhh my favorite part. Since I have been running with others I have been improving so much...not that it would be hard to improve as I STINK, but hey progress is progress. I did my Thursday run which is somewhere between 5 and 5 1/2 and I only stopped ONE time and that was at the water fountain which is a usual stop. I went up 4th Street hill and DID NOT STOP (granted I was slow as molasses)AND I did not stop when I got to the top and I made it up the two smaller hills on the way back. WOW. All I can say it I am so thankful for the encouragement I got from Jeff, Leo and Karen. No stopping for Kimmie whooooo hooooooo I am Athena Goddess of the Chubby Runner. Best of all I have no residual pain! I am gearing up for the Mini and under advisment have decided to add a 4th day of running which means I am going to have to cut something from my workout and after reviewing my workout it appears spinning will have to go. Why I chose spinning was because it is mostly legs and power hour is total body.
Swimming: So much improvement. I am even proud of myself and I am never never never proud of myself. My hope is to do and entire lap without taking that little break at the end...but at least now I can take a 30-60 second break and then go again...use to be I could not even make it 1/2 of the way down without stopping. Now don't get me wrong I still whine and complain during the Aqua power hour but I can whine and participate now. Usually I whine about the excessive amount of splashing and waves that the good swimmers make. Sigh...they never feel sorry for me and Jill just says for me to get moving (I love that girl..she has been a world of encouragement to me!).
WEDDING: One week from today my son Jamie will be married to a most wonderful girl. I am so happy that he found someone that he loves so deeply. I will be heading off to sunny Floriday on Thursday morning, on Saturday I will watch my son pledge his love to the future mother of my grandchildren. Jamie don't forget a woman can never have to many grandchildren and Adam, Tyson and Carissa need cousins...is that a subtle hint or what.....
WARNING: IF A NIECE CALLS AND STARTS THE CONVERSATION WITH "Aunt Kim" in soft conjoling voice. HANG UP AND DON'T ANSWER IF SHE CALLS BACK! What happens when you take a phone call like that is: You end up staying out late two Friday nights in a row, standing out in the rain and the cold, and walking people thru a very dark dark haunted mansion while wearing a black robe. Just kidding Amber I had a great time doing this with you!
Tyson: Won his Superbowl! He did awesome and his name was called over the loudspeaker twice for tackles. Grandma was at the fence cheering him on! I know football players are not suppose to look cute...but by golly he does. Tyson don't forget to put November 11 on you calendar and I will pick you up and we will go to the movie and Chuckie Cheese!
Carrissa: She took a little wobbly step toward Grandma! Look out Brad and Natalie when she is completely mobile you will not ever sit down.
Adam: What a guy...my heart just fills with love everytime I think of him. He loves his Grandpa so much! He just lays in his Grandpa's arms and is just so content. He has his very first Halloween coming up and he is going to be a little skeleton. He is coming to Grandma's to trick treat and he is getting a can of Good Start Soy Formula for his trick or treat bag...and a owl rattle. Grandma bought him M&Ms too but I will have to be his M&M Proxy...too bad.......
Running: Ohhh my favorite part. Since I have been running with others I have been improving so much...not that it would be hard to improve as I STINK, but hey progress is progress. I did my Thursday run which is somewhere between 5 and 5 1/2 and I only stopped ONE time and that was at the water fountain which is a usual stop. I went up 4th Street hill and DID NOT STOP (granted I was slow as molasses)AND I did not stop when I got to the top and I made it up the two smaller hills on the way back. WOW. All I can say it I am so thankful for the encouragement I got from Jeff, Leo and Karen. No stopping for Kimmie whooooo hooooooo I am Athena Goddess of the Chubby Runner. Best of all I have no residual pain! I am gearing up for the Mini and under advisment have decided to add a 4th day of running which means I am going to have to cut something from my workout and after reviewing my workout it appears spinning will have to go. Why I chose spinning was because it is mostly legs and power hour is total body.
Swimming: So much improvement. I am even proud of myself and I am never never never proud of myself. My hope is to do and entire lap without taking that little break at the end...but at least now I can take a 30-60 second break and then go again...use to be I could not even make it 1/2 of the way down without stopping. Now don't get me wrong I still whine and complain during the Aqua power hour but I can whine and participate now. Usually I whine about the excessive amount of splashing and waves that the good swimmers make. Sigh...they never feel sorry for me and Jill just says for me to get moving (I love that girl..she has been a world of encouragement to me!).
WEDDING: One week from today my son Jamie will be married to a most wonderful girl. I am so happy that he found someone that he loves so deeply. I will be heading off to sunny Floriday on Thursday morning, on Saturday I will watch my son pledge his love to the future mother of my grandchildren. Jamie don't forget a woman can never have to many grandchildren and Adam, Tyson and Carissa need cousins...is that a subtle hint or what.....
WARNING: IF A NIECE CALLS AND STARTS THE CONVERSATION WITH "Aunt Kim" in soft conjoling voice. HANG UP AND DON'T ANSWER IF SHE CALLS BACK! What happens when you take a phone call like that is: You end up staying out late two Friday nights in a row, standing out in the rain and the cold, and walking people thru a very dark dark haunted mansion while wearing a black robe. Just kidding Amber I had a great time doing this with you!
Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Picture Jeff bring me in. Katherine is the one in the long blue pants and white shirt who is right behind me...before I really kicked it in. I am just starting to feel the energy....Second picture is around mile two. The two woman in red were my first pace woman. Notice Katherin sprinting away from me AGAIN.
There were no Tears Shed that Day
Pumpkin Push 10k: 1 hour 11 minutes 20 seconds. Average Pace per mile 11:29.
Okay not the best I could have done but there were no tears, no thoughts of quitting and I did not think I was going to die. All in all I am not too depressed about the results. I took the big hill in the beginning very well. Did not stop...completed the first mile at 11:10 minutes (which included the big hill so I am very okay with that!). But at some point in the 2nd mile I lost it. I just got kinda freaked and panicked and next thing I new I was walking. I waited for the two woman behind me to catch up with me and then I started pacing with them and I was fine again. I told them I was so glad they were here because I needed to be paced and that I do not do well by myself. They welcomed me to their group and I stayed with them for a little while. However, I got ahead of them and then noticed I was by myself again and started feeling like I was having trouble controlling my breathing again so slowed to a walk. I heard yells from the behind me. It was the ladies that were previously pacing me. They were yelling for me to "GET GOING" I love these woman! Then I heard yells from the other side of the road. It was my friends from the Y they were on the route back. They said "Keep going Kim! I told them when they finished to send someone back to bring me in. Soon Ifound another lady ahead of me had to work to get her but caught up with her and paced with her. Thanked her for being there...she said glad for the company. She was a previous heavy smoker that quit and found her way to fitness. She said the nicest thing to me. She asked me if I weight trained. I said that I did and then she said I HAD AWESOME CALF MUSCLES and she would LOVE to have definition like I have. I stayed just a little ahead her for awhile. Then before I knew it I was by myself again (notice I have actually at this point passed 3 people! Go Kim! Inever pass anyone!) once I discovered I was by myself again. I felt like I could not catch my breath again and started walking (my walking never was more then 1 minute at a time). I saw my friend Katherine ahead of me...now Katherine has made it her mission to beat me in the chute....she was ahead of me the entire time and she would keep looking back...she was walking/sprinting/joggin ...she wanted to keep tabs on where I was and everytime I would get close to her she would quit walking and start sprinting. We were in the last mile and I knew I had to beat Katherine because I could not let her have her fondest wish.... However I was getting tired and I had to PEE really really bad (which I had to from the beginning but was afraid to go because I would miss the gun). So just when I thought I could not possible pick it up and beat her in the chute Jeff appeared. He had come back for me! He said come on Kim less then 1/2 mile you can do this and it appeared...my energy....the finish line. Goodby my dear friend Katherine! I will see you at the finish line...I will be waiting for you and I PASSED KATHERINE! Whoooo HOOOOOOOO.....My husband said I kicked it in...he has a picture of me kicking it in which I will not post because it is UGLY! I look like I am in the throes of death. But I am posting a picture of me near mile two and where Jeff picked me up to get me going again. All in all a good time! I know I can do better though! I just have to train more intense! Final results I was not last or next to last there were 5 people behind me this time! My husband came to the race with me...baby Adam, his mother and father were at the finish line for me, my friends at the Y were waiting at the finish line for me...oh how I long for the day when they don't have to wait at the finish line for me! Well enough time blogging for now I am suppose to be getting ready for church!
Okay not the best I could have done but there were no tears, no thoughts of quitting and I did not think I was going to die. All in all I am not too depressed about the results. I took the big hill in the beginning very well. Did not stop...completed the first mile at 11:10 minutes (which included the big hill so I am very okay with that!). But at some point in the 2nd mile I lost it. I just got kinda freaked and panicked and next thing I new I was walking. I waited for the two woman behind me to catch up with me and then I started pacing with them and I was fine again. I told them I was so glad they were here because I needed to be paced and that I do not do well by myself. They welcomed me to their group and I stayed with them for a little while. However, I got ahead of them and then noticed I was by myself again and started feeling like I was having trouble controlling my breathing again so slowed to a walk. I heard yells from the behind me. It was the ladies that were previously pacing me. They were yelling for me to "GET GOING" I love these woman! Then I heard yells from the other side of the road. It was my friends from the Y they were on the route back. They said "Keep going Kim! I told them when they finished to send someone back to bring me in. Soon Ifound another lady ahead of me had to work to get her but caught up with her and paced with her. Thanked her for being there...she said glad for the company. She was a previous heavy smoker that quit and found her way to fitness. She said the nicest thing to me. She asked me if I weight trained. I said that I did and then she said I HAD AWESOME CALF MUSCLES and she would LOVE to have definition like I have. I stayed just a little ahead her for awhile. Then before I knew it I was by myself again (notice I have actually at this point passed 3 people! Go Kim! Inever pass anyone!) once I discovered I was by myself again. I felt like I could not catch my breath again and started walking (my walking never was more then 1 minute at a time). I saw my friend Katherine ahead of me...now Katherine has made it her mission to beat me in the chute....she was ahead of me the entire time and she would keep looking back...she was walking/sprinting/joggin ...she wanted to keep tabs on where I was and everytime I would get close to her she would quit walking and start sprinting. We were in the last mile and I knew I had to beat Katherine because I could not let her have her fondest wish.... However I was getting tired and I had to PEE really really bad (which I had to from the beginning but was afraid to go because I would miss the gun). So just when I thought I could not possible pick it up and beat her in the chute Jeff appeared. He had come back for me! He said come on Kim less then 1/2 mile you can do this and it appeared...my energy....the finish line. Goodby my dear friend Katherine! I will see you at the finish line...I will be waiting for you and I PASSED KATHERINE! Whoooo HOOOOOOOO.....My husband said I kicked it in...he has a picture of me kicking it in which I will not post because it is UGLY! I look like I am in the throes of death. But I am posting a picture of me near mile two and where Jeff picked me up to get me going again. All in all a good time! I know I can do better though! I just have to train more intense! Final results I was not last or next to last there were 5 people behind me this time! My husband came to the race with me...baby Adam, his mother and father were at the finish line for me, my friends at the Y were waiting at the finish line for me...oh how I long for the day when they don't have to wait at the finish line for me! Well enough time blogging for now I am suppose to be getting ready for church!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Repeat after me, "Kim is not a glutton"
This should go down in the Feast of the Hunter's Moon history. I did not eat my way around the feast. I did not eat 4 Bridies, 2 Buffalo Burgers, 1 Apple Dumpling, 1 Bag of Parched Corn, 1 Bag of Cashews, 1 Indiana Fry Bread, 2 Apple Ciders and 1 Fruited Lemondade as I did the last time I went to the Feast(***warning**** that type of food consumption will make one mightly sick!). This year I ate only 1 Bridie and 1 Buffalo Burger and some dried Cherries. This is the first time ever I actually sent more money on stuff then on food! I was so proud of myself and as a big thank you my body gave me the best weekend run I have had in months and months and months. Sunday morning 4 miles and NO WALKING. I could have gone longer but I would have missed Sunday School. I really think that running with others is making me stronger. Yes I was feeling discomfort but it was not anything I could not deal with! I went up the slightly big hill and turned a corner and went up a small hill and I did not stop at all. UP UP went Kim...chug chug chug and she continued to chug and then snap the discomfort reduced substantially.
So Sunday morning run..AWESOME. It was around 35ish when I went out so I wore long pants and long sleeve shirt....big mistake for this premenopausal woman I was sweating profusely within 15 minutes. I guess I just need to wear shorts and short sleeved shirt and tough out the first 15 minutes so that I am comfortable for the duration.
Friday: Spent some one on one Grandma and Grandma time with my little guy. He was introduced to Charlie's Angels by Grandpa...Grandma took him to the other extreme and had him watching Mama's Family. He was a perfect angel the entire time I watched him. His mother and father got home just in time for his colic time. Next time Kendra' says she will start her evening later so she can get home later and Grandma can deal with the colic time.
Saturday: Feast of the Hunter's Moon (note previouse paragraph for fantastic, stupendous food control). Adam got to go to his first Feast of the Hunters Moon. Grandpa walked around with him alot. He did very well! After the Feast I stopped by to see Ty and Carissa. Ty was too busy to stay in with Grandma. When I pulled up there were lots of little boys hanging out in the yard..running, playing and just generally being boys. Carissa showed off her crawling skills and got her first bloody mouth when she lost her balance and bonked her face on her toy. I then proceeded to the Mall where I was once again tramautized by clothes shopping. Those dresses looked great on the rack but somewhere between my taking the clothes from the rack and putting it on my body the dress altered in some hideous manner and it was NOT the dress I saw on the rack. I wanted to throw myself on the ground in the middle of Macys and kick and scream and bang my head on the floor. Needless to say I found nothing to wear at Macys. I then repeated the same at JC Penneys, CJ Banks and Kohls. Finally I went to Sears, if I did not find anything there I was going to Bed Bath and Beyond and by a silk sheet and wear it to my son's wedding toga style. Lucky lucky for my son I found a dress that will be serviceable. It is not the dress of my choice but I still have 3 weeks to look and if I am unsuccessful this dress will be adequate. I don't look too hideous in it...just mildly YUCK. I HATE CLOTHES SHOPPING! When I was a very fat girl I hated it with a passion and afterwards would have to calm myself with Pepe's Chili Con Queso and Strawberry Margaritas (please note the plural form!)...now I hate it but I can do it without the aid of Chili Con Queso and Strawberry Margaritas...now I just need take 3 tylnol and to lay down on the couch with cool washcloth on my forehead. I don't think I will ever adapt to clothes shopping. My inner fat girl is just to strong.
Sunday: Lazy lazy lazy girl. I come home from church and laid around doing nothing. I ran in the morning and that was about it. Hmmmm I wonder where that slugginess comes from???
Monday: Off to work Grandma Kimmie goes....home again home again jiggity jig. Daughter and son in law come over. In the kitchen...grandma holding Adam...husband looks at wife/grandma...has a dismayed look on his face, he points to Grandma/wife's arm...daughter stares and smiles...Daughter shakes her head, smiles and pokes at the arm, husband looks resigned, Grandma/wife has got a honking big bicep....Great for holding small babies in her arms. Husband says somebody is lifting weights again. Wife/Grandma says no no I am not increasing weight it just keeps growing on its own. Husband says HUMPH!
For the most part tis true...I have not been increasing weights...just every once in a while I want to see what I can bench...you know to check for improvement. My muscles have a mind of their own! I am not meaning to look like Lucy Lawless (well a flabby old Lucy Lawless).
So Sunday morning run..AWESOME. It was around 35ish when I went out so I wore long pants and long sleeve shirt....big mistake for this premenopausal woman I was sweating profusely within 15 minutes. I guess I just need to wear shorts and short sleeved shirt and tough out the first 15 minutes so that I am comfortable for the duration.
Friday: Spent some one on one Grandma and Grandma time with my little guy. He was introduced to Charlie's Angels by Grandpa...Grandma took him to the other extreme and had him watching Mama's Family. He was a perfect angel the entire time I watched him. His mother and father got home just in time for his colic time. Next time Kendra' says she will start her evening later so she can get home later and Grandma can deal with the colic time.
Saturday: Feast of the Hunter's Moon (note previouse paragraph for fantastic, stupendous food control). Adam got to go to his first Feast of the Hunters Moon. Grandpa walked around with him alot. He did very well! After the Feast I stopped by to see Ty and Carissa. Ty was too busy to stay in with Grandma. When I pulled up there were lots of little boys hanging out in the yard..running, playing and just generally being boys. Carissa showed off her crawling skills and got her first bloody mouth when she lost her balance and bonked her face on her toy. I then proceeded to the Mall where I was once again tramautized by clothes shopping. Those dresses looked great on the rack but somewhere between my taking the clothes from the rack and putting it on my body the dress altered in some hideous manner and it was NOT the dress I saw on the rack. I wanted to throw myself on the ground in the middle of Macys and kick and scream and bang my head on the floor. Needless to say I found nothing to wear at Macys. I then repeated the same at JC Penneys, CJ Banks and Kohls. Finally I went to Sears, if I did not find anything there I was going to Bed Bath and Beyond and by a silk sheet and wear it to my son's wedding toga style. Lucky lucky for my son I found a dress that will be serviceable. It is not the dress of my choice but I still have 3 weeks to look and if I am unsuccessful this dress will be adequate. I don't look too hideous in it...just mildly YUCK. I HATE CLOTHES SHOPPING! When I was a very fat girl I hated it with a passion and afterwards would have to calm myself with Pepe's Chili Con Queso and Strawberry Margaritas (please note the plural form!)...now I hate it but I can do it without the aid of Chili Con Queso and Strawberry Margaritas...now I just need take 3 tylnol and to lay down on the couch with cool washcloth on my forehead. I don't think I will ever adapt to clothes shopping. My inner fat girl is just to strong.
Sunday: Lazy lazy lazy girl. I come home from church and laid around doing nothing. I ran in the morning and that was about it. Hmmmm I wonder where that slugginess comes from???
Monday: Off to work Grandma Kimmie goes....home again home again jiggity jig. Daughter and son in law come over. In the kitchen...grandma holding Adam...husband looks at wife/grandma...has a dismayed look on his face, he points to Grandma/wife's arm...daughter stares and smiles...Daughter shakes her head, smiles and pokes at the arm, husband looks resigned, Grandma/wife has got a honking big bicep....Great for holding small babies in her arms. Husband says somebody is lifting weights again. Wife/Grandma says no no I am not increasing weight it just keeps growing on its own. Husband says HUMPH!
For the most part tis true...I have not been increasing weights...just every once in a while I want to see what I can bench...you know to check for improvement. My muscles have a mind of their own! I am not meaning to look like Lucy Lawless (well a flabby old Lucy Lawless).
Friday, October 06, 2006
The Top of the Hill
I have this hill on my route and I have not been able to make it up without at least walking 90%. Thursday I made it and only walked a few seconds...long enough for someone to say...hey keep moving. So I made it! Granted I had to walk when I got to the top to catch my breath and I really wasn't running all that fast (more of an accelerated shuffle) but I made it! AND IT IS A BIG BIG LONG HILL! I should have listened to the advice that was given to me and just kept moving at the top and it would feel better but no not me I think I gotta walk at the top..... later on another hill I tried it and they were right it does get better if you keep going, the discomfort does subside...you just gotta tough it out. However at the time I thought I was gonna die if I did not walk...so once again my mind suckered me...... But success over all. The 5 mile route I did had very very few walk breaks...one after I actually sprinted up a little hill....one at the top of the GIANT hill and one little walk right before the last mile and half. So good for me. I just feel like I am getting stronger....I hope it was not just a fluke and it is actual progress. Once I get stronger then I will work on speed. I also found that if I eat something before going out in the morning I feel so much better. But I have to eat just the right amount, not to little, not to much. Usally dinner at 6:30 pm. is my last food for the day...no snacks...so that is along time to go without eating and having to work that hard (5 miles for some people is not hard..for me it is). So when I got up I had 1 tablespoon of honey, 1/2 tablespoon of peanut butter and two dry pieces of light wheat toast. The peanut butter it eaten NOT on the bread...why you ask because when it comes to peanut butter toast I am an addict...so I can have peanut butter and I can have toast but NEVER NEVER NEVER TOGETHER. My new favorite kick start for my morning on just general workout days is 1 Tablespoon honey. 60 calories...no fat and I have my diabetes controlled enough that it does not whack my sugar to badly. I need to test again today just to make sure. Spinning and Power Hour this morning was awesome..though could not do jumping jacks b/c my knee hurt. After the Pumpkin Push I will take a week or two and run 1 day a week and do the eliptical two days a week to give my knee a rest. I will still do the other classes though! Then it is start working hard for the Mini Marathon. I am not going to stress about it. It will be a walk/run combo b/c this will be my first one and my goal is just to finish and not to get picked up by the "You are too slow bus". (minimum 18 minute mile is what you have to do to not get picked up by the bus). Okay enough about that I am sure my family members are rolling their eyes and saying "Oh my gosh...you are so boooooring.....no one cares about your stupid workouts." Or perhaps they are thinking, "I wish she would stop working out we are NEVER going to get our inheritance at this rate." Well FYI family I am spending ALL of your inheritance at the Dollar Store this weekend.
Well that's all for now....lunch time....peanut butter sandwich (yes I can have a sandwich it is toast that I can't have...there is nothing more delicious then crunchy toast with the peanut butter all warm and gooey), some cauliflower with a tablespoon and a half of low fat ranch, a big apple and some pretzels as a treat!
Well that's all for now....lunch time....peanut butter sandwich (yes I can have a sandwich it is toast that I can't have...there is nothing more delicious then crunchy toast with the peanut butter all warm and gooey), some cauliflower with a tablespoon and a half of low fat ranch, a big apple and some pretzels as a treat!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Running to No Where
Okay...Monday I slacked off and did not go to spinning but I did make it to Power Hour. I just felt like sleeping in and staying home. Monday night I walked 3 1/2 miles with my husband. He is really getting into this exercising and thoughts of running are going thru his mind.
Tuesday: 4 miles (3.25 running/.75 walking) and then a little lifting The running was on the treadmill with a .5 incline....Oh how boring is the treadmill...no matter how long I go I keep seeing the same stuff.
Wed: Swimming...it actually went okay but I need to do some serious work.
Thursday: Planned for 5 miles so have to get to bed early tonight and get lots of rest!
Updates: Shed: Should be delivered today. It will be a 12X20 prebuilt. That is so I can get around those pesky little building permits. If it is already built and you just slap it down no "building" is being done. After that we will start our privacy fence. I would like to have a moat and guard tower but alas my husband has vetoed those options.
Baby Adam: Over 12 pounds and not even a month old till tomorrow. He has outgrown 0-3 months and is now in his 3-6 months. He will be spending some one on one time with Grandma this Friday!
Baby Carissa: Cute Cute Cute. She is crawling all over the place! She wore her little Colt's outfit this weekend and looked so adorable.
Tyson: Had another game this weekend. His team is undefeated so far! You can tell he just loves football! He looks so cute in his football pads! I know you are not suppose to say a football player looks "cute" but by golly he does.
Oop time to go back to work!
Tuesday: 4 miles (3.25 running/.75 walking) and then a little lifting The running was on the treadmill with a .5 incline....Oh how boring is the treadmill...no matter how long I go I keep seeing the same stuff.
Wed: Swimming...it actually went okay but I need to do some serious work.
Thursday: Planned for 5 miles so have to get to bed early tonight and get lots of rest!
Updates: Shed: Should be delivered today. It will be a 12X20 prebuilt. That is so I can get around those pesky little building permits. If it is already built and you just slap it down no "building" is being done. After that we will start our privacy fence. I would like to have a moat and guard tower but alas my husband has vetoed those options.
Baby Adam: Over 12 pounds and not even a month old till tomorrow. He has outgrown 0-3 months and is now in his 3-6 months. He will be spending some one on one time with Grandma this Friday!
Baby Carissa: Cute Cute Cute. She is crawling all over the place! She wore her little Colt's outfit this weekend and looked so adorable.
Tyson: Had another game this weekend. His team is undefeated so far! You can tell he just loves football! He looks so cute in his football pads! I know you are not suppose to say a football player looks "cute" but by golly he does.
Oop time to go back to work!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Make it Hurt Please
Friday Morning Workout: INTENSE. Lots of sprintwork. Seal walking ( a horrible horrible exercise), pushups/pullups/tricep dips....more sprintwork. Saturday morning I was sore and my muscles were saying..."Oh No you are NOT doing any working out today" Ha since my body bales on me all the time this was the perfect time to torture it. So......
Yesterday morning was a practice for the 10k pumpkin push. My plan was to mostly walk on account of the extreme muscle soreness. But I popped two extra strength pain Tylonol and ended up doing way more running then I had ever intended. I had already done my steady longer run on Thursday so Saturday my plan was just to get familar with the pumpkin push route. After the "Hog Jog Experience" I have decided that not knowing a route makes it 1000% more difficult as the run seems endless and you have no idea when it is going to be over (unless of course you can afford one of those nice little devices that the real runners wears...also I feel like I should move much much faster to even deserve one). I had driven the route and then thought I better do it on foot as well. Because parts of it are just along corn fields with a few houses my mom followed behind me in the car. Now don't think I am a weenie because I am not normally a fraidy cat and I go out when it is dark lots of times...but it just seemed sorta isolated. Anyway it went well aside from the fact that it is a HILLY route and all the hills are uphill and there are no big downhills. The hills go up up up and then the land evens out. THAT STINKS. I love the downhills and it is like a little thank you to kim for the uphill work. At any rate when I was done I felt really good....which means I DID NOT WORK HARD ENOUGH. I know I did not push myself very hard because when I was done I was all excited about going to spinning class. So off to spinning where I recruited another person from the halls of the Y to try spinning.They should pay me to be a spokesperson. When I went into class I said to the instructor "Make it Hurt Please" and she gladly complied. I was dripping sweat by the time I was done and THEN I felt tired.
Now not to brag. Okay I am bragging but prior to my practice 10k and the spinning class. I baked one birthday cake, made a double batch of cookies, a pan of homemade macaroni and cheese, did one load of laundry AND did all my dishes from the baking and was out the door by 8:15 a.m. Sometimes I just think wow Kim you ARE awesome. oops my overinflated ego is on the rise again...oops back to my day again...When I got home I took a nice hot bath and I would have stayed in there for hours but it was time to go my son in laws birthday party(which that was why I made the mac and cheese and cake). We had some lunch, sat around and talked and then played some euchre. Baby Adam looked especially spiffy in his little blue overalls. We sat outside and Baby Adam loves to be outside. It was a little cool but he was all snuggled up in a blanket and all you could see were two little eyes, one teeney little nose and a mouth! He loves to be outside! After leaving the birthday party we headed out to Westpoint for a Hobo Stew that the church was putting on. I had some really good Ham and Beans and they had yummmy desserts. Then they sat around the campfire and sang. I personally don't like to sing but I do like to listen and there was one woman there that had an awesome singing voice. It was strong and kinda bluesy sounding. Finally home where I read for like 10 minutes and then I was out like a light.
Wedding: The wedding is fast approaching and I do not have a dress. I am starting to panic. I am going to go online and see what I can find. Tasha and I did have nice time while looking for a dress. We drove to Kokomo and hit a few stores and then had a delicious lunch at the Olive Garden. I really love my soon to be daughter in law! Good job son!
Yesterday morning was a practice for the 10k pumpkin push. My plan was to mostly walk on account of the extreme muscle soreness. But I popped two extra strength pain Tylonol and ended up doing way more running then I had ever intended. I had already done my steady longer run on Thursday so Saturday my plan was just to get familar with the pumpkin push route. After the "Hog Jog Experience" I have decided that not knowing a route makes it 1000% more difficult as the run seems endless and you have no idea when it is going to be over (unless of course you can afford one of those nice little devices that the real runners wears...also I feel like I should move much much faster to even deserve one). I had driven the route and then thought I better do it on foot as well. Because parts of it are just along corn fields with a few houses my mom followed behind me in the car. Now don't think I am a weenie because I am not normally a fraidy cat and I go out when it is dark lots of times...but it just seemed sorta isolated. Anyway it went well aside from the fact that it is a HILLY route and all the hills are uphill and there are no big downhills. The hills go up up up and then the land evens out. THAT STINKS. I love the downhills and it is like a little thank you to kim for the uphill work. At any rate when I was done I felt really good....which means I DID NOT WORK HARD ENOUGH. I know I did not push myself very hard because when I was done I was all excited about going to spinning class. So off to spinning where I recruited another person from the halls of the Y to try spinning.They should pay me to be a spokesperson. When I went into class I said to the instructor "Make it Hurt Please" and she gladly complied. I was dripping sweat by the time I was done and THEN I felt tired.
Now not to brag. Okay I am bragging but prior to my practice 10k and the spinning class. I baked one birthday cake, made a double batch of cookies, a pan of homemade macaroni and cheese, did one load of laundry AND did all my dishes from the baking and was out the door by 8:15 a.m. Sometimes I just think wow Kim you ARE awesome. oops my overinflated ego is on the rise again...oops back to my day again...When I got home I took a nice hot bath and I would have stayed in there for hours but it was time to go my son in laws birthday party(which that was why I made the mac and cheese and cake). We had some lunch, sat around and talked and then played some euchre. Baby Adam looked especially spiffy in his little blue overalls. We sat outside and Baby Adam loves to be outside. It was a little cool but he was all snuggled up in a blanket and all you could see were two little eyes, one teeney little nose and a mouth! He loves to be outside! After leaving the birthday party we headed out to Westpoint for a Hobo Stew that the church was putting on. I had some really good Ham and Beans and they had yummmy desserts. Then they sat around the campfire and sang. I personally don't like to sing but I do like to listen and there was one woman there that had an awesome singing voice. It was strong and kinda bluesy sounding. Finally home where I read for like 10 minutes and then I was out like a light.
Wedding: The wedding is fast approaching and I do not have a dress. I am starting to panic. I am going to go online and see what I can find. Tasha and I did have nice time while looking for a dress. We drove to Kokomo and hit a few stores and then had a delicious lunch at the Olive Garden. I really love my soon to be daughter in law! Good job son!
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