Sunday, November 25, 2007


Thanksgiving morning started out with the Gluttony Gobbler Gallop. 3.5 miles with some of the best friends a girl could ask for. 3.5 miles earned me one piece of pie. Unfortunately, my pie consumption far exceeded what I earned. My pants and shirts all feel slightly snug..okay really snug...due to my thanksgiving excess. I must now run, measure food and count food to make up for my gluttony. This week I am sure I am going to suffer terribly from food withdrawal. We had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Before the game playing commenced we plotted out our "Black Friday" strategy. (Black Friday is the happiest shopping day of the year...more details to follow below) After plotting our Black Friday strategy we played my new game "Are you smarter then a Fifth Grader" I am almost as smart as a fifth grader but due to our (me and Tasha) inability to answer "How fast is the speed of sound" We did not graduate fifth grader. My son and mother are not even as smart as a first grader cause they could not answer "What did Winken, Blinken and Nod sail off in" I think Jamie should be removed from his position of power at his place of employment and be put in a menial job that requires no education whatsoever. We ended our night by playing scattorgories which is a blast.

Black Friday: Mine and Kendra's strategy was to acquire four specific items of which the names cannot be disclosed on account of Christmas Secret Code of Honor. I was sent to Meijer to obtain a LCD TV (of which the identity may be disclosed because it was a present from me and Jerry to ourselves). She was going to get in line at Target. The plan was for me to make my purchase then hot foot it over to Target and hook up with Kendra. I reached Meijer at 4:10 a.m to be directed to stand in a line (inside the store) and wait till they distributed the items. As I waited in line no one would talk to me...why would people not talk to me??? Because.... and here is the story....I jumped in my care at 4:00 a.m. On my way to Meijer I started smelling this horrible smell...I thought it must be the air because we have a stinky stinky factory in town... and sometimes the stench wafts it way to our area of town, I thought uck this whole stupid town I get to Meijers thinking good I am indoors that horrendous smell will go away...walked thru Meijers...still smelled it....thought OH NO I THINK IT IS COMING FROM ME! I looked down and sure enough my shoe is covered in dog is embedded in the bottom of my shoe and squished all over the side...somebody had let their stupid dog poo right in front of my car door...ick yuck I smelled bad...too late though I was not going to miss my line to get my $150 TV (save $180) so I stood in line...much to my discomfort as well as those around me. I got out of Meijers and was going to head to Target but I could not stand my own smell...thought that's okay I have another pair of shoes in the car I will just switch..discovered the shoes I had were my heeled boots..which are less then comfortable...they are more for slenderize my legs effect then comfortable I wear them and proceed to shop in the slenderizing but killing feet boots....Now Target....hah I should have worn my dog poop shoes because then maybe I would not have been pushed and shoved and told to "Get out of my way" by some very hefty angry woman...boy she would have gotten it good if I had not been in my work clothes...did not want to get blood on my office I had to settle for giving her a dirty look and my I am gonna kick you butt eye squint... she says "Soooooorrry" in a very NOT sorry voice....and can you really be sorry when you deliberately put both your hands on someone's back and PUSH and then say "GET OUT OF MY WAY"? Anyway kudos to Kendra who like magic disappeared and reappeared holding the cannot be named items...she grabbed my arm and said lets go get the other stuff and next thing I knew we were by the other items that cannot be named and threw a few in my cart....after that off in hot pursuit for Giggle and Go Garage (we can mention this because neither Adam or Carissa can read)but alas the Giggle and Go Garages were swooped off the shelves by frantic Christmas Mothers. Target had every check out line open so we got in and out in time for us to stop at the EVIL McDonalds for a quick bite to eat and me to get to work by 7:55 a.m. I told my boss that I have requested off next Black Friday and it was crucial that I be off because no Black Friday shopping for three years could result in convulsions and then a coma like state which would ultimately mean I would get no work done so I might as well be off. She's a good sport and said okay! I was so so so sad to be at my desk on Black Friday and felt light headed...I told her if she saw me turn pale and start to shake to just stick a credit card in my hand and tell me "It's okay...Kimmie...your'e at the Mall".

Quote of the Day: "Yeah your real said "The weak shall fall and the strong shall survive"and then you whine, "Somebody pushed me" Spoken by my daughter when I told her that I was pushed in Target.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

What were you doing November 24 1984?

I was on the labor table delivering who is quite possibly the most awesome, beautiful, smartest daughter ever in the whole wide world...

Random Facts about the Most Possibly Awesome Beautiful Smartest Daughter Ever:
1) She was breastfed till she was almost one year old

2) She called her brothers the Bobos and has uttered more then once "I hate the Bobos"

3)Learned to ride an adult 10 speed while she was in kindergarton...she was so small she had to lay it down on a hill to get on it.

4) Refused to eat red jello for months because her brother told her red jello was made from blood..everytime I served it she would just look at it and cry.

5) Made her barbies physically mature by drawing on them with ink pens. ( I threw them away after that)

6)Told the checkout lady at Marsh Grocery Store that I was her foster mother and I was mean ( I AM her biological mother). The lady looked at me like I was the Devil.

7)She had a mad infatuation with Jonathon Taylor Thomas and the Back Street Boys

8) Wrote a hate letter to her father that said "I hate you. You are a Big Meenie" and then signed it "Love your Little Princess" The note was slid under our bedroom door

9) Was nicknamed "The Woman" by her GMA Carnahan

10)Wrote the following in her diary: "Ricky and Timmy asked my why I was wearing a training bra when I did not need one...I told my mom...she said to ignore them...what kind of mother is she"

10)She sat by my side and rubbed my head saying "I love you Mommy don't cry" when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and was laying on the couch in pain.

11) She learned to count by helping me make formula bottles for my babies when I had my daycare

12) A box of her childhood memories is upstairs in my spare room and she WON'T come and get it.

13)Begged and begged to play the clarinet in the 6th grade. I finally caved in and bought the clarinet and let her join band. She played for one year and wanted to quit. I told her she was not quitting until I got my $1000.00 worth of toots out of that thing. She played until the end of 8th grade. She still refuses to pay the clarinet and has "lost" it.

14) She was a daisy, a brown and a girlscout

15) She has her drivers license number memorized...who does that?

16) Made me a Grandma...thus filling my life with joy...oh yeah it was filled with joy just by being her Mom... she just overflowed my joy level by giving me Adam.

To my daughter with all my love.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Toe Cubes

Today will likely be my last morning bike ride. I jumped on my bike...actually even wore a jacket, a hat and a concession to my flu recovery ....had on my nice Aasics which are just lovely in the summer with their nice vents...had on my nice thin running socks....2 1/2 miles later my toes became toe cubes. My feet were so cold they hurt. Finally stopped, took off my shoes and placed my gloves over my toes and put my shoes back on...felt quite strange but it somewhat warmed them up. I got home and parts of my toes were white and part red. I panicked thinking I had frostbite. My honey told me if it was frostbite they would be black and what did I expect when I was out bike riding in 27 degree weather. So I guess no more below 30 bike rides for me unless I am properly attired.
My flu recovery has played havoc with my miles. I suffered thru 3 miles on Monday...walk, run, walk, run, complain about running, walk some more etc....mostly complaining about running. Tuesday was a little better. Got on the treadmill, walked for .25 mile, ran as fast as could for a few minutes, jogged then walked for about 1.25 miles..felt like gouging my eyeballs out and beating my head on the console with off went outside (I was staying inside b/c of flu recovery) said did not care if I got sick again was going outside and finished up 2.35 outside..steady no walking...though I broke no speed records for sure.
Today I biked...see toe cube story above but prior to my bike ride..I cleaned out my fridge thus avoiding future botulism cases and gave my stinky mangy dog a bath and cleaned out his disgustingly seepy is that for a way to start a life is full of glamour.

Tomorrow is climate run..don't know if I can keep up as I am still kinda tired....5 miles on the agenda...


My credit card is hot to the touch!

Saturday, November 03, 2007


One random run in with a sick person on Tuesday and Boom by Thursday morning I am sick. As I walked in to work Thursday morning people stared at me, they stepped away from me...they said "EWWWW are you sick?" Yes yes yes I was sick. I looked like an extra from the Day of the Dead. My skin was pasty and white, my eyes glazed over, my walk reduced to an Igor like shuffle and I was snorting and sniffling like a potbellied pig. I stayed for two hours till my boss arrived and said, "GO HOME and GO TO BED!" Which I gladly did. I got into my finest "I am sick attire" which consist of my oversized running pants and a long sleeved tee shirt which declares me a 5k Jingle Bell participant. I set up "sick central" with the necessary box of kleenx and jar of vicks vapor rub. I then draped myself quite attractively across the couch and begin to litter the coffee table with a mountain of used klennex. How could any man resist the lovliness of this vision? Not to mention the the scent of vicks vapor rub coming off of my feverish body must have been incredible inticing. Of course when I am sick the thought of vegtables and fruit makes me feel sick...what did my body crave? Halloween Candy. The mountain of used klennex was only rivaled by the GIGANTIC mountain of candy wrappers next to it. No chicken soup for this girl no siree healing comes in the form of snickers, m&ms, red licorce, bit o honeys and then for dessert cheap vanilla creame cookies (yes the generic brand..something I am normally far to snobby to eat). The candy medicine must really work b/c with a little effort and alot of aleve cold and sinus I was able to make it to work yesterday...but barely...I still felt like crap and came home and went to bed after I took one dose of fun sized snicker bar and fun sized M&M. Today I feel good enough to try to run which is what I am suppose to be doing now. I swear though when I finish this post I am out the door. So to sum up my sick experience I will list the things necessary for healing:

Large Comfy Clothes
Soft Blanket
TV with soap operas playing hour after hour
Vicks Vapor Rub
Halloween Candy (Christmas or Easter may be substituted)
Cookies (any type)
Remote Control for the TV WITHIN AN ARMS REACH
Niquel and not the daytime stuff either...its gotta be the hard stuff. The stuff that you have to take like a shot and then you gasp for breath....
Bonus Item: Husband that is willing to run out and get you stuff as needed...I was lucky I had the Bonus Item!

Fall Festival at Work: My company/division had a fall festival party. It was great fun. My grandson Ty won third place in the costume contest and then won the "Wrap your Grandma Like a Mummy" game. He was giddy with his third place prize b/c it was a pumpkin full of candy!!!! I thought he would keel over with joy when he looked in that pumpkin. Baby Adam got beat out in the costume contest by a 4 year old Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz...He should have won he made one fantastic Baby Frankensein. We did a Hay ride which both Ty and Adam enjoyed. Ty also found that it is not fun sitting in the back seat of the car with Adam because he uses his pacifer on rope like a sling. Ty got really good at ducking. He said it worse then sitting in the back seat with his little sister.

Halloween: Baby Frankenstein appeared at my house as did Eyeore. I was not aware that Frankenstein liked potatos, sausage and greenbeans but he did. Eyeore was evidently saving herself for candy b/c she did not want to eat.

Fort K: The final stages of Fort K have commenced. Jerry has the posts up for the rest of our privacy fence and he will put the panels on today. We will then be a fully safe yard for toddlers and children to run amuck.

KUDOS: Daughter in Law has become a working mom. She started a new full time job this week! Good Luck Nat!

Anniversaries: Tasha and James 1 year! Kendra and Lucas 2 years!

Upcoming Events: Thanksgiving! 1:00 Thanksgiving day...I will be in contact with you to ask what dish you will be bringing. Black Friday..I am going out but I have to be at work by 8:10 at the I am up for shopping at 4:00 a.m., Jingle Bell 5k, Christmas Ornament Craft Night and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...have you got your shopping started? I have!