Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sink or Swim
Yesterday I had a remedial swim lesson. I leaned to blow bubbles in the water (which involved my actually getting my face in the water). GO Kim! Also learned how to flutter kick and to do a breast stroke. I did find that swimming involves a great deal of coordination of which I seriously lack! Breath, Kick, Move your arms, breath some more it is all so much...I am a move one body part at a time kinda girl. At an rate thanks to Mary Alice I have a good base to build on I just need lots and lots of practice. She also stated that I was "Enthusiastic". I think that is a nice way of saying, "Not so good but boy are you trying hard"
Shopping: Mission unsuccessful no wedding dress purchased, no boots for Kim, no dress for Kim (for my neice's wedding). We did find a nice bunting for "Adam" (at least that is his name for now) and a baby's first Christmas blanket(both on clearance!) We also had a nice lunch! No day of shopping is complete without stopping and having a nice lunch!
Grandchildren/Nieces: Stopped by to see Cariss and Tyson yesterday. See pictures I have posted. Tomorrow I will be picking up Tyson and my neice Amber, also accompanied by my daughter, to have a fun spring break day. I think we are going bowling and to CiCi's Pizza for lunch. Then if time allows home to make a craft! I always try to take one day off to spend spring break with them. Abby is too little to go (she is only 3) but I will pick her up one night this week or next and take her to dinner and to see the Easter Bunny at the Mall. When the weather gets nicer I plan on taking Ty for lots of bike rides. I think this year he is old enought to ride to the park! He already did a 3 mile bike ride with me which is a long way for an 8 year old....and he did not even complain once! He even gave a "Woo Hoo" when we were riding.
Well its time to get ready for church! I hope to get all things on my list accomplished today before I sit down to watch Xmen 2 (love the Super Hero Movies!)
Have a great day everyone!
Shopping: Mission unsuccessful no wedding dress purchased, no boots for Kim, no dress for Kim (for my neice's wedding). We did find a nice bunting for "Adam" (at least that is his name for now) and a baby's first Christmas blanket(both on clearance!) We also had a nice lunch! No day of shopping is complete without stopping and having a nice lunch!
Grandchildren/Nieces: Stopped by to see Cariss and Tyson yesterday. See pictures I have posted. Tomorrow I will be picking up Tyson and my neice Amber, also accompanied by my daughter, to have a fun spring break day. I think we are going bowling and to CiCi's Pizza for lunch. Then if time allows home to make a craft! I always try to take one day off to spend spring break with them. Abby is too little to go (she is only 3) but I will pick her up one night this week or next and take her to dinner and to see the Easter Bunny at the Mall. When the weather gets nicer I plan on taking Ty for lots of bike rides. I think this year he is old enought to ride to the park! He already did a 3 mile bike ride with me which is a long way for an 8 year old....and he did not even complain once! He even gave a "Woo Hoo" when we were riding.
Well its time to get ready for church! I hope to get all things on my list accomplished today before I sit down to watch Xmen 2 (love the Super Hero Movies!)
Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Iron Maiden
I am slowly trying to turn myself into the "Iron Maiden" Saturday I did not one, not two but three exercise classes (back to back). One was Step...which I stink at! When everyone was on one side of the step I was on the other! I have no coordination and I looked like some strange puppet with my arms flailing around in the air...it was not pretty. Next body shop class which I was much more successful at. And finally tra la la la la SPINNING CLASS! After that I went to the grocery store, came home, put the groceries away, then took a TWO HOUR NAP! Bad Kim! Sunday I rested. Monday back up to SPIN and then to boot camp class. Tuesday 35 minutes on precor and 45 minutes of lifting. Wednesday 30 minutes on treadmill doing a 5 minute walk 5 minute jog program then 45 minutes of Aqua Power Hour (again something I stink at). Tomorrow is Precor/Lifting and Friday Spinning/Boot Camp. Saturday I am getting a remedial swim lesson from a very kind person at the Y that feels sorry for me because I am so terrified of getting my head under the water. Then hopefully after that will do a step class or some precor. No other classes though because I am going on a shopping trip out of town with the the girls. Perhaps Sunday I will take a bike ride! Okay enough about my BORING BORING exercise agenda...
Shopping :ToysR Us had some awesome clearance buys!!! Thanks to Melissa the Almighty Clearance Shopping Queen I got like $200 worth of toys for like $20.00.
Food: Being good and incredibly proud of myself because I have avoided eating ANY of the carrot cake that has been gracing my kitchen table. Current food cravings...Golden Delicious Apples. My poor husband has suffered this week. He had Chicken and Fish all in the same week. His vegtable intake is very poor...ONE serving of vegtables a day and that is not willingly!
Family: My neice's wedding is drawing near. I am taking my husband to get fitted for his tux tomorrow night. He will be quite handsome in his tux! As most men, he is less then thrilled about wearing a tux but I think it is good for a man to dress up once in awhile. My niece is stilling requesting doves and my sister has still declined to purchase (rent???) doves. I told her we could go to Meijers and by Parakeets for a couple bucks and it would be a whole lot cheaper then doves...we could even dust them in flour so they look white. Nobody appreciates my help!
Hopefully Sunday I will get to stop buy and see my grandchildren...I really miss them!
Clothing: Remember the coat (white and black with black fur collar)I was soooo excited about puchasing (on clearance no less) well I have been advised by more then one person that the coat makes me appear to be.....ummm somewhat of a woman of loose morals. I still thought I looked beautiful AND pure until a man in the our building asked if I had ever been to Vegas. Now I don't know if maybe he thought A] I looked like a Vegas Show Girl and was in town on vacation B]Was propositioning me and offering me a trip to Vegas because he was awe struck by my incredible beauty C]Was just making general conversation or D]Thought I was for sale and he thought a weekend jaunt to Vegas would be fun! At any rate I have removed the fur collar from the coat which has substantially toned down the coat and now I look like the prim and proper office worker I am!
Housework: I have decided that I need a maid ..which I cannot afford. So I guess I will continue to disregard the disorganization and filth that surrounds me. My husband says I have too many irons in the fire so I have decided to remove that item from my fire...current irons in fire...training for a 10k, blogging, whining (which really takes no effort on my part because I am so good at it), reading, learning to swim, oh and wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and Aunt.
Phrase of the Day: "Don't you feel like we just ripped off Toys R Us?" From Melissa the Almighty Clearance Shopping Queen.
Shopping :ToysR Us had some awesome clearance buys!!! Thanks to Melissa the Almighty Clearance Shopping Queen I got like $200 worth of toys for like $20.00.
Food: Being good and incredibly proud of myself because I have avoided eating ANY of the carrot cake that has been gracing my kitchen table. Current food cravings...Golden Delicious Apples. My poor husband has suffered this week. He had Chicken and Fish all in the same week. His vegtable intake is very poor...ONE serving of vegtables a day and that is not willingly!
Family: My neice's wedding is drawing near. I am taking my husband to get fitted for his tux tomorrow night. He will be quite handsome in his tux! As most men, he is less then thrilled about wearing a tux but I think it is good for a man to dress up once in awhile. My niece is stilling requesting doves and my sister has still declined to purchase (rent???) doves. I told her we could go to Meijers and by Parakeets for a couple bucks and it would be a whole lot cheaper then doves...we could even dust them in flour so they look white. Nobody appreciates my help!
Hopefully Sunday I will get to stop buy and see my grandchildren...I really miss them!
Clothing: Remember the coat (white and black with black fur collar)I was soooo excited about puchasing (on clearance no less) well I have been advised by more then one person that the coat makes me appear to be.....ummm somewhat of a woman of loose morals. I still thought I looked beautiful AND pure until a man in the our building asked if I had ever been to Vegas. Now I don't know if maybe he thought A] I looked like a Vegas Show Girl and was in town on vacation B]Was propositioning me and offering me a trip to Vegas because he was awe struck by my incredible beauty C]Was just making general conversation or D]Thought I was for sale and he thought a weekend jaunt to Vegas would be fun! At any rate I have removed the fur collar from the coat which has substantially toned down the coat and now I look like the prim and proper office worker I am!
Housework: I have decided that I need a maid ..which I cannot afford. So I guess I will continue to disregard the disorganization and filth that surrounds me. My husband says I have too many irons in the fire so I have decided to remove that item from my fire...current irons in fire...training for a 10k, blogging, whining (which really takes no effort on my part because I am so good at it), reading, learning to swim, oh and wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and Aunt.
Phrase of the Day: "Don't you feel like we just ripped off Toys R Us?" From Melissa the Almighty Clearance Shopping Queen.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Sun is Shining and the Birds are Chirping
Thank goodness winter is coming to an end. I am sitting at my computer with my blinds open. I can hear the birds chirping and such a feeling of peace has come over me. I am off to step class this morning so that tomorrow morning if I do any exercise it would be a leisurely bike ride in the early a.m. or perhaps I will just sit my rather flat booty on the couch and drink coffee and read the paper. I did try so very hard to go without coffee this week and that was such a failure. I walked past our coffee shop downtown and my eyes rolled to the back of my head and my legs were shaking so I caved!!! Maybe next week I will try again. But I gave up Taco Belll should I have to give up coffee too? A woman can only take so much deprivation. Well time to do some token housework. I will try the old pinesol routine but I don't know how much longer I can pull off "the house smells clean so it must be clean" routine. I think the cobwebs are gonna blow my act. Sigh.... I may actually have to do some work..... Hint for other slovenly wives: candles and dimmer lights also are wonderful tools!
PROMISE: I faithfully promise to keep my desserts at a total of one for today.
PROMISE: I faithfully promise to keep my desserts at a total of one for today.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Took a spinning class this morning...one word describes it "AWESOME" I feel totally endorphined up....look to crash soon! After spinning went to power hour so I expect tomorrow morning I won't be able to arise from bed because of the muscle stiffness..... as the song goes "Hurts so good" Going to do Step Class tomorrow (providing I am able to walk) Enjoyability Factor of Execise today: 100%++++++ Go Kim Go!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Guess who this is?
Monday, March 13, 2006
Dr. Kim M.D. (Madly Delusional)
Okay my foot hurts AGAIN. I really really thought it was Plantar Facitis but after much research I believe it is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. The pain is in the right place (side of ankle running to the arch). It does not hurt more in the morning (which ruled out the planter facitis) and it does burn and sting. If I go easy on it it does not hurt but if I start pounding on it hard...pain and if my husband accidently strikes my ankle then SHOOTING pain! I am going to my mother's chiropractor because he says he deals with that AND he is a runner. I want this fixed...the upside is I think it should be fairly easily fixed because it does not really hurt alot when I walk unless I walk excessively. The precor does not bother it especially unless of course I have ran on it and it already hurts. I WANT TO RUN AND I WANT TO RUN AT LEAST THREE TIMES A WEEK WITH NO PAIN! So off I trot to the Doctor. Hopefully he will give me some exercises and some kind of orthotic that will instantly heal me and in fact make me go zoom...well I guess I could settle for no zoom if I could at least PUTT PUTT at a reasonable speed.
Food: Had an absolutely horrible food day on Saturday. If it did not jump away from me I ate it. I literally ate till I was sick. I laid on the couch and could barely get up from my back I felt like one of those roly poly bugs when you put them on their back. I was trying to get up and my legs were just waving around finally I just rolled off the couch....How sad and pathetic is that! Sunday, however, much better. I actually ate a really supper and not a dessert for supper. The week before I had a candy bar at 5:00 on Sunday night and then felt so guilty that I had to forego dinner to make it up....so Monday morning I had no energy and could barely lift my own legs. My lunch for Sunday not so good...2 bowls of super sugar crisp with no milk. But no desserts all day long. Dinner Ham and Beans with lean practically fat free ham...Pure protein dinner. Next week I am going to conquer Saturday! Like I said I am a good diabetic M-F but the weekends stink! If I can control my weekends the weight should start coming off again. I spend my whole week undoing the damage I do on the weekends. I am a GLUTTON. I need to wear an iron mask on the weekends! TODAYS MEALS: 1/2 CUP EGG beater with some fat free cheese and fresh spinach, 1/2 cottage cheese and some baby carrots, SNACK: 6 Triscuits and 1 container carb controlled yogart, LUNCH: Bowl of fresh cauliflower and broccoli, 2 T light Ranch, 1 Apple and an Egg Salad Sandwich with carb controlled bread and fat free mayo. ymmmmm (in sarcastic tone). Afternoon Snack will likely be 1 cup oatmeal or maybe an orange. Dinner will be Pork Cutlett on grill, Baked Sweet Pototo, (with Splenda Brown Sugar) and Sauteed Zucchini, Squash and Onions and cooked apple for Dessert (ymmm on apple for real). As you can see I like to eat! I have a large appetite and I have to pick foods I can have bulk of...for me it is all about quanity...quality be darned...give me VOLUME! I would rather eat a pound of mud with 2 tablespoons of whipped creame then ONE MEASLY COOKIE! and Fyi if anyone cares I like my biggest meal to be at night!
Grandchildren: Tyson and Carissa came over to see Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa fed Carissa a bottle and I played cards with Tyson. Tyson is a card shark.
Husband: He says I should quit exaggerating on my blog...HE IS NOT SCARED OF MY MUSCLES! Maybe intimidated would have been a better choice to use???? I will ask him.
Dogs. My mom says she feels sorry for Lizzie because I never talk about her. Lizzie does not stink!
Chicken: My headless chicken disappeared! (See previous post on chicken) I asked my husband if he had seen my chicken and he said "You mean the one without the head hanging from the Keyrack?" I replied "Yes that would be the one" He says "I threw it away...did you want it?" Yes Yes I wanted it otherwise I would have thrown it away myself...silly man! My son has offered to replace the chicken that he so cruelly decapitated...sigh...he will probably just cut the legs off the new one....Maybe I will go and cut the head of one of his stuffed Georges and put the head on a stick and post it in his front yard.
Okay back to work....I love to blog.....it vents all my inner feelings...it is sooo much cheaper then therapy.
Food: Had an absolutely horrible food day on Saturday. If it did not jump away from me I ate it. I literally ate till I was sick. I laid on the couch and could barely get up from my back I felt like one of those roly poly bugs when you put them on their back. I was trying to get up and my legs were just waving around finally I just rolled off the couch....How sad and pathetic is that! Sunday, however, much better. I actually ate a really supper and not a dessert for supper. The week before I had a candy bar at 5:00 on Sunday night and then felt so guilty that I had to forego dinner to make it up....so Monday morning I had no energy and could barely lift my own legs. My lunch for Sunday not so good...2 bowls of super sugar crisp with no milk. But no desserts all day long. Dinner Ham and Beans with lean practically fat free ham...Pure protein dinner. Next week I am going to conquer Saturday! Like I said I am a good diabetic M-F but the weekends stink! If I can control my weekends the weight should start coming off again. I spend my whole week undoing the damage I do on the weekends. I am a GLUTTON. I need to wear an iron mask on the weekends! TODAYS MEALS: 1/2 CUP EGG beater with some fat free cheese and fresh spinach, 1/2 cottage cheese and some baby carrots, SNACK: 6 Triscuits and 1 container carb controlled yogart, LUNCH: Bowl of fresh cauliflower and broccoli, 2 T light Ranch, 1 Apple and an Egg Salad Sandwich with carb controlled bread and fat free mayo. ymmmmm (in sarcastic tone). Afternoon Snack will likely be 1 cup oatmeal or maybe an orange. Dinner will be Pork Cutlett on grill, Baked Sweet Pototo, (with Splenda Brown Sugar) and Sauteed Zucchini, Squash and Onions and cooked apple for Dessert (ymmm on apple for real). As you can see I like to eat! I have a large appetite and I have to pick foods I can have bulk of...for me it is all about quanity...quality be darned...give me VOLUME! I would rather eat a pound of mud with 2 tablespoons of whipped creame then ONE MEASLY COOKIE! and Fyi if anyone cares I like my biggest meal to be at night!
Grandchildren: Tyson and Carissa came over to see Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa fed Carissa a bottle and I played cards with Tyson. Tyson is a card shark.
Husband: He says I should quit exaggerating on my blog...HE IS NOT SCARED OF MY MUSCLES! Maybe intimidated would have been a better choice to use???? I will ask him.
Dogs. My mom says she feels sorry for Lizzie because I never talk about her. Lizzie does not stink!
Chicken: My headless chicken disappeared! (See previous post on chicken) I asked my husband if he had seen my chicken and he said "You mean the one without the head hanging from the Keyrack?" I replied "Yes that would be the one" He says "I threw it away...did you want it?" Yes Yes I wanted it otherwise I would have thrown it away myself...silly man! My son has offered to replace the chicken that he so cruelly decapitated...sigh...he will probably just cut the legs off the new one....Maybe I will go and cut the head of one of his stuffed Georges and put the head on a stick and post it in his front yard.
Okay back to work....I love to blog.....it vents all my inner feelings...it is sooo much cheaper then therapy.
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Being a baby must be exhausting. I laid her down and not even one eyelid flutter. She did spend her awake time being utterly charming and full of personality. I asked her if she wanted to go shopping with Grandma and she did this HUGE smile. I told her Grandma has credit cards!!! Carissa got to visit with her Great Grandma Casey today!
Mother: So very sick with bronchitis. Yuck she has been in isolation because I refuse to be around her till she is healthy...poor Mommy! I took her some Taco Salad the other day but would not go into her house just handed it to her thru the door. A daughter's love can only stretch so far...I now have two things I will not do for my mother 1}Will not touch my mother's feet...blah she will have to sandpaper off her own feet 2}Will not hang with her when she is hacking up a lung.
Daughter: Pregnant and she is having...............................................................A BOY! He was quite the cooperative young man and flipped right over to show himself off. Due date August 31. Both of his parents are bowlers and I just happened across a bib that has a bowling ball and pins and the word "Strike" on it. Could not pass that up!
Son and Fiance: Getting married the first week of November we will be having a wedding reception the week before Thanksgiving. Attn: Family put this on your calendar!
Niece: My neice Amanda will be getting married on May 5. It is going to be a totally lovely wedding. My niece Amanda wants to release doves. My sister says she will not pay for doves. I told my niece if she had doves I will make sure I bring a cat. Niece did not look amused...Aunt Kim laughed her butt off. A few other things her mother will not pay for: Ice Sculpture and Open Bar!!! I say open up your check book sister dear and lets have the open bar!!! Just kidding...I don't drink...I prefer my calories in food form!
Dog: Zedo stinks!
Grandson: Is going to be a future Donald Trump (though with much better hair). He counted his money and took it to the bank to start a savings account. The teller counted the change and gave him a deposit slip showing he deposited like $13.00 (rounded). He questioned the teller because he was sure he had like $15.00. She checked it again and in fact he was right (and according to his Mom he had been counting that money for days on end). He told the teller that he could count money better then she could and she went to college and he was only 8 years old. Hahahahaahah. That is a kid that is going to be buying Grandma Kim a Mercedes for her birthday someday!
Saturday Activity: Went to the country and tromped thru the woods with my honey! It was a beautiful day for tromping thru the woods. He then did some target practice . I sat crouched in the truck as he did target practice because I was scared a bullet would bounce off of whatever he was shooting at and strike me in the middle of my forehead. He has assured me that that is not a possibility but it still freaks me out.
Fitness: No exercise today...did a little stretching in the a.m. Then did the wood tromping thing. I had every intention of doing the 3.5 miles but my mind and legs were saying no no no Saturday is our day of rest. So I listened to my legs and my head and gave in...but they might as well not even bother complaining tomorrow because we are going whether they like it or not! So foot you better be ready because pain or no pain you have a job to do!
The Girls: I miss the girls so much! I have not had the girls at my house for quite awhile...so Little Debbie, Dolly Madison, and Betty Crocker we will schedule a date soon and you will have my undivided attention!
Phrase of the Day: "Are you going to eat that?" I have found that phrase not to actually question whether the person is going to eat it or not but it is more of a forewarning that the person uttering that phrase is actually going to eat whatever it is whether you are planning to eat it or not. Why I know this is true is because I bought my husband three chocolate chip cookies the other day which he did not eat within what I thought to be a reasonable time frame. So I then asked "Are you going to eat that" and before he could say yes or no I had the bag opened and one of the cookies swallowed whole.
Got to go my husband made dinner. His specialty.....Frozen Pizza...nothing says love like a pizza in a box.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Okay that was the worst run ever!!! Only 3.62 miles and I had to stop and walk like 6 times. I am officially banning sugar from my weekend diet. I ate nothing but crap yesterday and it showed this morning. I could barely lift my legs. I was huffing and puffing like a 90 year old woman (maybe worse!). Next weekend I am making a box of sugar free pudding and I can eat the whole box in one sitting and that would still be better then eating the other stuff. I have decided I need to eat structured timely meals on Saturday and stay on my program. No program=BAD KIM. Hardly any protein yesterday, mostly carbs, and no vegtables or fruits, bad day for a diabetic. I had NO energy. On the flip side I am over my cold and feeling back to my old self!!!! Slept good! My totals for this week:
Monday: 1 hour Power Hour
Tuesday: 3 miles and 45 minutes lifting
Wed: Off/Sick
Thursday: 2 miles and 45 minutes lifting
Friday 1 hour Power Hour
Saturday: REST
Sunday: 3.65 miles...poorly
Enjoyment Level of Exercise: 0!
Outlook for Enjoyment Upcoming Week: 100% improvement.
Monday: 1 hour Power Hour
Tuesday: 3 miles and 45 minutes lifting
Wed: Off/Sick
Thursday: 2 miles and 45 minutes lifting
Friday 1 hour Power Hour
Saturday: REST
Sunday: 3.65 miles...poorly
Enjoyment Level of Exercise: 0!
Outlook for Enjoyment Upcoming Week: 100% improvement.
My son cut the head off my chicken
I have a rubberchicken on a keychain and it hangs on my keychain rack. My son, James, looked at it and picked the scissors and said he was gonna cut the head off! What kind of sick demented person have I raised ? I warned him not to behead my rubber chicken and then he LAUGHED and decapitated my chicken and then he LAUGHED when the head flew across the room and struck me! Now I have a headless chicken hanging from my keychain rack... I keep it there to remind me that my son is owed one prank:
Past Family Pranks:
Daughter: Dumped hot sauce on brother's tongue when he was sleeping. Brother jumped up screaming "What the heck have you done to me" (language cleaned up for the public). He then ran to the kitchen sink to douse his mouth with water. He then chased after his sister who fled for her life.
Son: Tied bread pans underneath his sister's car. She starts driving hears the sounds pulls over sure that her transmission is falling out. She then calls and accuses me of doing it....like I am going to crawl under her car in the middle of the night to prank her. Told her not me but was I was impressed with the prank!
Sons: Yes plural, ganged up on Aunt Denise and Saran Wrapped her car shut with her big outdoor rocking chair saran wrapped on top....Aunt Denise has been the victim more then once....they also took a box of like 500 plastic forks and poked them in her yard...upside for the boys on this prank is that they also made their cousin suffer, because Aunt Denise made Amanda (her daughter) go out and pull them all up out of the yard.
Me: Rubberbanded the handle down on the sink house so when my husband got a drink of water he got doused.
Husband: I was laying on the bed which is right near the window. I was reading a book (when I read a book I am oblivious to all). He silently opened the window and poked me with a big stick and about gave me a heart attack.
Me and Mom: Painted G-Pa's Richard face with makeup while he was sleeping. Mom held my shirt so I could dangle over the top of G-Pa. It was hard to do because we were both laughing. I thought she was gonna drop me and I could not keep my hand steady from giggling.
I have such a demented family....One should never never fall asleep while there are family members about. We laugh and plot and plan. When Mom feel asleep in the car on the way home from an out of town trip we were taking pictures of her in her sleep mode...which ain't pretty...mouth open, snores emitting etc....We then decided we should just leave her somewhere on the side of the road or on someone's doorstep...like and unwanted litter of kittens...hahahaha The pictures were great and if Denise still had them on her camera I would post them on this blog...Lucky for Mom they have been long deleted.
Okay I am guess I am sufficiently awake to attempt 4 miles this morning. I gotta go tape and wrap and get dressed. It is COLD outside and what stinks is that I can't even wear a coat to start because within 1 mile I will be burning up. So the first mile I spend freezing my butt off. I think it is like 23 degrees. Brrrrrrr
Next week I am starting the inner peace class (yoga)...wanted to do an endurance class but it started last week and I was sick so I missed the first two classes so figure it is too late now. My husband wanted a stretching class anyway so this will be okay I guess.
Okay I have procrastinated yet another 10 minutes so now must put the coffee down and face the cold cold outdoors. This weather stinks...I will be griping about the weather again when it starts getting over 50. I hate cold but I hate heat with a passion!
Speaking of passion the coat I have been longing for was on clearance..finally..I love it! My son says I look like a woman of ill repute when I wear it. I LOVE COATS, JACKETS and BLAZERS almost as much as I love running shoes. I have a man's blazer that I wear and I love it! The girl at the office says I look like I am wearing an old man jacket. I told her it WAS an old man's jacket.
Okay NOW I am going out to run. Why oh why can't I be an effortlessly thin woman. Why must I work my butt off to be "average size"? Is it fair that I am not only not "hot'" but have the fat gene as well?? And as hard as I work I should totally look like Shania Twain! I guess I am more of the Minnie Pearl type girl...hey even Minnie Pearl is thinner then me...I have been gentically ripped off!!! Hmmm who should I thank for that...MOTHER!!!!!
Past Family Pranks:
Daughter: Dumped hot sauce on brother's tongue when he was sleeping. Brother jumped up screaming "What the heck have you done to me" (language cleaned up for the public). He then ran to the kitchen sink to douse his mouth with water. He then chased after his sister who fled for her life.
Son: Tied bread pans underneath his sister's car. She starts driving hears the sounds pulls over sure that her transmission is falling out. She then calls and accuses me of doing it....like I am going to crawl under her car in the middle of the night to prank her. Told her not me but was I was impressed with the prank!
Sons: Yes plural, ganged up on Aunt Denise and Saran Wrapped her car shut with her big outdoor rocking chair saran wrapped on top....Aunt Denise has been the victim more then once....they also took a box of like 500 plastic forks and poked them in her yard...upside for the boys on this prank is that they also made their cousin suffer, because Aunt Denise made Amanda (her daughter) go out and pull them all up out of the yard.
Me: Rubberbanded the handle down on the sink house so when my husband got a drink of water he got doused.
Husband: I was laying on the bed which is right near the window. I was reading a book (when I read a book I am oblivious to all). He silently opened the window and poked me with a big stick and about gave me a heart attack.
Me and Mom: Painted G-Pa's Richard face with makeup while he was sleeping. Mom held my shirt so I could dangle over the top of G-Pa. It was hard to do because we were both laughing. I thought she was gonna drop me and I could not keep my hand steady from giggling.
I have such a demented family....One should never never fall asleep while there are family members about. We laugh and plot and plan. When Mom feel asleep in the car on the way home from an out of town trip we were taking pictures of her in her sleep mode...which ain't pretty...mouth open, snores emitting etc....We then decided we should just leave her somewhere on the side of the road or on someone's doorstep...like and unwanted litter of kittens...hahahaha The pictures were great and if Denise still had them on her camera I would post them on this blog...Lucky for Mom they have been long deleted.
Okay I am guess I am sufficiently awake to attempt 4 miles this morning. I gotta go tape and wrap and get dressed. It is COLD outside and what stinks is that I can't even wear a coat to start because within 1 mile I will be burning up. So the first mile I spend freezing my butt off. I think it is like 23 degrees. Brrrrrrr
Next week I am starting the inner peace class (yoga)...wanted to do an endurance class but it started last week and I was sick so I missed the first two classes so figure it is too late now. My husband wanted a stretching class anyway so this will be okay I guess.
Okay I have procrastinated yet another 10 minutes so now must put the coffee down and face the cold cold outdoors. This weather stinks...I will be griping about the weather again when it starts getting over 50. I hate cold but I hate heat with a passion!
Speaking of passion the coat I have been longing for was on clearance..finally..I love it! My son says I look like a woman of ill repute when I wear it. I LOVE COATS, JACKETS and BLAZERS almost as much as I love running shoes. I have a man's blazer that I wear and I love it! The girl at the office says I look like I am wearing an old man jacket. I told her it WAS an old man's jacket.
Okay NOW I am going out to run. Why oh why can't I be an effortlessly thin woman. Why must I work my butt off to be "average size"? Is it fair that I am not only not "hot'" but have the fat gene as well?? And as hard as I work I should totally look like Shania Twain! I guess I am more of the Minnie Pearl type girl...hey even Minnie Pearl is thinner then me...I have been gentically ripped off!!! Hmmm who should I thank for that...MOTHER!!!!!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Yeah I did 4 miles on Sunday, 3 on Tuesday and 2.06 on Thursday and WITH NO SIGNIFICANT FOOT PAIN! Go Kim Go! You might wonder why only 2 on Thursday? because all I had to do was 30 minutes and I could go slowlyyyyyy because I have one heck of a head cold and I cannot get any air through my nasal passages. So spent 5 minutes warming up and 5 minutes cooling down and the rest jogging slow as I gasped for air. Yesterday I was unable to work because I was sooo sick. I only made it thru 10:45 am at work and had to go home. My head hurt, my nose was stopped up, I had a fever, I was lightheaded and my skin hurt...I went home and went to bed...slept till 5:00, ate dinner (because heaven knows there is NO illness that can supress my appetite) went back to bed till 4:30 am. So I have been cranky from being sick and missing my workout yesterday so today all I had to do was put in the time....did not have to be good...just do the time. So I am feeling mighty proud of myself to be working out on what feels to be my deathbed. I did find that when you workout when you are sick you sweat a whole lot more!!!!!
10K:I am going to start training for the 10k because I think I can handle it now. I am not going to worry about speed. I just gotta finish the route! On the other hand this training shedule should help me signicantly improve my 5k time (which stinks). Ah time to go back to work....this is a very sickly office....my poor boss...his wife will need to douse him with Pinesol before she lets him the house because both myself and my coworker are ill.
10K:I am going to start training for the 10k because I think I can handle it now. I am not going to worry about speed. I just gotta finish the route! On the other hand this training shedule should help me signicantly improve my 5k time (which stinks). Ah time to go back to work....this is a very sickly office....my poor boss...his wife will need to douse him with Pinesol before she lets him the house because both myself and my coworker are ill.
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