Being a baby must be exhausting. I laid her down and not even one eyelid flutter. She did spend her awake time being utterly charming and full of personality. I asked her if she wanted to go shopping with Grandma and she did this HUGE smile. I told her Grandma has credit cards!!! Carissa got to visit with her Great Grandma Casey today!
Mother: So very sick with bronchitis. Yuck she has been in isolation because I refuse to be around her till she is healthy...poor Mommy! I took her some Taco Salad the other day but would not go into her house just handed it to her thru the door. A daughter's love can only stretch so far...I now have two things I will not do for my mother 1}Will not touch my mother's feet...blah she will have to sandpaper off her own feet 2}Will not hang with her when she is hacking up a lung.
Daughter: Pregnant and she is having...............................................................A BOY! He was quite the cooperative young man and flipped right over to show himself off. Due date August 31. Both of his parents are bowlers and I just happened across a bib that has a bowling ball and pins and the word "Strike" on it. Could not pass that up!
Son and Fiance: Getting married the first week of November we will be having a wedding reception the week before Thanksgiving. Attn: Family put this on your calendar!
Niece: My neice Amanda will be getting married on May 5. It is going to be a totally lovely wedding. My niece Amanda wants to release doves. My sister says she will not pay for doves. I told my niece if she had doves I will make sure I bring a cat. Niece did not look amused...Aunt Kim laughed her butt off. A few other things her mother will not pay for: Ice Sculpture and Open Bar!!! I say open up your check book sister dear and lets have the open bar!!! Just kidding...I don't drink...I prefer my calories in food form!
Dog: Zedo stinks!
Grandson: Is going to be a future Donald Trump (though with much better hair). He counted his money and took it to the bank to start a savings account. The teller counted the change and gave him a deposit slip showing he deposited like $13.00 (rounded). He questioned the teller because he was sure he had like $15.00. She checked it again and in fact he was right (and according to his Mom he had been counting that money for days on end). He told the teller that he could count money better then she could and she went to college and he was only 8 years old. Hahahahaahah. That is a kid that is going to be buying Grandma Kim a Mercedes for her birthday someday!
Saturday Activity: Went to the country and tromped thru the woods with my honey! It was a beautiful day for tromping thru the woods. He then did some target practice . I sat crouched in the truck as he did target practice because I was scared a bullet would bounce off of whatever he was shooting at and strike me in the middle of my forehead. He has assured me that that is not a possibility but it still freaks me out.
Fitness: No exercise today...did a little stretching in the a.m. Then did the wood tromping thing. I had every intention of doing the 3.5 miles but my mind and legs were saying no no no Saturday is our day of rest. So I listened to my legs and my head and gave in...but they might as well not even bother complaining tomorrow because we are going whether they like it or not! So foot you better be ready because pain or no pain you have a job to do!
The Girls: I miss the girls so much! I have not had the girls at my house for quite awhile...so Little Debbie, Dolly Madison, and Betty Crocker we will schedule a date soon and you will have my undivided attention!
Phrase of the Day: "Are you going to eat that?" I have found that phrase not to actually question whether the person is going to eat it or not but it is more of a forewarning that the person uttering that phrase is actually going to eat whatever it is whether you are planning to eat it or not. Why I know this is true is because I bought my husband three chocolate chip cookies the other day which he did not eat within what I thought to be a reasonable time frame. So I then asked "Are you going to eat that" and before he could say yes or no I had the bag opened and one of the cookies swallowed whole.
Got to go my husband made dinner. His specialty.....Frozen Pizza...nothing says love like a pizza in a box.
Poor sick mommy...
She wouldn't even bring my taco salad in. Just knocked on door way up hight were she thinks I'm not tall enough to reach so she won't get my crappy germs.Yip those were her very words to me !!
The salad was good though...
She won't bring me cakes and good stuff though... Bad, Bad Kimmy, wants my to get skinny..
TWIGGY I tried to find your site and couldn't.
So if you get back here to my daughters site, read this...
YOU don't know the daughter, (my granddaughter )
Believe me she gets plenty of attention. I for for ONE like my grand-dogs and I could sit all day and just hear stories about them..Maybe YOU are not animal lover.
BTW.. Feet are important...
They take us where we want to go, and furture more very importent to RUNNERS...
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