Yikes...I stopped over to see my little buster brown (a/k/a Baby Adam) on Sunday and two hours later he was puking at Indiana Beach. I am assuming it was not Grandma kisses that made him sick but the flu bug. Yes indeed it was the flu bug because yesterday at work I get a phone call...a weak little voice says, "Mom, what are you doing". I respond that I am at work and then the most pathetic little voice says..."Oh I am puking and Lucas is pukings" She sounded so sick and weak! The calvary rode in a/k/a Grandpa (he had a light schedule) and he picked up the little guy so Mom and Dad could puke in peace. This was Grandpa's first day by himself with Adam! I came home on my lunch break and they were doing just fine. Matter of fact he said I was disturbing them as I made Adam cry and whine when he saw me because he wanted Grandma to hold him. Grandpa changed diapers, Grandpa gave the baby a nap, grandpa made a baby fort to keep baby corraled. The corral was an elaborate set up of coffee table, couch, toy box, baby saucer and a gate made of his baby rings. Adam and Grandpa made their first fort! Grandpa and Adam also went to Walmart where they bought a new disc for the camera and a spiffy new teething ring that vibrates when it gets chewed on. Grandpa says Adam is a chick magnet. When I got home from work Adam and Grandpa were sitting on the porch swing just happy as clams. I called to check on Kendra she still had a fever and the chills so I told her I would keep Adam overnight and then Grandpa would bring him home in the morning on his way to work. She was most appreciative! I get the play pen set up in our room and put in his favorite blanket in preparation for bed time. So now...will Adam sleep all night so that Grandma may have her wits about her when she goes to work..or will Adam stay up all night, demand that he be in Grandma's and Grandpa's bed and then kick and roll all over Grandma and Grandpa all night? I an happy to report...Adam slept...in the play pen...only woke up once...I promptly stuck his plug in (pacifier) and he went back to sleep...He did not want to go to sleep at first because we had the light on and the TV on. He crawled all over us, all over the bed..we put him in the play pen....he was not happy...put him next to me on the bed...he thought we were playground eqipment. Grandpa final turns off the TV and the light and goes downstairs to watch "Glen Beck". He tells Adam "Goodnight it is your bedtime". Baby puts his head down and falls asleep and the transfer to the play pen was successful. Now lets just hope Grandma and Grandpa avoid the flu bug. I hope Adam did not send his flu bug to Florida via Grandma Mae.
Cute things are children have done:Abby and Tyson: Played military...we were short on GI Joes so the military consist of a few GI Joes, mini babies, little care bears, little fisher price people, and Kelly dolls. Tyson says to Abby "Lets play war" and Abby says she does not know how. Tyson then proceeds to fill her in on military strategy and such. He was very serious about the ways of war! Abby says to me "Aunt Kim babies are in the military" hmmm out of the mouth of babes. At any rate Abby's army of babies and one GI Joe was totally destroyed by the army of two GI Joes, care bears, fisher price people and the kelly dolls. Evidently Fisher Price people are much more fierce then they appear. Upon the destruction of Abby's Army she threw her self back in the chair and sobbed.
Carissa: Drama Queen to the Extreme...she works the crowd...she is destined for Hollywood. She does this thing called, "The Monster" Picture above..."The Monster" looks funnier when she is not covered in mac and cheese. She does "The Monster" on command and just when ever it strikes her and has found it a fine way to get laughs. The adults are all sitting in a circle and Carissa does her monster (which makes Grandma laugh like crazy) and while she is doing it she is swiveling around so the whole family can see it. Aunt Suzie says she needs to stop because people are going to think something is wrong with her. Grandma loves it! I love that she goes up to random people and does "The monster".
Mae: Mae made it safely back home! She said she had a great time! We did as well! My dad would have found it quite funny that we took his diamond bedecked wife to a tavern/pub for lunch and yard saling.
Time to get ready for work...missing the Y since we have Adam but will be back in the swing of things by next week...providing my knee and foot improves...otherwise it will be alot of swimming.
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