The Heart Walk: Natalie gave a wonderful speech that brought tears to my eyes. The kids had a great time as there were clowns, a playground and games. It was such a beautiful day for a walk and what a worthy cause. Thank you to all the people that donated money for the walk!
Abby's Birthday: Abby is now a big 5 years old and so excited about all her birthday gifts. We had a nice time at the party. Grandma jumped on the trampoline...believe it or not that is a real cardiac workout if you jump pretty high. My dismount off the trampoline was a little less then graceful. Ty tried to tell me that doing a flip was easy and I should try it. I told him I would take his word for it and leaving the flipping to him. Carissa loved the trampoline and it sent her into fits of giggles (for safety nut people...the trampoline is encased by a safety net).
Fitness updates: I am on track and have completed 19.5 miles of running for this week 20! I believe I am going to do the Benton County YMCA 5k this weekend as I am going to miss the Pumpkin Push. 16+ miles of biking completed! So my four day a week running plan has been so far successful!
Upcoming events: Lucas Birthday, Feast of the Hunters Moon, Covered Bridge (no men folk allowed). I am also going to be scheduling a "Family Hobo Stew" watch for details.
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