Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love running, I love biking, I love walking thru leaves and carving pumpkins. Unfortunately I also love food. Fall awakens the hunger in me like no other season...chili, cider, pumpkin dougnuts (and I don't even like dougnuts all that well) stews, homemade soups, homemade cookies and cakes. I need to do the whole bear thing and hibernate right thru the fall season. Yesterday, my friend and I were walking on our lunch break, and as soon as I walked out the door of the building I could smell the yummy goodness of Chumley's hamburgers. My knees about buckled and I just about fell to the ground in a fit of culinary lust. Lucky for me I knew that if I made it thru my breakfast of egg whites and whole grain bread, and lunch of carrots, celery, strawberries, and whole grain bread roast beef sandwich that delights were awaiting me at home in honor of my son in laws birthday...chicken pot pie, made with my own loving hands. Lets just say because of the season I am REALLY glad they took the remainder of the birthday cake home (aside from the piece my husband has in his possession and is closely guarding).
On the home front:My husband bought snickers bars last week (which I might add is the best candy in the ENTIRE world..followed closely by reece cups). He hid the snickers bars. They are unfindable. That makes me sad and kinda glad.
On the Grandbaby Front: My grandson, who is getting ready to turn 1, had his picture taken. Is it wrong to want to buy every package cause he is so darn cute? Do you think I could get a bank loan to purchase the million dollars of pictures I want? Oh...the parents are kinda cute too. My other grandson,who seems to be alot like his grandma, will pee in the potty lots of time for pieces of candy corn. Maybe I should ask my husband if I pee in the potty will that score me one of those hidden snickers bars.
1/2 Marathon Training Update: My IT band hurts...hurt at mile 8 on my long run with 3 more miles to go. Lucky for me I have a plodding buddy that has the patience of a saint. The last three miles were walk, run, stretch, repeat. I FINISHED the route and to me, with the burning in my leg, that was what counted. I have been rolling my IT band on that devil of a roller twice a day. Yesterday did three miles with no pain. For all the pain it causes while rolling it better be working. 1/2 marathon November 7! This weeks long run 11.5 miles. I don't understand why I do all this exercise and am not losing weight when I eat lots better then most people (but not as good as some). I think it is all my weekends...I need to control my weekend food and eat more like I do during the week but then again what fun is that?
Overheard at my house: "This is rather disturbing" said by Kendra while I was doing my inner peace stretches in front of her. "Welcome to my world" response of Kendra's father/my hubby
"We are going for a walk and you two can't go" said by grandson as he pointed to his mother and grandfather while we were getting ready to go for our after dinner walk.
"I am not tired, I don't wanna go night night" said about 30 seconds before my grandson fell asleep.
"What do you want for breakfast" uttered by Grandma "Candy Corn" response by grandson "Don't tell your Mom though" response by Grandma (fyi later we actually had a real breakfast)
"Where did you put the snickers bars?" guess who said this..."Why do you want to know" said by the hider of the snickers bars.
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