Well it is done! We have nothing but a slab where our previous garage sat. James, Chad, Brad and Lucas worked like mad men and now it is done. The dumpster will be taken away soon and now the rebuilding begins. I can't even begin to thank these guys for all their hard work! Today I need to take my site plan to the City Engineer's office so we can be begin the "obtain building permit process". Our contractor should be getting back to us with a our estimate and we will be on the road.
Exercise: Tired tired yesterday. Went outside decided I did not have the motivation to run outside that I would mostly likely end up walking so did sprints on the treadmill and then lifted. Today I am swimming and tomorrow is a 3 miler, Friday Spinning and Powerhour and Saturday will be a 6 1/2 miler....which hopefully will be steady with no stopping. At some point in there something may have to go if my daughter sees fit to deliver my grandson! This whole garage, Jerry sick, plumbing and car needing repair thing has killed my motiviation.
Well better go or am going to be late to swimming and I still have to throw my lunch together. More later...and much more interesting I promise.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
General News
Husband: Still feeling poorly. He still has chest pains and his stomach is all torn up. It is to the point where they took him off the medicine for his heart and are concentrating on getting his stomach healed. He is now on Zantac 150 twice a day and Nexum (which is horribly expensive...$150 for 30 pills). He has started to put on a few pounds but not enough. He still eats very little and is NOT resting. I left him alone this morning to go to the grocery store and when I came home he had taken out three bushes and raked up the yard. Friday when we weren't looking he started working on the garage and James caught him. Then he told me he was going out to Pine Village to sit by the creek and relax and he did not sit down...he went hiking and now he is all pale and washed out and weak. He is a very very very bad patient and needs to be watch every minute of the day. He is like one of those work horses that will just work and work till they drop in the field. He has a high pain threshhold and will be holding his gut with one hand and the rake with the other. No man is gonna drop on my watch..so I will not leave this house unless he is by my side. He goes to the GP on Monday and to the Cardiologist next on Friday. STILL NOT SMOKING! Go Jerry! The whole family is proud of you! I think the GP might have to tranquilize him to make him STOP working.
Adam: No no Adam yet. Mother impatient and very very large. Doctor says nothing...nada...zip....no progress at all and 5 days till due date.
Tyson: Likes his new teacher at school. Is loving football and soccer. He has his first Football game this Sunday afternoon and I will be going to watch. He came over with Brad on Friday night and we took a little walk around the block with his little sister. On the way we met up with one of the neighborhood kids who came over to play with him.
Carissa: What a sweetie. She sat on Grandma's lap lots. We took a walk and blew some bubbles and sat in the rocking chair and then had some juice. She has two front teeth now. She is most definitely a Daddy's girl.
New Garage: Contractor came and checked out our site. He will be giving us a quote in a couple of days. In the meantime I am to acquire the building permit.
House: Dirty and Dusty. I think I need to put my house cleaning iron back in the fire...but I do not want to take out my other irons (lifting, running, and blogging). I need to hire a maid. My daughter and I were talking...she hates cooking but loves to clean. I hate cleaning but love to cook. Together we would make one complete woman. I think we should get a thing going where she comes over to clean and then she could stay and I would fix her dinner.....what do you think Girly????
Adam: No no Adam yet. Mother impatient and very very large. Doctor says nothing...nada...zip....no progress at all and 5 days till due date.
Tyson: Likes his new teacher at school. Is loving football and soccer. He has his first Football game this Sunday afternoon and I will be going to watch. He came over with Brad on Friday night and we took a little walk around the block with his little sister. On the way we met up with one of the neighborhood kids who came over to play with him.
Carissa: What a sweetie. She sat on Grandma's lap lots. We took a walk and blew some bubbles and sat in the rocking chair and then had some juice. She has two front teeth now. She is most definitely a Daddy's girl.
New Garage: Contractor came and checked out our site. He will be giving us a quote in a couple of days. In the meantime I am to acquire the building permit.
House: Dirty and Dusty. I think I need to put my house cleaning iron back in the fire...but I do not want to take out my other irons (lifting, running, and blogging). I need to hire a maid. My daughter and I were talking...she hates cooking but loves to clean. I hate cleaning but love to cook. Together we would make one complete woman. I think we should get a thing going where she comes over to clean and then she could stay and I would fix her dinner.....what do you think Girly????
They look like they are having fun
A Lingering Feeling of Despair

I really don't know if despair is quite the word that describes my state of mind. Perhaps gloom would be more apt. At any rate I keep telling myself to shake it off and put on a happy face. Maybe I should have gone to spinning class today but I just went to Walmart and came home. So I have half heartedly been working on my house. I look around and think, "What a dump". After we get the garage situation done I think I shall focus all my attention on making my house a haven of peace and tranquility. Okay enough poor sad depressed Kim stuff. My sons came over(James, Brad, and Lucas)as well as my son James's friend Chad (who has been there for all of the clean up!) and finished off the front part of the shed. Those boys worked like horses. I am truely blessed to have the privilege of being their mother. What an awesome young man Chad is to give up his free time to help us in our time of need. Below are some pictures showing the work in progress. They had quite a lot of fun during the demolition. I think my boys take great pleasure in demolition. My daughter, who is nine months pregnant, looked longingly upon the fun. My girl is not a girly girl (but when she dresses up you would never know there is a tomboy lurking within). My girl, like her mother, loves her sledgehammers. So I too looked longingly upon the demolition. But my husband insisted that I not participate and should just take care of the evening meal. Normally I would not have listened to such chauvinistic talk and picked up my sledgehammer but my gloom has robbed me of my normal super duper athena strength so I just watched.
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Patience of Job
My poor poor husband. In the past two weeks my husband has had to endure some pretty serious health issues, a garage fire (totalling our garage) and now plumbing. My kitchen sink was not draining properly (well not at all actually) but I did not want to tell him so while he was outside *suppose to be resting and relaxing* I was plunging like crazy. I was trying to watch for him and trying to plunge so he would not catch me and ask me what was going on. Well we have two doors off the kitchen and while I was watching the one I thought he went out he came in the other. Of course he says "What are doing? What is wrong?" I said, "Oh I just have a little clog and I am fixing it right up." Well it proved not to be a little clog it was a replace the 10 foot long cast iron pipe drain (original plumbing no doubt in a very old house). The replacing involved shimming under the crawl space and ALL the way under the house...shiver shiver...spiders...all sorts of nasties. He had to cut the 10 foot cast iron pipe from two places and then we had to pull it out. While replacing the water pipe the copper water line burst so then he had to FIX that and actually the copper water line was the most physcial and difficult job because he had to do something to the copper that involved a tool and LOTS of brute strength. While he is under the crawl space water is spewing out of the copper water line (despite the water being off) so not only is he crawling around in dirt and bricks but also wet mud. In addition he had to wiggle around lots and lots of wires. Which I am so glad that he shut the power down. So while he was under there he also tacked up some wires that back in the old days they did not feel necessary to have them tacked up (there is another term for it but I don't remember what he told me). It was very very hard work but not one angry word came out of his mouth. Just the fact that he had the worst plumber's helper every (me) should have made him cry out in anger. As plumber' s helper I had to reach in the crawl space but not enter it and hold the light...also bring him tools and such. I also took it upon my myself to offer all sorts of plumbing advice. Which he endured quite nicely. I also had to use a saw zaw to cut a piece of PVC. The saw zaw scares me! I also had to feed in and out the old 10 foot pipe and the new 10 foot pipe. Once my husband did all the stuff downstairs (6 hours mind you and that was AFTER working all day) he went back upstairs and finished the hookup under the kitchen sink. During the upstairs process I was required to hold a 5-6 inch piece of PVS while he saw zawed it by about 2 inches. He said I could hold it or saw. Earlier when I sawed I had no control over the saw and was scared to use it again so I opted for holding. Before he started I begged quite sincerely for him not to lop off my hand with the saw zaw. He said, "Don't you trust your husband?" I told him it was not him I did not trust it was the saw zaw. He said he was born with a saw in his hand and nothing would happen. And obviously by this very lengthy post he did not lop off any part of my hand. Ordinarly he would have gone to the garage and used something out there to hold it....but........
Surely nothing else can happen to this poor man. He is still dreadfully sick and is now down from 173 (less then two weeks ago) to 155. Tonight the boys are coming over to work on the garage and he is FORBIDDEN to do any further work this week. Next week he gets Friday and Monday off and he I am going to chain him to the couch.
Now I feel kinda shallow posting this after all my husband has gone thru but because I am a shallow woman I will... 3 1/2 mile run successful on Thursday...no stopping at all...not even on the hill...however my knees have been talking to me since then...not screaming at me just a nice polite...hey can you take off about another 15 pounds you crazy woman you are killing us.
Surely nothing else can happen to this poor man. He is still dreadfully sick and is now down from 173 (less then two weeks ago) to 155. Tonight the boys are coming over to work on the garage and he is FORBIDDEN to do any further work this week. Next week he gets Friday and Monday off and he I am going to chain him to the couch.
Now I feel kinda shallow posting this after all my husband has gone thru but because I am a shallow woman I will... 3 1/2 mile run successful on Thursday...no stopping at all...not even on the hill...however my knees have been talking to me since then...not screaming at me just a nice polite...hey can you take off about another 15 pounds you crazy woman you are killing us.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
They Didn't Wait for Me

Afterthought: The same man that was so concerned about my safety during the demolition is the same man that asked me to hold the ladder while he climbed up with the running chain saw.....
Highest Compliment Ever!
On Saturday I received, what I feel, is the highest compliment every: My husband says, "Kim you worked like a man" Now he did not exactly mean for me to be beaming with pride over that. He feels strongly that a woman should not have been out heaving and carting fire debris. However, as we all know I have a wee bit of testosterone mixed in with my estrogen. I was proud. I said, "Thank you honey" He shakes his head and looks sad. Poor man he will never have a wife that likes to plant flowers and sew....he has a wife that would rather till the field and herd the sheep to make the wool to make the clothes....
I told my husband that God gave me these strong legs for a reason...so that I can work and work...he says God DID NOT GIVE ME THOSE LEGS I MADE THEM......HAHAHAH
Man I almost feel like doing the Tarzan thing....except for I am at my office and they might think that is a bit odd.
Fire Update: No arsonist found as of yet. We have emptied 20 years of junk out of the garage and are fairly close to demolition time. I believe my son James (a/k/a Big Daddy) and his friend Chad will be coming over tonight work....and yours truely will be right by their side.
I tell you this has been the hardest physical labor I have EVER done. My Quads are killing me and my 4 1/2 mile run turned into an absolute walk/run because every time I picked up my legs it felt like I was lifting up blocks of cement. It hurts like the dickens when I climb up steps and even worse coming down steps.
Baby Adam: No baby Adam yet. I am counting down the days till August 31. It can't get here soon enough for me.
Melissa: My coworker/kinda relative was in a bad car accident. A gentleman apparently had a seizure and rear ended her. She was at a stop light and he plowed into the back of her going around 35-40 mph. He then continued on down the hill striking several other cars. Her car is totaled and she is stiff and sore but alive! What is worse then hitting an attorney's car? Hitting a attorney's crazy assistant's car!
Carissa: First tooth in and she is starting to slither all over the floor. Pretty soon she will be crawling all over....She loves the cat and she likes to grab Miss Kitty. Ms. Kitty better run fast once Carissa starts crawling. On Saturday she came and watched garage cleanup and she really enjoyed sitting outside in the yard on the blanket. She is a most precious and beautiful baby girl.
Tyson: Started back to school. I can't believe how much he is grown. What a fine young grandson I have. He is smart and funny and very loving. He was 3 years old when we first met him and now he is 8! I still remember the first time I met him. It was Halloween and his mother came by with him. He was getting kinda antsy in the yard while his Mom was talking to Brad (my son/her husband now) and I said to him, "Would you like to go with me and trick or treat a few houses." He said yes and slipped his small hand into mine and he just chattered away the whole time we were walking. I loved him from that moment on.
Exercise: No running this weekend....the weekend was rough and Saturday I did my "Man's work" Sunday I was grumpy, tired, out of sorts and actually not running made it way worse. Monday was Spinning and Power Hour
Tuesday: 4 1/2 mile walk/run and lifting
Tomorrow is up in the air. The pool at the Y is down and the water is like 76 degrees. I don't know if I want to swim in artic water. Perhaps I will attempt a short run????
Well time to go back to work....sigh....I need some vacation time away from this town....just kick back and enjoy myself time.
I told my husband that God gave me these strong legs for a reason...so that I can work and work...he says God DID NOT GIVE ME THOSE LEGS I MADE THEM......HAHAHAH
Man I almost feel like doing the Tarzan thing....except for I am at my office and they might think that is a bit odd.
Fire Update: No arsonist found as of yet. We have emptied 20 years of junk out of the garage and are fairly close to demolition time. I believe my son James (a/k/a Big Daddy) and his friend Chad will be coming over tonight work....and yours truely will be right by their side.
I tell you this has been the hardest physical labor I have EVER done. My Quads are killing me and my 4 1/2 mile run turned into an absolute walk/run because every time I picked up my legs it felt like I was lifting up blocks of cement. It hurts like the dickens when I climb up steps and even worse coming down steps.
Baby Adam: No baby Adam yet. I am counting down the days till August 31. It can't get here soon enough for me.
Melissa: My coworker/kinda relative was in a bad car accident. A gentleman apparently had a seizure and rear ended her. She was at a stop light and he plowed into the back of her going around 35-40 mph. He then continued on down the hill striking several other cars. Her car is totaled and she is stiff and sore but alive! What is worse then hitting an attorney's car? Hitting a attorney's crazy assistant's car!
Carissa: First tooth in and she is starting to slither all over the floor. Pretty soon she will be crawling all over....She loves the cat and she likes to grab Miss Kitty. Ms. Kitty better run fast once Carissa starts crawling. On Saturday she came and watched garage cleanup and she really enjoyed sitting outside in the yard on the blanket. She is a most precious and beautiful baby girl.
Tyson: Started back to school. I can't believe how much he is grown. What a fine young grandson I have. He is smart and funny and very loving. He was 3 years old when we first met him and now he is 8! I still remember the first time I met him. It was Halloween and his mother came by with him. He was getting kinda antsy in the yard while his Mom was talking to Brad (my son/her husband now) and I said to him, "Would you like to go with me and trick or treat a few houses." He said yes and slipped his small hand into mine and he just chattered away the whole time we were walking. I loved him from that moment on.
Exercise: No running this weekend....the weekend was rough and Saturday I did my "Man's work" Sunday I was grumpy, tired, out of sorts and actually not running made it way worse. Monday was Spinning and Power Hour
Tuesday: 4 1/2 mile walk/run and lifting
Tomorrow is up in the air. The pool at the Y is down and the water is like 76 degrees. I don't know if I want to swim in artic water. Perhaps I will attempt a short run????
Well time to go back to work....sigh....I need some vacation time away from this town....just kick back and enjoy myself time.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Garage Boot Camp
The scales are going lower!!!! To bad my garage had to burn down to help me lose weight. Cleanup is going well. My poor husband is sad...he is still not smoking...yeah honey! Demolition should begin this next week. Then we will work on getting a new garage put up. We have decided to go with one of the prefab kits....
Update: Teaching Boot Camp...went good..people said I made them sore...I was successfull
Weight: Down 2 more pounds!
Baby Adam: Not here yet...daughter large large large...she thinks baby Adam will never come out.
More later........
Update: Teaching Boot Camp...went good..people said I made them sore...I was successfull
Weight: Down 2 more pounds!
Baby Adam: Not here yet...daughter large large large...she thinks baby Adam will never come out.
More later........
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Sorry about typos in post...too tired to change them. I am trying to post pictures and it will not upload my picture. I will try later.
Drama and Trauma in the Extreme
It is early I should be getting ready to go the Y but I need, for my sanity's sake, to write down the events of the last few days. My saga begins on Friday night....
Friday: Came home from work to find my husband on the couch. He says he does not feel well. When I ask what is wrong he just says, "I don't feel good" and then he rolls over. So I am thinking he has the flu or a cold. So I think nothing of it.
Saturday: He arises I look at him and he looks TERRIBLE. I ask him what is wrong. He AGAIN says "I don't feel good". As I am looking at him I see that it is not just a simple case of the flu so I begin to grill the man...is it your stomach, do you have a fever, do you have a headache etc....FINALLY he says no it is my chest. He says his CHEST hurts and it is RADIATING outward and up into his jaw bone and he cannot breathe. Okay those are the signs of a heart attack. So I tell him we need to go to the doctor. I call the doctor and they says GO to the ER. My husband who HATES doctors with a passion passively agreed to go. That in itself scared the crap out of me. We go to the hospital and they to all the heart stuff and determine no heart attack but he does have a ripping case of Carditis. That is an inflamation of the sac that surrounds the heart. It is VERY painful because when the heart beats it now rubs against the sac. In addition because of the inflamation that lungs lose some room so they cannot expand so that you can breathe. If the swelling gets bad enough you cannot breathe at all and I am about 100 percent sure if you can't breathe that you suffacate and die. So they stuck him in the hospital and put him on iv meds (heart meds, morphine....). The one med he was on and still is on is wicked wicked stuff so he has to take another medicine to counteract the symptoms from the heart medicine. On top of that they told him he NEEDS to quit smoking. He is a 1 1/2 pack a day smoker. So they slapped a smokers patch on him and NO more smokes for him. They did send him home with another med to help with the nicotene addiction. So they released him Sunday afternoon around 3:00 ish....NOW for Sunday....
Sunday: After finally getting discharged from the hospital we head home. He is very weak and does not feel very well. He felt better at the hospital because he was just laying around in bed and now moving around did not make him feel well...SO we are home for like 2 hours from the hospital and....SOMEONE ARSONED OUR GARAGE AND IT WENT UP IN FLAMES. Yes that is right 2 hours after we get home my husband is out clutching his chest and trying to put out a very large hot fire. We called 911 but until they got here my husband was valiantly trying to put out the fire, He runs into the house long enough to cut the power to the shed.....all the while holding his chest. I am screaming at him to put the hose down and sit down (while I am calling 911)...he pays me no heed. I am scared because I think he is going to have a heart attack now.....so many flames...so much smoke. Our neighbor Jeremy runs to help us...he is a great neighbor. FINALLY after what seemed 15 minutes (probabaly closer to 5) the fire trucks are here. The fire chief first told us absolutely electrically...my husband says no way...I know my garage and based on that there was still power there is NO WAY it was electrically. The fire inspector came and guess what ARSON and my husband found a bent place in our fence where the arsonist went over. All of my husband's tools lost...along with most of his "guy stuff" fishing poles, reels...etc to much stuff to ever list here. He is sick sick sick with all this and so very upset .....on top of all that it is during his nicotene withdrawl.
So that people was our weekend.....
I did not go to work on Monday and I am not going to make it in till 1:00 today. Yesterday was spent with the insurance adjustor and the verizon guy (cause our phone line ran over the garage and got burnt up). We then starteding pulling charred stuff from the garage and photographing and documenting property damage. They have totaled out my structure and given me policy limits for it...which upon my poor choice is a pittance. I am sure we will take a beating on the property damage as the depreciate everything....I hate to tell them that tools don't depreciate...they are of full value until they break....a table saw is a table saw until it no longer is functioning and for a man in the building trade is just as valuable at 1 year old as it is at 5 or 10. The will give us replacement value but they first start by giving us depreciated value and then when we buy the new one we give them the receipt and supposedly they will give us the difference....it is a hard job documenting damages for my man was man of many tools and he a lifetime supply of nuts and bolts and screws. How do we possible calculate value on a lifetime supply of nuts, nails, screws bolts and washers???and he lost many many sentimental things...how do we value those? I will be calling my agent today to discuss that with him. In addition our GIGANTIC dumpster will be delivered today as we have to do a total teardown of the garage. I also have to get Jerry a followup with the cardiologist and the GP. Also have to do more documentation of damages, call contractors for a new garage etc...so I am going into the Y late ( I know I should not go but I have been eating like a pig from the stress) and then will come home and get those things done...then go to work for a couple of hours then head back home to start loading stuff up in the dumpster.
Please keep my husband in our thoughts as he goes thru this horrible horrible time!
Thank you to my James and Kendra for coming over to sift thru crap with us. My daughter is 9 months pregnant and would NOT stop helping...she says she is fine she is strong as an ox...she was pushing brooms and pickup up crap...I told her NO HEAVY stuff. She insist she knows her limitations and she is not an old lady she is just pregnant.
So more work today!
Friday: Came home from work to find my husband on the couch. He says he does not feel well. When I ask what is wrong he just says, "I don't feel good" and then he rolls over. So I am thinking he has the flu or a cold. So I think nothing of it.
Saturday: He arises I look at him and he looks TERRIBLE. I ask him what is wrong. He AGAIN says "I don't feel good". As I am looking at him I see that it is not just a simple case of the flu so I begin to grill the man...is it your stomach, do you have a fever, do you have a headache etc....FINALLY he says no it is my chest. He says his CHEST hurts and it is RADIATING outward and up into his jaw bone and he cannot breathe. Okay those are the signs of a heart attack. So I tell him we need to go to the doctor. I call the doctor and they says GO to the ER. My husband who HATES doctors with a passion passively agreed to go. That in itself scared the crap out of me. We go to the hospital and they to all the heart stuff and determine no heart attack but he does have a ripping case of Carditis. That is an inflamation of the sac that surrounds the heart. It is VERY painful because when the heart beats it now rubs against the sac. In addition because of the inflamation that lungs lose some room so they cannot expand so that you can breathe. If the swelling gets bad enough you cannot breathe at all and I am about 100 percent sure if you can't breathe that you suffacate and die. So they stuck him in the hospital and put him on iv meds (heart meds, morphine....). The one med he was on and still is on is wicked wicked stuff so he has to take another medicine to counteract the symptoms from the heart medicine. On top of that they told him he NEEDS to quit smoking. He is a 1 1/2 pack a day smoker. So they slapped a smokers patch on him and NO more smokes for him. They did send him home with another med to help with the nicotene addiction. So they released him Sunday afternoon around 3:00 ish....NOW for Sunday....
Sunday: After finally getting discharged from the hospital we head home. He is very weak and does not feel very well. He felt better at the hospital because he was just laying around in bed and now moving around did not make him feel well...SO we are home for like 2 hours from the hospital and....SOMEONE ARSONED OUR GARAGE AND IT WENT UP IN FLAMES. Yes that is right 2 hours after we get home my husband is out clutching his chest and trying to put out a very large hot fire. We called 911 but until they got here my husband was valiantly trying to put out the fire, He runs into the house long enough to cut the power to the shed.....all the while holding his chest. I am screaming at him to put the hose down and sit down (while I am calling 911)...he pays me no heed. I am scared because I think he is going to have a heart attack now.....so many flames...so much smoke. Our neighbor Jeremy runs to help us...he is a great neighbor. FINALLY after what seemed 15 minutes (probabaly closer to 5) the fire trucks are here. The fire chief first told us absolutely electrically...my husband says no way...I know my garage and based on that there was still power there is NO WAY it was electrically. The fire inspector came and guess what ARSON and my husband found a bent place in our fence where the arsonist went over. All of my husband's tools lost...along with most of his "guy stuff" fishing poles, reels...etc to much stuff to ever list here. He is sick sick sick with all this and so very upset .....on top of all that it is during his nicotene withdrawl.
So that people was our weekend.....
I did not go to work on Monday and I am not going to make it in till 1:00 today. Yesterday was spent with the insurance adjustor and the verizon guy (cause our phone line ran over the garage and got burnt up). We then starteding pulling charred stuff from the garage and photographing and documenting property damage. They have totaled out my structure and given me policy limits for it...which upon my poor choice is a pittance. I am sure we will take a beating on the property damage as the depreciate everything....I hate to tell them that tools don't depreciate...they are of full value until they break....a table saw is a table saw until it no longer is functioning and for a man in the building trade is just as valuable at 1 year old as it is at 5 or 10. The will give us replacement value but they first start by giving us depreciated value and then when we buy the new one we give them the receipt and supposedly they will give us the difference....it is a hard job documenting damages for my man was man of many tools and he a lifetime supply of nuts and bolts and screws. How do we possible calculate value on a lifetime supply of nuts, nails, screws bolts and washers???and he lost many many sentimental things...how do we value those? I will be calling my agent today to discuss that with him. In addition our GIGANTIC dumpster will be delivered today as we have to do a total teardown of the garage. I also have to get Jerry a followup with the cardiologist and the GP. Also have to do more documentation of damages, call contractors for a new garage etc...so I am going into the Y late ( I know I should not go but I have been eating like a pig from the stress) and then will come home and get those things done...then go to work for a couple of hours then head back home to start loading stuff up in the dumpster.
Please keep my husband in our thoughts as he goes thru this horrible horrible time!
Thank you to my James and Kendra for coming over to sift thru crap with us. My daughter is 9 months pregnant and would NOT stop helping...she says she is fine she is strong as an ox...she was pushing brooms and pickup up crap...I told her NO HEAVY stuff. She insist she knows her limitations and she is not an old lady she is just pregnant.
So more work today!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I will rule the world! Well maybe not the world but I will be in charge of next Wednesday's Power Hour. It is very difficult to plan a class because you have to keep all different fitness levels in mind as well as time. Here is the plan I have come up with so far. Sounds too easy? too hard?? I would appreciate any input.
Warm Up (5 minutes) Jump Rope
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Faster
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Faster
30 Seconds Easy
15 Seconds Right Foot
15 Seconds Left Foog
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Fast
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Fast
Set 1 Jog/Squats/Lunges (14 minutes)
Jog 2 minutes
Squat 1 minute
Jog 3 minutes
Lunge 1 minute
Jog 3 minutes
Squat 1 minute
Jog 2 minutes
Lunge 1 minte
One Minute Transition
Set 2 Strength/Biceps/Triceps (3 sets) (5-6 minutes) Hand Weights
1st Set Front Curls (8)
2nd Set Side Curls (8)
3rd Set Hammer Curls (8)
4th Tricep Kick Backs (8)
Set 3 Cardio (12 minutes)
Jog 1minute Jog 1 minute Jog 1minute
Jacks (10) Seconds 15 Second Mountain Climbers 10 push ups
Jog 1 minute Jog 1 minute Jog 1 minute
Jacks (10) Seconds 15 Second Mountain Climbers 10 pushups
Jog 1 minute Jog 1 Minute Jog 1 minute
Jacks (10) Seconds 15 Second Mountain Climbers 10 pushups
One Minute Transfer
Set 4 (Strength)
Obliques with Body Bar ( 1 minute)
Bar Roll (In front forward) (30 seconds)
Canoe Rows (30 seconds each side)
Set 4 (Wall) 5minutes
Wall Sits 45 Seconds
Calf Raises 30 Seconds
Wall Sits 30 Seconds
Right Calf Raise (15 seconds about 1 per second)
Left Calf Raise (15 seconds about 1 per second)
Wall Sits 45 Seconds
Outer Calf Raises 30 (about 1 per second)
Inner Calf Raises 30 (about 1 per second)
One Minute Transition
Set 5 Mat/Ab Work
Plank Hold for 45 Seconds
Rest 15 Second
Plank Hold for 30 Seconds
Rest 15 Seconds
Plank Hold for 20 Seconds
Ab Work
8 Single Standard Crunches
8 Right Knee Up
8 Right Knee In and Out
8 Right Leg Up
8 Right Knee Up and Down
Repeat for Left Leg
Repeat Right Leg
Repeat Left Leg
Seated Ab work
(Lean back hold for 30 seconds, 15 second rest, 20 second hold, 10 second rest, 10 second hold)
Cool down
Salute the Sun
Up Slowly legs Wide
Stretch out Calf
My workout for tomorrow is 3 miles and lifting. I hope it goes as well as Tuesdays.
Warm Up (5 minutes) Jump Rope
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Faster
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Faster
30 Seconds Easy
15 Seconds Right Foot
15 Seconds Left Foog
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Fast
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Fast
Set 1 Jog/Squats/Lunges (14 minutes)
Jog 2 minutes
Squat 1 minute
Jog 3 minutes
Lunge 1 minute
Jog 3 minutes
Squat 1 minute
Jog 2 minutes
Lunge 1 minte
One Minute Transition
Set 2 Strength/Biceps/Triceps (3 sets) (5-6 minutes) Hand Weights
1st Set Front Curls (8)
2nd Set Side Curls (8)
3rd Set Hammer Curls (8)
4th Tricep Kick Backs (8)
Set 3 Cardio (12 minutes)
Jog 1minute Jog 1 minute Jog 1minute
Jacks (10) Seconds 15 Second Mountain Climbers 10 push ups
Jog 1 minute Jog 1 minute Jog 1 minute
Jacks (10) Seconds 15 Second Mountain Climbers 10 pushups
Jog 1 minute Jog 1 Minute Jog 1 minute
Jacks (10) Seconds 15 Second Mountain Climbers 10 pushups
One Minute Transfer
Set 4 (Strength)
Obliques with Body Bar ( 1 minute)
Bar Roll (In front forward) (30 seconds)
Canoe Rows (30 seconds each side)
Set 4 (Wall) 5minutes
Wall Sits 45 Seconds
Calf Raises 30 Seconds
Wall Sits 30 Seconds
Right Calf Raise (15 seconds about 1 per second)
Left Calf Raise (15 seconds about 1 per second)
Wall Sits 45 Seconds
Outer Calf Raises 30 (about 1 per second)
Inner Calf Raises 30 (about 1 per second)
One Minute Transition
Set 5 Mat/Ab Work
Plank Hold for 45 Seconds
Rest 15 Second
Plank Hold for 30 Seconds
Rest 15 Seconds
Plank Hold for 20 Seconds
Ab Work
8 Single Standard Crunches
8 Right Knee Up
8 Right Knee In and Out
8 Right Leg Up
8 Right Knee Up and Down
Repeat for Left Leg
Repeat Right Leg
Repeat Left Leg
Seated Ab work
(Lean back hold for 30 seconds, 15 second rest, 20 second hold, 10 second rest, 10 second hold)
Cool down
Salute the Sun
Up Slowly legs Wide
Stretch out Calf
My workout for tomorrow is 3 miles and lifting. I hope it goes as well as Tuesdays.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Have you ever wondered?
Have you every watched somebody running down the road and thought, "I wonder what is going thru their mind as the run down the road." Well here are the random thoughts of Kim for this mornings oh so successful run:
Thank goodness the humidity is gone.... I can breathe this is awesome!
What should I fix for dinner tonight?
Why did I have to run past the bread shop? Next time avoid the block the bread shop is on. I wonder what I should make for dinner.
Boy this street is dark I hope I don't fall over my own feet. Is that a dead cat? Is it a possum....ugh it is a cat. Oh my gosh I hope I did not just run thru dead cat brains.
Am I going in the right direction? I am hungry. I wonder what I am gonna make for dinner.
I wonder if wearing my "Have a Happy Day" underwear is making me faster or if this is just a fluke.
Boy this is a great sports bra!
Come on Kimmie this hill is just gonna hurt for a little while.
That's ironic...running up a hill and the song "Hurts so Good" comes on.
Oh my gosh I can't feel my legs. Have I died and gone to running heaven? Oh my gosh "Knocking on Heavens Door" is on...I musta died.
No I am not dead my knee is starting to talk to me.
I wonder if the people driving past me are laughing at me?
Ohhhhhhhh beathe Kim breath....the Y is within site.....no don't stop....don't worry about breathing you can breath when you get to the Y.
Man I am wearing these underwear again.....
Okay those are my thoughts. I know I should be having deep thoughts and contemplations on my runs but as I have said before I am a very shallow woman. And this was a very active thought run for me...most of the time my run thoughts this summer have consisted of 1) Oh my gosh I am burning up 2) Oh my gosh I think I am dying and 3) Oh my gosh I can't wait till fall gets here. 3) Please God let this end. Evidently the cooler weather activates my brain cells.
Also please note that my training schedule was revised a little. This morning was just too awesome to waste on the treadmill. Enjoyability Factor 100000% and time wasn't to shabby either. Just a rough estimate I would say 33 minutes or less and that is coming off of doing 11 1/2 miles in the last three days, along with one spinning class...so good job Kimmie.
Tomorrow: Swimming Blah
Update: My grandson Tyson has signed up for football. Go Ty Go. He is going to be an awesome football player. Hopefully I will get up to see his practice tonight. I bet he looks so CUTE in his pads and helmet.
Thank goodness the humidity is gone.... I can breathe this is awesome!
What should I fix for dinner tonight?
Why did I have to run past the bread shop? Next time avoid the block the bread shop is on. I wonder what I should make for dinner.
Boy this street is dark I hope I don't fall over my own feet. Is that a dead cat? Is it a possum....ugh it is a cat. Oh my gosh I hope I did not just run thru dead cat brains.
Am I going in the right direction? I am hungry. I wonder what I am gonna make for dinner.
I wonder if wearing my "Have a Happy Day" underwear is making me faster or if this is just a fluke.
Boy this is a great sports bra!
Come on Kimmie this hill is just gonna hurt for a little while.
That's ironic...running up a hill and the song "Hurts so Good" comes on.
Oh my gosh I can't feel my legs. Have I died and gone to running heaven? Oh my gosh "Knocking on Heavens Door" is on...I musta died.
No I am not dead my knee is starting to talk to me.
I wonder if the people driving past me are laughing at me?
Ohhhhhhhh beathe Kim breath....the Y is within site.....no don't stop....don't worry about breathing you can breath when you get to the Y.
Man I am wearing these underwear again.....
Okay those are my thoughts. I know I should be having deep thoughts and contemplations on my runs but as I have said before I am a very shallow woman. And this was a very active thought run for me...most of the time my run thoughts this summer have consisted of 1) Oh my gosh I am burning up 2) Oh my gosh I think I am dying and 3) Oh my gosh I can't wait till fall gets here. 3) Please God let this end. Evidently the cooler weather activates my brain cells.
Also please note that my training schedule was revised a little. This morning was just too awesome to waste on the treadmill. Enjoyability Factor 100000% and time wasn't to shabby either. Just a rough estimate I would say 33 minutes or less and that is coming off of doing 11 1/2 miles in the last three days, along with one spinning class...so good job Kimmie.
Tomorrow: Swimming Blah
Update: My grandson Tyson has signed up for football. Go Ty Go. He is going to be an awesome football player. Hopefully I will get up to see his practice tonight. I bet he looks so CUTE in his pads and helmet.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Today was Better
Sunday's run was okay...especially since I had walked/run a 5k on Saturday. I did 6.5 miles. The first 3.31 miles had one walk break and that was when I got to the steep part of Main Street. Once I was up the steep part I resumed running for a total of 3.31 miles where I stopped at my son's house to get a drink from his hose. I then walked/run the next 2 miles and then steady run the final leg of the 6.5. Not bad Kimmie not bad. Today I got up and did Spinning which I ALWAYS have fun at. This particular instructor loves music from the 70's and 80's and I would take her class just cause the music. However, bonus for Kim that she is a kick butt instructor! I only did 45 minutes of spinning because I wanted to get to Power Hour on time for once...I feel bad because I hate to miss spinning but I hate to miss Power Hour....So off I went. Julie (another totally great instructor) asked if we wanted to work on strength or endurance. I told her I didn't think I had the endurance to do an endurane class but since my body had betrayed me on Saturday then I would pick endurance. Next time my body may think twice before it bales on me!. So off we went for a 2 mile run. Katherine (my 5k sidekick) starts out much faster then I do but this morning I thought there is no way I am eating Katherine's dust so I kept up! It was hard but once I caught my breath I was good and you know what? Despite my weekend 9 1/2 miles and my spinning prior to power hour I actually felt really good. We had to stop once for her to adjust her shoes and then we walked up a small portion of the hill...but you know now that I look back I think I could have run it...it was just a mental hill for me! We resumed running and I did not stop till we were at the Y doors. Tomorrow on my schedule are sprints..probably on the treadmill. 1/4 mile sprints for 3 miles and lifting. Wednesday is swimming, Thursday Tempo Run for 3 miles, Friday Spinning and Power Hour and then Saturday 6.5 mile and spinning, Sunday will be my day of rest.
Weight: I was down 4 pounds as of Friday. I will not weigh myself for another 2 weeks. I tend to get kinda compulsive about the scales so I am keeping it to a every other week weigh in. 21 pounds to go to make my Mini weight. I think that lugging alot of Kim around on a run is very tiring! Oh just in case anyone may think the weightloss is a "Looks" issue. It most assuredly is NOT. I just wanna be faster. I am really quite happy with the way I look and my husbands says he is as well. But I can't help but think how he would love a woman that he could scoop up in his arms...however, he has got a woman that can scoop him up in her arms......I GOTTA SAY I LOVE BEING A STRONG WOMAN. I just wanna be a STRONG FASTER WOMAN.
Phrase of the Day: "My Grandma says you are thinner then I am" God Bless Doris for saying that!!!! (It's not true but I LOVE IT). I think I am just being used as a pawn in their evil mind games with each other...ahahahahahah
Weight: I was down 4 pounds as of Friday. I will not weigh myself for another 2 weeks. I tend to get kinda compulsive about the scales so I am keeping it to a every other week weigh in. 21 pounds to go to make my Mini weight. I think that lugging alot of Kim around on a run is very tiring! Oh just in case anyone may think the weightloss is a "Looks" issue. It most assuredly is NOT. I just wanna be faster. I am really quite happy with the way I look and my husbands says he is as well. But I can't help but think how he would love a woman that he could scoop up in his arms...however, he has got a woman that can scoop him up in her arms......I GOTTA SAY I LOVE BEING A STRONG WOMAN. I just wanna be a STRONG FASTER WOMAN.
Phrase of the Day: "My Grandma says you are thinner then I am" God Bless Doris for saying that!!!! (It's not true but I LOVE IT). I think I am just being used as a pawn in their evil mind games with each other...ahahahahahah
Sunday, August 06, 2006
My Quote of Encouragement
I found this quote and I think it speaks for yesterday....There is no failure except in no longer trying.Elbert Hubbard
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Nice Baptist Ladies Don't Run
I am back from my 5k and I am ready to bore you with all the horrendous details. As to be expected my 5k time was even worse! Now I will explain why...yes I always have an excuse...
1) We had to run 90% in grass. Wet Grass at that! You would think it would be easier to run in grass but let me tell you it absolutely is harder. My calves were burning and my calves NEVER burn. The ground is uneven and the grass was kinda longish....my feet were sopping wet within the first 5 minutes. My ankles were fatigued from the uneven terrain.
2) When it was not grass it was a muddy down hill or muddy uphill (and I might add very very steep uphill. Once of the hills I was almost in a crouching position to get up.
3)We were running thru woods. Now when I think of woods I think of cool cool cool. However the woods here, had in fact TRAPPED the heat and humidity in so it was liking running thru a rain forest.
4) The race started at 9:00 am. I get up at 4:30 am so by 9:00 I feel like I am partial thru my day. I am and will always be a 5:00 a.m runner. I think they should schedule races at 5:00 am. Then maybe I can actually beat some other people.
Race Time: Sob Sob I hang my head in shame 36.37 average pace...again hanging my head in shame 11:47 pace. I was 2nd out of 7 in my age group. NOW THAT IS SURPRISING. You might think huh how did she manage to come in 2nd with that crappy time...(1st place went to a lady I go to the Y with(Rebecca)..she did awesome). The answer to the question: How on earth did she manage to come in 2nd with that crappy time? ARE YOU READY???? NICE MIDDLE AGED BAPTIST LADIES DON'T RUN...THEY WALK/RUN. So it boils down to I beat the other walker/runners cause they are ladies and I am not....And ended up with a shiny metal to pin on my droopy chest. OH and FYI Rebecca is a Methodist which explains why she kicked butt with her time!
Thanks to:
My Son James and Tasha: For standing out in the heat to watch me embarrass myself. Thank you son it means so much to me to have you stick with me thru this and I WILL MAKE YOU PROUD....just as soon as the heat breaks!
My new dear friend Katherine who sticks with me thru these horrendous experiences. I am so looking forward to running some fall and winter runs with her! We will KICK BUTT then and I WILL DO A 30 Minute 5k this winter.
Rebeccca: Number 1 runner! I heard you yell "Go Kim Go" and it made me move! I should have had you at the 2 mile marker!
Tomorrow: 6 mile run on the agenda. It might be slow but I gotta do it.
1) We had to run 90% in grass. Wet Grass at that! You would think it would be easier to run in grass but let me tell you it absolutely is harder. My calves were burning and my calves NEVER burn. The ground is uneven and the grass was kinda longish....my feet were sopping wet within the first 5 minutes. My ankles were fatigued from the uneven terrain.
2) When it was not grass it was a muddy down hill or muddy uphill (and I might add very very steep uphill. Once of the hills I was almost in a crouching position to get up.
3)We were running thru woods. Now when I think of woods I think of cool cool cool. However the woods here, had in fact TRAPPED the heat and humidity in so it was liking running thru a rain forest.
4) The race started at 9:00 am. I get up at 4:30 am so by 9:00 I feel like I am partial thru my day. I am and will always be a 5:00 a.m runner. I think they should schedule races at 5:00 am. Then maybe I can actually beat some other people.
Race Time: Sob Sob I hang my head in shame 36.37 average pace...again hanging my head in shame 11:47 pace. I was 2nd out of 7 in my age group. NOW THAT IS SURPRISING. You might think huh how did she manage to come in 2nd with that crappy time...(1st place went to a lady I go to the Y with(Rebecca)..she did awesome). The answer to the question: How on earth did she manage to come in 2nd with that crappy time? ARE YOU READY???? NICE MIDDLE AGED BAPTIST LADIES DON'T RUN...THEY WALK/RUN. So it boils down to I beat the other walker/runners cause they are ladies and I am not....And ended up with a shiny metal to pin on my droopy chest. OH and FYI Rebecca is a Methodist which explains why she kicked butt with her time!
Thanks to:
My Son James and Tasha: For standing out in the heat to watch me embarrass myself. Thank you son it means so much to me to have you stick with me thru this and I WILL MAKE YOU PROUD....just as soon as the heat breaks!
My new dear friend Katherine who sticks with me thru these horrendous experiences. I am so looking forward to running some fall and winter runs with her! We will KICK BUTT then and I WILL DO A 30 Minute 5k this winter.
Rebeccca: Number 1 runner! I heard you yell "Go Kim Go" and it made me move! I should have had you at the 2 mile marker!
Tomorrow: 6 mile run on the agenda. It might be slow but I gotta do it.
Here We Go Again
I have another 5k this morning. You would think Iwould be getting tired of attempting and failing but no I am the kinda woman that has to be hit in the head with a giant stick to get a clue. So here we go again. Please somebody hit me with a giant stick because the summer 5ks are killing me!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
State v. Big Daddy-Conversion---Case Pending
Big Daddy v. Big Mamma Shakalaka---Hearing Today
State v. Big Mama Shakalaka- Hearing Today
Plaintiff submits written argument accusing Big Mama of Theft
Defendant Statement: Plaintiff was in fact in MY house and the the groceries sacked for the needy were in fact for the "Postal Food Drive" Plaintiff enters house and states "I am making Italian chicken for dinner. Do you have have any italian dressing to marinate the chicken in?" He then approaches said sack and begins to root thru the sack in an aggressive hostile manner. Defendant then advises that she does have italian dressing. Plaintiff then stops rooting thru the sack long enough to request that the Defendant furnish him with a package of boneless chicken breast. Plaintiff then makes further requests for side items of instant pototatos and vegtables. Plaintiff then took numerous items from said sack and left with them along with italian dressing, one pack of boneless chicken breast (that Defendant had to pay FULL price for), one package of Instant Mashed Potatos. Plaintiff has not returned any of the items to the Defendant. Further more Defendant states that the missing items from the snack sale during the yard sale were in fact consumed, however this was in payment for yard sales services. Defendant further states that no lawsuits or criminal charges were ever filed with regard to the missing holiday candy and the weight gain was a just "winter weight gain".
Court Ruling: The Court finds the Plaintiff's testimony to be ENTIRELY untruthful and the Court finds in favor of the Defendant and rules that the Defendant be entitled to a $1,000,000,000 Judgment for being falsely accusing Defendant of THEFT and MALICIOUS PROSECUTION. The Court further finds that Defendant was entitled to snacks as payment for yard sale services. Furthermore the statute of limitations has passed and the Plaintiff is unable to recover on the loss of any holiday candy. Judgment Payable within 30 days, payment in cash or cashier's check only NO PERSONAL CHECKS. Further more the Court finds that this incident should be forwarded to the Prosecutors office and an additional charge of False Informing be added to his CONVERSION CHARGE.
State v. Big Mama-Theft
Court Ruling: The court dismisses this action again Defendant. State's witness Big Daddy has proven to be a BIG LIAR. The Court advises the State that it does not have a leg to stand on due to the unreliability of its witness. The State advises that it will be pursuing State's Witness on charges of False Informing.
State v. Big Daddy-Count 1 Conversion-Count 2-False Informing
Victim files restitution form requesting that Defendant be in lifetime servitude to her.
Court Ruling: The Court finds the Defendant GUILTY without a doubt and sentences Defendant to lifetime servitude to Victim without possibility for parole and no good time credit. The court does not like to be an advocate for morality but suggests to Defendant that he is on a slippery road of deceit that will get him in yet more trouble. NO APPEAL WILL BE ALLOWED!
Big Daddy v. Big Mamma Shakalaka---Hearing Today
State v. Big Mama Shakalaka- Hearing Today
Plaintiff submits written argument accusing Big Mama of Theft
Defendant Statement: Plaintiff was in fact in MY house and the the groceries sacked for the needy were in fact for the "Postal Food Drive" Plaintiff enters house and states "I am making Italian chicken for dinner. Do you have have any italian dressing to marinate the chicken in?" He then approaches said sack and begins to root thru the sack in an aggressive hostile manner. Defendant then advises that she does have italian dressing. Plaintiff then stops rooting thru the sack long enough to request that the Defendant furnish him with a package of boneless chicken breast. Plaintiff then makes further requests for side items of instant pototatos and vegtables. Plaintiff then took numerous items from said sack and left with them along with italian dressing, one pack of boneless chicken breast (that Defendant had to pay FULL price for), one package of Instant Mashed Potatos. Plaintiff has not returned any of the items to the Defendant. Further more Defendant states that the missing items from the snack sale during the yard sale were in fact consumed, however this was in payment for yard sales services. Defendant further states that no lawsuits or criminal charges were ever filed with regard to the missing holiday candy and the weight gain was a just "winter weight gain".
Court Ruling: The Court finds the Plaintiff's testimony to be ENTIRELY untruthful and the Court finds in favor of the Defendant and rules that the Defendant be entitled to a $1,000,000,000 Judgment for being falsely accusing Defendant of THEFT and MALICIOUS PROSECUTION. The Court further finds that Defendant was entitled to snacks as payment for yard sale services. Furthermore the statute of limitations has passed and the Plaintiff is unable to recover on the loss of any holiday candy. Judgment Payable within 30 days, payment in cash or cashier's check only NO PERSONAL CHECKS. Further more the Court finds that this incident should be forwarded to the Prosecutors office and an additional charge of False Informing be added to his CONVERSION CHARGE.
State v. Big Mama-Theft
Court Ruling: The court dismisses this action again Defendant. State's witness Big Daddy has proven to be a BIG LIAR. The Court advises the State that it does not have a leg to stand on due to the unreliability of its witness. The State advises that it will be pursuing State's Witness on charges of False Informing.
State v. Big Daddy-Count 1 Conversion-Count 2-False Informing
Victim files restitution form requesting that Defendant be in lifetime servitude to her.
Court Ruling: The Court finds the Defendant GUILTY without a doubt and sentences Defendant to lifetime servitude to Victim without possibility for parole and no good time credit. The court does not like to be an advocate for morality but suggests to Defendant that he is on a slippery road of deceit that will get him in yet more trouble. NO APPEAL WILL BE ALLOWED!
Conversion (Law Dictionary Definition) Control over another person's personal property which is wrongfully exercised; control in a manner which violates the person's rights to the property.
Victim: Me (Mother of the Conversioner...is that a word?)
Conversioner: Jamie (son of Victim)
Property: Cookie Dough, Bacon and Butter
Value of Property: Priceless based on its yummy factor
Background: The day of the yard sale I took to my son's house some bacon, eggs, bread, butter and Monstor Cookie Dough. The plan was for me to make bacon and eggs for us for breakfast and later make some cookies. Instead breakfast was doughnuts and it got too hot later to even think about making cookies. The yard sale had come to an end and I went to pack up my stuff to take back home...I grabbed my bacon, my eggs, the bread and forget to grab the butter and cookie dough. My son (who has a life long love affair with bacon) looks in the fridge and says hey where did the bacon go I was gonna make BLTs for dinner. I told him I put it in his Dad's truck and I am taking it home. Next thing you know I see my son hot footing it out to his Dad's truck...and then he is jogging back in with MY bacon under his arm......I was tired and he is big and strong so I did not have any desire to tussle him over the bacon so I just glared at him. So off I go home..baconless....that is a sad sad thing to be baconless for the people in our family love our bacon.... However, Jamie had not ended his crime spree with just the conversion of my bacon...the next morning I get a phone call...."Mom are you missing anything?" I respond, "Besides my bacon?" He then goes in to detail about the yumminess of my cookie dough which I had left behind. He describes in detail how delicious it is with they tiny M&Ms. I DEMAND the return of my cookie dough. He laughs and says he also has my butter! I again DEMAND my cookie dough yet again (he can keep the butter). I hear laughter in the background. Tasha says they will bring me some cookies. Not only has my son committed the crime of conversion but he has drug his poor sweet fiance into his life of crime. In our family we would find him guilty of the crime of conversion and based on the items he converted would likely get the gallows. And just for the record Jamie has a criminal history....He cut the head off my rubber chicken.
Victim who will soon be seeking restitution
Exercise: Blah after Sunday 7 mile walk/run and then 3 mile evening bike ride and then Monday's Spinning and Boot Camp Class 2 mile walk on my lunch break yesterday afternoon (I might add it was over 98 degrees) I was kinda tired so today's workout was kinda blah. I walked for about 1/2 mile, then did 1/2 mile of jogging, then 1/2 mile of sprints, then 1/2 mile of jogging, then 1/2 mile walking then 1 1/4 mile of jogging. Just was not into it this morning. I lifted but not with my usual enthusiasm. That is why I like to do my long runs on Saturday because then I can rest on Sunday and feel all fresh for the new week. Tomorrow swimming and then Thursday 3 miles and then I may only do Spinning on Friday and then Saturday will be a 5k. I don't know why I keep doing the summer 5ks when they are NEVER successful but I guess if I don't get an "A" in running I definetley get an "A++++" in never giving up! I am so looking foward to my 30 degree weather!
Victim: Me (Mother of the Conversioner...is that a word?)
Conversioner: Jamie (son of Victim)
Property: Cookie Dough, Bacon and Butter
Value of Property: Priceless based on its yummy factor
Background: The day of the yard sale I took to my son's house some bacon, eggs, bread, butter and Monstor Cookie Dough. The plan was for me to make bacon and eggs for us for breakfast and later make some cookies. Instead breakfast was doughnuts and it got too hot later to even think about making cookies. The yard sale had come to an end and I went to pack up my stuff to take back home...I grabbed my bacon, my eggs, the bread and forget to grab the butter and cookie dough. My son (who has a life long love affair with bacon) looks in the fridge and says hey where did the bacon go I was gonna make BLTs for dinner. I told him I put it in his Dad's truck and I am taking it home. Next thing you know I see my son hot footing it out to his Dad's truck...and then he is jogging back in with MY bacon under his arm......I was tired and he is big and strong so I did not have any desire to tussle him over the bacon so I just glared at him. So off I go home..baconless....that is a sad sad thing to be baconless for the people in our family love our bacon.... However, Jamie had not ended his crime spree with just the conversion of my bacon...the next morning I get a phone call...."Mom are you missing anything?" I respond, "Besides my bacon?" He then goes in to detail about the yumminess of my cookie dough which I had left behind. He describes in detail how delicious it is with they tiny M&Ms. I DEMAND the return of my cookie dough. He laughs and says he also has my butter! I again DEMAND my cookie dough yet again (he can keep the butter). I hear laughter in the background. Tasha says they will bring me some cookies. Not only has my son committed the crime of conversion but he has drug his poor sweet fiance into his life of crime. In our family we would find him guilty of the crime of conversion and based on the items he converted would likely get the gallows. And just for the record Jamie has a criminal history....He cut the head off my rubber chicken.
Victim who will soon be seeking restitution
Exercise: Blah after Sunday 7 mile walk/run and then 3 mile evening bike ride and then Monday's Spinning and Boot Camp Class 2 mile walk on my lunch break yesterday afternoon (I might add it was over 98 degrees) I was kinda tired so today's workout was kinda blah. I walked for about 1/2 mile, then did 1/2 mile of jogging, then 1/2 mile of sprints, then 1/2 mile of jogging, then 1/2 mile walking then 1 1/4 mile of jogging. Just was not into it this morning. I lifted but not with my usual enthusiasm. That is why I like to do my long runs on Saturday because then I can rest on Sunday and feel all fresh for the new week. Tomorrow swimming and then Thursday 3 miles and then I may only do Spinning on Friday and then Saturday will be a 5k. I don't know why I keep doing the summer 5ks when they are NEVER successful but I guess if I don't get an "A" in running I definetley get an "A++++" in never giving up! I am so looking foward to my 30 degree weather!
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