I really don't know if despair is quite the word that describes my state of mind. Perhaps gloom would be more apt. At any rate I keep telling myself to shake it off and put on a happy face. Maybe I should have gone to spinning class today but I just went to Walmart and came home. So I have half heartedly been working on my house. I look around and think, "What a dump". After we get the garage situation done I think I shall focus all my attention on making my house a haven of peace and tranquility. Okay enough poor sad depressed Kim stuff. My sons came over(James, Brad, and Lucas)as well as my son James's friend Chad (who has been there for all of the clean up!) and finished off the front part of the shed. Those boys worked like horses. I am truely blessed to have the privilege of being their mother. What an awesome young man Chad is to give up his free time to help us in our time of need. Below are some pictures showing the work in progress. They had quite a lot of fun during the demolition. I think my boys take great pleasure in demolition. My daughter, who is nine months pregnant, looked longingly upon the fun. My girl is not a girly girl (but when she dresses up you would never know there is a tomboy lurking within). My girl, like her mother, loves her sledgehammers. So I too looked longingly upon the demolition. But my husband insisted that I not participate and should just take care of the evening meal. Normally I would not have listened to such chauvinistic talk and picked up my sledgehammer but my gloom has robbed me of my normal super duper athena strength so I just watched.
1 comment:
Gloom, dispair and agony..sounds like a Hee Haw re-run...but CHEER UP, Adam is just around the corner!!! You will be bubbling over with JOY!!!
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