This is what greeted my when I came home from work. Disappointment filled my soul. I was so looking forward to getting to demolish...now I just get to help carry the crap (after they saw it into sections). My husband says,"Not a job for woman" I say "Pooh to him". Tasha said I did not miss much it just sort of slid down...I guess that makes me feel a little better. My husband said a huge dust cloud arose...sigh....I miss all the fun. They better wait to take the back side down till I get off work or I am gonna be irritated. Though I don't think the back lean to part is going to be nearly as fun as the front part.
Afterthought: The same man that was so concerned about my safety during the demolition is the same man that asked me to hold the ladder while he climbed up with the running chain saw.....
Ahhhh...if we could only see through men's eyes!!!! (on second thought..maybe that would not be a good thing!!)
ROLF on the afterthought. I recall doing the same thing this past spring.
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