Sunday, October 21, 2007

This Girl Just Wants to Have Fun

I have been such a bad bad blogger lately! Last weekend we went to the Feast of the Hunters Moon. I love the feast...the smell of firewood, the cool crisp morning, the smell of all the food and the sound of the bagpipes. I usually eat myself around the feast till I go into a food coma. Somewhat like Templeton from Charlotte's Webb when he goes to the fair...okay EXACTLY like Templton. This year I did much better. I was there all day and only ate two scottish shortbread cookies, one bridie and a buffalo burger! That was it!!! It was an amazing feat of self control! After we went to the feast we took off to the wilds of the countryside in an attempt to catch our nasty messy trespassers. It seems to be that our family's country oasis has become a party zone. But we will catch them! Oh yes we will! My husband and son have made it their mission. At any rate we did not find our trespasser last week (or this week either) but they have been out there and dumped trash on my husbands fire pit which has made him most unhappy. Okay so back in town we came because it was time to get to be Grandma and Grandpa! Yeah! He is such a sweet heart. He is walking now! Walking more then crawling. He is a little ball of energy! Grandma and Grandpa got to keep him overnight and so Sunday morning Grandma made him homemade waffles, sausage and eggs. He loved it! He went to Sunday School and hung out with his friends and then back home for some yummy grilled cheese sandwich, chicken noodle soup (which he was not overly thrilled with) and some Mandarin orange slices...then play time till he got irritated, threw a little fit, bonked his head during the fit and then promptly was taken to playpen for nap time. Then off to a football game to watch Ty play. Adam will watch football but Adam also has the attention span of a flea (which is about right for his age) so Grandma pulled him around in his wagon while simultaneously watching Ty play. Carissa thought the wagon looked like so much fun that she hitched a ride as well! Ty played very well but unfortunately the team they played was undefeated so the game ended for Ty in a loss but he played very well and he takes his hits like a trooper! While I was at the game I got to check out the brillance of my granddaughter Carissa. She has discovered that you get more food if you do not share. I had brought little gerber cheese puffs and opened them and put the can between Adam and Carissa. She grabs the can, gives ONE puff to Adam (cause she is a thoughtful girl) and then takes off with the can. I laugh, cause it was funny and reminded me of myself (still to this day). I told her she had to share and she quite willingly brought the can over AFTER stuffing a bunch in her mouth and hands!

Covered Bridge Festival: Attended the Covered Bridge Festival on Thursday with my sister and my pregnant neice. We had a nice time, picked up a few Christmas presents, and best of all no whining from my neice Amanda, who is not a fan of walking when she is not pregnant, so to walk the entire day while Pregnant, well that was AMAZING.
QUOTE OF THE DAY AT THE COVERED BRIDGE: Scenerio: Just finished breakfast at some type of old man Lodge(you know the kind where there is a constant cloud of cigarrette smoke, plastic tablecloths on the tables, and an ashtray on every table and in every nook and cranny of the building)..biscuits and gravy...yummmy...bad kim bad kim...went to get a toothpick...scruffy old man sitting next to the counter with the toothpicks says, "You don't need no toothpick if you ain't got no teeth like me" He then proceeds to hee haw at his cleverness...I laugh and respond yeah I guess your right...and then prayed that he was not the one that had prepared my biscuits and gravy. Though I must say they were the some of the best biscuits and gravy I have every had (except mine and my sister's..despite the fact that she insists on using biscuits in a tube)

RANT OVER TUBE PRODUCTS: I have told my sister over and over if you are going to go the trouble to make homemade gravy of such yumminess that you might as well go the extra mile and MAKE your biscuits. It is just not right to use biscuits from a tube...what kinda loves does that show by slapping buscuits on a table when all you did was whack a tube on the counter and toss them in the oven. None I tell you none! I also have a thing about meat in a tube..except sausage...hamburger should never never never be put in a tube and I refuse to buy it. They now sell hamburger in small, medium and large tubes...bleck......

QUOTE OF THE DAY FROM A VERY CUTE KID: My husband and I were sitting on the couch with my 5 year old neice. She is coloring in a book she got at a festival. The one you get from the police that talks about never talking to stranger. So my husband is talking to her about strangers and she assures us that no she does not talk to strangers because "They will grab you, kidnap you and cook you in a STEW" What on earth has my sister been telling this child?

Workouts: Slipped a the lastweek and did not get my 20 in. Was .5 miles short of 20 this week. Had to reevaluate AGAIN. Running 5 days was killing my knee and foot. Bumped back to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Climate Run was great. Friday run was great. I have a new running partner on random Fridays. Monday was speed work and Tuesday was a slow steady boring six on the Dreadmill. Had lots of rain this week so not much biking to the Y. Will get twenty in this week! Possible more!

Time to read the paper and get ready for church!

What I do on my day off