Saturday, December 01, 2007

Sleighs Bells Jingling, Jing Jing Jingling

Today is the YMCA Sleighbell 5k. I have my packet with my shirt and my little jingle bells to put on my shoes. I HATE the jingle bells. I like them on other peoples feet but I deplore them on mine because I then have to listen to the sounds of my labored breathing AND the sounds of my jingle bells as they jingle in a very un rhythmic like jingle. We also have a timing chip! Very cool because in the past we have never had such a thing. So I have had my oatmeal and tablespoon of peanut butter because I cannot go from the day before till after 10:00 a.m to eat. I wish we could start our run at 7:30 a.m. By 9:00am I am well into my morning. I have decided since races freak me out and I panic that I am not gonna worry about time I am just going to have fun with my friends.
I had a really good food week until Friday night...all week...I was such a good girl...thought I was gonna starve to death...but I hung in there. I am going to try to maintain some self control this weekend.

December 5: Is my eldest son's birthday. We will be having him over for dinner tonight because his birthday falls on Wed and it is just too difficult to do a birthday dinner in the middle of the week.
Thoughts on Brad: When we had you we were very young( I had just turned 18 and your father was 19) and we had no idea on how to raise a child. Your father and I likely made every mistake in the book and probably invented new mistakes while raising you but despite the errors made by your parents you thrived and became the awesome person you are today. We are proud that your are a hardworking man and an amazing father. Everytime we see you with your children we marvel at the tenderness and love that pours out of you.
Facts about Brad:
1) Baby Language for Drink of Water "AH DO WAH" and want to go outside (phrased used while banging on the screen door) "AH DO WEEE"
2) Called Bull Dozers "Pickem Up Muddies"
3)Your father liked to play pool in the basement so anytime you would hear pool balls clank you would say "Daddy Daddy"
4) Threw a golf ball at the neighbor's door while walking to school (nothing broke). The neighbor called the police and the police came to our house. I told them you were at school (yes I ratted you out to teach you a lesson) they went to school and told you not to throw golf balls at people's doors. You never threw a golf ball at another person's house after that.
5)When you were a toddler you got into Grandma's Crisco and covered her cabinet door with Crisco (and yes it was hard to get off).
6) One Christmas you and Jamie got up early (before your parents) on Christmas and opened every Christmas present under the tree..EVERY SINGLE ONE
7) Put a dent in the aluminum siding on our house and it is still there today
8)Every teacher you ever had loved you and said you were the most quiet polite child they had ever seen...I still don't know if they had you mixed up with another child because you were never quiet at home.
9) You would often surprise me by having the kitchen cleaned up for me. I still remember one Thanksgiving the house was a disaster when I went to bed and when I woke up a sparkling clean kitchen was there.
10)Got into a gallon of red paint when you were about one or so. I was doing laundry in the were in the corner...I thought playing with your fact you had opened a can of paint and painted yourself. I had a little trouble getting the red paint out of your blond hair. You were slightly pink for a couple days after that.

I have lots more but I think you would be horrified if I put them in very favorite I won't write but a hint...scooby doo underwear...

Brad we love you and are very proud of you!

Okay off to to do the Jingle Bell Trot........

Upcoming Events: Amanda's Baby Shower (Sunday), Brad's Bday, December 8 Craft night at Grandma and Grandpa's House, My Dad's Bday, Snoozys Bday, Aunt Hee Hees Bday, Jamie's BDay, (wow thats alot of Bday Cake), Julianna's expected arrival date (yet another December BDay cake...I am surprised we don't gain 20 pounds during December just from Birthday Cake consumption), Christmas Eve (my house at 5:00), Christmas Day (lunch served around 12-1),

1 comment:

The Slug said...

Check out new kid on the block