Sunday, November 19, 2006

Today--Kim the Irrational

1. Did not run this morning now I feel guilty and fat. I think my thighs and waist have expanded by 5 inches. My pants are tight in the waist and cutting into my skin making me feel extremely disgusting.
2. Cranky, tired, moody and bloated .
3. I feel asleep in church...oh and Sunday School wanted to leave in the middle of church and go sleep in the car.
3. Went to Meijers, got irritated because there were other shoppers there. I had an overwhelming urge to run my shopping cart over the heels of the others shoppers because they were going so SLOW! Wanted to SCREAM at them to get "OUT OF MY WAY".
4. Glared at the woman who refused to move her cart from the middle of the aisles while she decided which type of marshmallows she wanted. It was all I could do not to slap her upside the head with a bag of mini marshmallows.
5. Wanted to scream at the meat clerk because he only had one type of frozen turkey breast and they were $1.89 a pound. Had a strong desire to throw myself across the frozen turkey breasts and sob.
5. Wanted to kick my dog because he would not shut up with that loud sharp annoying bark...***Attention Animal Lovers****Did not actually kick him just wanted to. I try to withhold his dog biscuit. Husband made me be nice and give him one.
6. Refused to return any phone messages that were on my phone due to severe irritability.
7. Had thoughts of calling off all pending holidays because of severe irritability. Considered having Kentucky Fried Chicken as the main entree for Thanksgiving. Also thought MCL might be a good idea for Thanksgiving cause then I would not even have to clean my house.
8. Wanted to eat an entire 2 lbs box of Fish Crackers. Could not because husband HID the fishes from me...per my request yesterday...but I was still mad that he hid them.
9. Have a horrendous headache that will not go away....since 3:00 a.m.....took aspirin....did not work...ate my weight in Nilla Wafers...headache still feel like I want to upchuck.
10. Want to slap somebody... anybody...does not matter who....nobody here to slap except my hubby and he does not deserve to be slapped...he deserves a medal for putting up with me.

I think I need some midol or a tranquilizer.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the pms mood thing. I hear Midol works wonders.

So does alcohol though.

Hope things get better.

Virginia said...

I can't pass that up...alcohol will pickle your brain ...just try prayer and say PTL anyway...the Lord is still in charge and He loves you!!! (so do I!!!!!)