Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Starvation, Death Runs and other Miseries

The Training is in full swing. Last Saturday was a nice 6.60 miles. It was so fun it did not even seem like 6.60 miles and I was quite surprised when I mapped it!

Highlights of the run:

Jill "You gonna let Kris beat you in"
Kim "Yep"

Cory chases Kim up the hill with a big stick.

Jill "You gonna give it all you got?"
Kris "I gave it all I got when I got outta bed"

Jill's sweat leaks thru her glove and crystalizes

Cory loves the giant hill....Jill loves the giant hill...Kris...silent
on the matter of the giant hill....Kim loudly complains about the
giant hill.

Kris runs the entire time despite her last run being in December (early)

Kim made it thru the entire route despite severals hills, one that I have dubbed, hill of pain and agony (hill of pain and agony is a stones throw away from puke mountain).

After Saturday run I took Sunday as a veg day and only moved off the couch long enough to attend church in afternoon and evening.

This week Training:
Monday: Power Hour in the a.m.
Tuesday: 3 miles of Kim Sprints (which means slow running for all my turbo friends)one minute on one minute off for 3 miles. Leg day in the afternoon for strength training.
Wed: 3 miles in the fluffy, cold, killing calves and quads snow. I found that it would be wise to wear higher socks as within 1 minute my socks had snow leaking down them. I thought for sure I was gonna die from the effort of trying to drag my big body thru the snow. Afternoon upper body strength training on lunch break.

Upcoming Training:
Thursday: 5 miles on the agenda with climate run group, Strength training lower body.
Friday: Power Hour...half I like to sorta rest in anticipation of the my long Saturday run...I know Jill.....
Saturday: 7 miles
Sunday: REST

I am hungry....the scales are down 6 pounds...I am hungry. I am desperate. I ate a cough drop for a dessert and a midnight snack the other day. They were honey lemon and cherry...neither tasted like pie. I have girl scout cookies and have not touched them. I wanted one really really bad...I had a cough drop... I will probably find out that cough drops are 100% fat and have a gazillion calories.

Other Miseries:

I am cold when I start running and within 10 minutes I am sweating up a storm. I can't wear any less clothes because it would look strange to see a middle aged chubby woman running thru a snow storm in nothing but Tshirt and shorts.

I am getting bored with my routes. I am going to have find a different starting spot for our runs. I think if I see 9th street or 18th street one more time I am going throw myself down on the road and sob.

The scales are going down but I still do not look like Shakira...will it ever happen?

Now on to family news:

Youngest grandson can now say "Pa Paw". Note he does not say "Grandma" despite that I am the one that feeds him, changes him, and takes a nap with him.

Eldest Grandson: Is in a cast of sorts...broke cartiledge (that will eventually be bone). Did this by doing forbidden flipping in the living room.

Only Granddaughter: Has become even MORE beautiful if that is possible! I think potty training is on the horizon.

Little Peanut a/k/a Julianna a/k/a Great Niece: Cute as a button, still is in the only sleeping, eating and pooping stage of her life but hey so is the slug...hahahahahahahah just kidding slug..we know you sleep, eat, poop and play scrabble on the computer.

Little Peanut's mother a/k/a Amanda: She is a nursing Mom...evidently not nursing long wants to eat all the time...Mother of Little Peanut's Mother says "You have to let her nurse longer each are not a snack bar."

Amber: Went to the "All fired up Pottery" shop with Aunt Kim. Aunt Kim paints like a monkey. Amber is creative!

Abby: Insist Valentine's days has indeed not passed as Aunt Kim did not do a valentine craft with her. Don't worry Abby I got a craft for us to do! I will find time to pick you up soon.

Eldest Son: Is suppose to go to lunch with his mother.....She thinks she has been ditched. Surely he has not forgotten his awesome amazing terrific loving mother?

Middle Son: Has lost LOTS of weight and is looking really really good...I think the mini may be in the 2009 future.

Only Daughter: Is currently going stir crazy from being in the house. Perhaps she should take up training for the 2009 mini with middle son so that mother, son and daughter can have a major bonding experience.

Husband: Wife is grumpy and mean on account of starvation and mini training. He endures silently. Fun date day the other day....Wife beat husband at bowling. Not once but twice. Husband says it is because he wasn't concentrating on score but rather his form and his speed. Wife says HOG WASH! Wife challenges him to a rematch.

I will be working on my photos..look for updates within the next two weeks for photos.

Upcoming Events:
Jerry's Birthday
Tyson's Birthday

1 comment:

m said...

you crack me up about eating a cough drop. Kudo's on lbs lost. I'm going the other direction. Though I don't eat cough drops.

Agree with the same old routes. Hate them. Just dont' feel like getting in my car to find a new route. I'm lazy that way.