Wednesday, February 06, 2008

You Know It's Gonna Be a Fun Run When....

1) You are acoompanied by Tom Slick and Tail Light
2) It is rainy, windy, dark and cold
3) You have to jump over giant ponds of water
and finally.......


The Tale of Tail Light

Teacup and Tom Slick were quite happily plodding along...indifferent
to the pools of water they were plodding through. Splash splash squish
squish...Teacup does not care because she is moving and plodding
steadily and nothing will break her tempo. Tom Slick does not care
because...well.... macho men just don't care if their running shoes
get muddy and wet. However, Tail Light DOES care because she does not
like to get her pretty running shoes dirty and she does not like wet
feet...Tail Light lands solidly in the pond of water and as graceful
as a doe leaps into the air toward a fence, where her plan was to, and
this probably was not carefully thought out, cling to the fence to
avoid the water. ( I don't know what her plan was for after the fence
clinging...perhaps she thought Teacup or Tom Slick would piggy back
her through the pond?) Somehow during this leaping and clinging to the
fence event she became attached to the fence. She says "Help help I
am stuck" Tom Slick says, "To bad see you back at the Y". Teacup
doubles over in laughter. Tom Slick has an attack of pity (which I
might add is rare as a Blue Moon) and tries to unattach Tail Light
from the fence. Teacup stands in the pond of water and sort of kicks
at the fence in a half hearted attempt to free her friend (I think
Teacup might have had a teeney weeny bit of pleasure from watching her
friend be stuck to a fence in the rain). Hurrah at last Tail Light has
been freed! She states that her running shoes are now tight because
the fence caused her shoelaces to form a death knot in her shoe. Tail
Light despite the death knot in her shoes makes it back to the Y. I do
note that she did not go in to lift or do any other additional
exercise...she just got in her car and fled...oops I mean drove home.
So ends the tale of tail light.

UPDATES: I am signed up for the Mini...thanks to a friend that needed to get out of it...I am now transferred in. I did this under peer presssure (oh and threats)....Peer Pressure...its not just for Teens....and the training commences.

Personal Training: My personal trainer has kicked by booty...and it is very very sore...3 sets of 15 for leg extension and hamstring curls, Leg Press 190 pounds for first set of 15, 230 pounds for second set of 15, 280 for third set of 15..intermingled with 3 sets of stiff legged Dead Lift,intermingled with lots of lunges to the calf raise machine and three sets of calf raises. I was sweating like a pig when I was done. My booty is sore sore sore but not so sore that I could not do my 3.45 and 3.25 miles in the last two days. Upper body not so bad as I am pretty strong. But the Ab work, well I felt like my head was going to explode from the effort. I am throwing myself whole heartedly into traingin for the MINI!

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