Saturday, December 03, 2005

Help! Sleep Eludes Me!

Ack! I can't sleep I am too excited and nervous. I know that a 5K is not much for most people but it is for Poor Kim! This is only my second run ever and I want so much to improve my time! Last time was 36 mins and a few odd seconds. However, I have alot against me...weight, sore foot, general sore muscles (got spunky in the weight room this week), and the run does not start till 9:00 am. That stinks because I am an early morning girl. My favorite time is 5:00 a.m. I am also depressed because I am one of the slowest woman out of our group at the Y. I do have one edge....the cold. The other woman hate the cold and I LOVE it. Maybe that will slow them down a little. The other day is was 21 degrees and all I had on was a short sleeve shirt and a the time I was done it was all I could do not to rip the hoodie off because I was hotter then heck. I only kept it on because I was all sweaty and did not want to catch a cold (which I still do not think is caused by that...but better safe then sorry). Okay I am going to post a picture of our Thanksgiving fun and then try to go back to bed. I am going to dream of fleet feet! I am going to dream of myself breathing well and staying strong! Does anyone know how long it will take my breathing to get under control??? I am sick sick sick of sounding like a three pack a day smoker when I don't even smoke! Sprints??? Patience? Both???? Also just to let you know how dedicated I am becoming...I gave up Christmas Shopping last night so I could rest my legs for that is dedication!

1 comment:

The Slug said...

CONGRATS !!!! on shaving 3 minutes off your run time in the SLEIGH BELL RUN !!!
That's my baby girl!!!!!