Friday, September 28, 2007

I LOVE MY________

One of my magazines, I think it is Good Housekeeping, and yes I know that implies that I might be interested in good housekeeping which of course I am not, usually has an interview with a celebrity and they wear a shirt that says I love my _____, and they are to fill in the blank. Some stars said "life" "family" "dog" so I made list, which is in no particular order

I love my______

God, Husband, Children, Grandchildren, mother, and co-mothers, dad and co-dad, grandma, my sisters, my neices, MYSELF (what a suprise), my climate run group, my Y friends, my job, dinner time, snack time, breakfast time (starting to see a pattern?), lucky running socks, donkey legs, asic 1110s, mp3player, sugar free jello, ability to find the cookies Jerry tries to hide, heart rate monitor, hair colorist that keeps me brunette, Earl Park Bingo Binge, Earl Park Eat Like A Pig Binge, spinning class, road trips with my sisters.... Please feel free to comment and leave your own :"I love my ____"

10 fun Kim Facts

1) I can eat an entire box of Cheese Nips in one sitting

2) I was a waitress for many years and LOVED IT.

3) I refused to go the hospital while in labor with my second son and my husband had to drag me kicking and screaming to the hospital.

4) I love Rock of Love

5) I fell asleep in the bathroom at church

6) I love the Enquirer and someday the knowlege I have gained from this magazine will pay off...I just know it.

7) I do not cry during sad movies

8) I laugh really hard at funny movies

9) I forget to shift and often take corners in 4th gear (which makes my husband cringe and say your gonna burn your tranny out)

10) I love to shop at the Dollar Tree shhhhhh that's a secret though because when most people ask I tell them my favorite store is Macy's.

Update: My newest skill acquired...Now I can run faster then tail light walks! hahahaha Tail Light a/k/a Jill

A Pondering: Why do parents ask their children if they want a spanking? I too have been guilty of this and never once did my kids say "Yes, please a really hard one" so I guess since we know the answer is gonna be no we should just stop asking.

An Absolutism from Kim: One should never never never consume an entire box of shredded wheat in one feeding.

Things one doesn't want to see: A husband with his foot in an air cast, up in a tree with a saw. If you ask what he is doing he will probably say, "Getting firewood"

Another thing you don't want to see: Your stupid dog laying UNDERNEATH the tree with the man and the saw.

Working Out: My runs have been AWESOME. Other then the two cars that tried to run me over, the dead animal I almost ran thru and big giant hill I enjoyed them so much I almost want to cry. Now don't get me wrong by awesome I do not mean speedy but rather it gave me this incredible sense of "Wow I love my life"

Well time to go I am suppose to be paying bills but just got a tad bit side tracked......

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