Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Doesn't Kill You will Just Hurt You Real Bad

I have determined after watching my belly shake (I am sure to the envy of Santa) that my workout regime must be kicked up. No more running two days a week and random third days. I will run 4 days every week from now on (barring vomiting, gushing blood, headaches that want to make me gouge my eyeballs out or death). I completed my first four day week last week with much success. Monday was a short two miles, Tuesday 4 miles (dreadmill), Thursday almost 5 miles (road), Friday 4 miles (road). In addition I biked about 32 miles with my long bike being Sunday of a 9.50 and a 6 mile rides. I also did one spinning class, two power hour classes and some lifting. So far this week I logged in 2.75 on Monday, Today was suppose to be a straight 4 miles but I just couldn't get going so I switched over to 1/4 mile intervals. Running 10.35 minutes per mile on my running and then reducing to a very fast walk on the alternationg .25 mile for a total of 4 miles then I did a steady 12 minute mile cooldown MILE for a total of 5. Very little knee and foot discomfort so it is getting better. I have been riding my bike back and forth to the Y because I have a theory. My theory: If I ride then run and it hurts real bad, then on days when I just run it should only hurt a little. I have yet to test that theory. In about another month or so of the biking/running combo I will give it try and drive to the Y to do the Thursday climate run...perhaps I will be able to stop and do some shopping at the VP while I wait for the others.....
Question: Am I the only one that suffers and thinks they are dying while running?

Trivia: It has been proven by science that I actually am hotter and more tired then the other woman I run with (okay I am talking temperture) According to Runner's World the larger you are the more surface area you have to cool and of course the larger the area the harder your body has to work to cool itself thus spending my precious energy supply not on speed but on cooling. So see I am really suffering far more then they are....it is not just whining...it is science.

Strange and Unusual Sighting: A very slender man, whose wife is constantly perplexed that he eats like a pig and NEVER gains a pound, was seen at the Y WEIGHING IN! I advised that his spouse would be most unhappy if she saw him weighing in and he covered by saying "I am trying to go up!" Ha I say I bet he has a secret stash of carrots and cauliflower at the office and that is how he stays thin.

Eldest Grandchild: Went to Ty's football game and though they lost he played mighty hard and had some good plays. He was covered from head to foot in mud. He then came back to my house where we played a game of scrabble (his choice). I am so happy I have a grandchild that loves scrabble! He then played Teken with his Grandpa and that ended our day. He is ready for this weekend's Scrabble tournament so lookout family!

Middle Grandchild: Miss Carissa is quite a beauty! She loves books and Doodle Bops (which are the most demented people/characters I have ever seen). She still likes to do "the monster" to make Grandma laugh and she now no longer is scared of the wagon.

Youngest Grandchild: Happy happy boy. Smiles and his face lights up. He loves to do "the muscle man" for Grandma (will post video of that later). Will not go to Grandma if Grandpa is around. Loves to ride in his little red wagon! Thinks Grandma is his napping cot. Thought he had chicken pox but just a false alarm. He had one of those baby "mystery rashes".

Oldest Niece: Getting closer to baby time...end of December. She is having a girl (good thing as before she even knew the sex she had purchased every pink baby item she could get her hands on, this was also fueled by the soon to be Grandma (who I might add was saying "I don't know why Amanda is buying all pink so soon" while Grandma herself was buying a pink bassinet). I am so glad she is having a girl as our men folk don't pull off pink so good.

Middle Niece: Smart, funny, and currently in a crap load of trouble with her Mom. Keep it up girlie and your college fund will be used for Bond Money....just kidding Amber....they probably won't let you post bond....just kidding....hahaha don't bad mouth me on you site cause you know I love ya...

Youngest Niece: Abby Abby where do I begin...ah my young niece has a fascination with Underdog, not the current underdog but the Underdog cartoon that her Mom and I use to watch as girls. She watches it ALL the time and every time she comes over here she requests to watch it even though I have a tons of other videos. So for those of you that are lacking in Underdog education I will educate you. Underdog is a mild mannnered dog until someone is in peril. When the need arises he takes his super energy pill (which somebody pointed out means Underdog uses drugs) and he becomes caped crusader UNDER DOG with super hero powers. Underdog has a girlfriend Sweet Polly Purebred who is constantly being, kidnapped, bound, gagged, blindfolded and either tied to railroad tracks or dropped from buildings by Underdog's arch enemy (whose name eludes me at this time). Underdog always saves Sweet Polly. Personally I think Underdog should tell Sweet Polly to get in the weight room and lift and then she would not get in these situations. I also note that Underdog will not share his "stash" so that Sweet Polly could have super hero powers too. However, our hero does love love Sweet Polly and he seems happy to fly to her rescue. So upon hearing Sweet Polly Purebreds shrieks of terror and cries of "Help Help, Save me Underdog" Underdog pops his pill and and rescues his damsal in distress. So our dear sweet Abby in her obsession over Underdog has begun binding, blindfolding and gagging her stuffed animals....my sister said she looked over on the dresser and there was poor little stuffed animal blindfolded with his feet bound and paws bound behind his back. Now I know if we were nice adults we would say "Abby it is not nice to bind and blindfold your stuffed animals" but I think it is funny as heck and have been laughing my butt off everytime I think about it. I think next time Abby is doing her villineous deeds that Denise should photograph it so I can blog it. Oh...I bought her the new release of Underdog on DVD for Christmas....

The Slug: Is slowing coming back to life as she begins her walking regime.

Husband: After 6 doctors, xrays, bone scans, nerve blocks and constant trips to the doctor to treat RSD we have found that he has TORN LIGAMENTS AND TENDON. He does not have the crippling disease that he was original diagnosed with! TORN LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS! It will definetely be a long healing process and he absolutely detests his air cast but he is wearing it.

My dumb brunett moment: I thought my car was broken...would not start....had my husband take me to work. He calls me at work and asked me who taught me to drive (actually it was him!) and said I did not have my clutch pushed in all the way when I tried to start it. In defense of myself I have to say that the floor mat had crunched up behind the clutch not allowing me to clutch all the way...it wasn't like I was all weak and delicate and unable to push the clutch in.

Pumpkin Push Conflict: The Pumpkin Push is the same day as the Feast so I will not be able to do the Push but perhaps I can find a 10k before or after that.

Scrabble Tournament: The first annual Kaufman/Groleau Scrabble Tournament. This weekend! Food Served. Prizes Awarded. I have been walking around stupid all week to save my brain power (see dumb brunette moment above). I also bestowed upon Tyson my Scrabble strategy so he may be a force to be reckoned with.


Amy said...

It doesn't help that the only thing I fix for dinner anymore are fruits and vegetables!

I'm bummed you can't do the Pumpkin Push - I'm definitely in.

m said...

ahhh, I have the santa belly also. (as like you the sponge bob square pants flat ass also) I ran yesterday and I know my belly was flapping in the wind.

Thanks for explaining to me why I am sweating like a faucet after runs, and after my ice cold shower.

Mrs. Bear said...

Science is a beautiful thing. LOL.

I hate my santa belly too. Especially when I want to wear cute little running outfits. (sigh)