Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Drop and Give Me 20

Well the Y is closed this week due to maintenance. I am having Y withdrawl...so bad in fact that my friend Jill and I met in the Y parking lot Monday morning to do a workout, which consisted of a 5k run (actually a little further as Jill and I sorta missed a turn and had to back track), about every 3-4 blocks we would stop and do pyramid push ups. Which means the first time we did 5 then next stop 10 and so on up to 25, then we worked our way back down to 5 and then back up to 25. It was a good workout because even though she is much faster she can go run ahead and then run back to get me when it is time to do pushups. This particular workout has been named, "Mike's Tour of Duty". ****Mike had us do this workout one day when he was subbing. I think it must have looked quite funny to see a big brawny man running with a group of pudgy 40 year old women waddling behind him****At any rate it was a good workout and my heart rate stayed in the 170s pretty much consistently. Jill did great as always and I as always pathetically and slowly trotted far far behind her.

Zoo Run Run: Horrible, for some reason EVERY time I do a run I bail. I don't know if it because I am by myself or what...but I start running and the next thing you know I am walking. I need to learn to quit freaking out! My zoo run run turned into a Zoo Run Walk run walk run walk. The Bun run is this weekend and I will be having a person pace me to keep me from walking. I finally found a runner just my speed...granted she is in highschool but hey I need a pacer and she is a pretty terrific kid (as is her sister!). I guess that is because they have really nice parents.

Pedicure: After the Zoo Run Walk Run Walk I got my very first pedicure compliments of my son and daughter in law. It felt really good and my piggies look glorious with their white tips...wellllllll maybe glorious is not the most apt description...perhaps less doglike....well they just look better then they did. I think the poor lady was in shock when she found she was going to have use a black and decker sander on my callouses.

Birthday: My daughter/her mother in law/her sister in law had a cookout/get together/birthday party and it was really nice. I got a heart rate monitor/calorie monitor which I had been eyeballing for awhile. I really want the nice little garmin but until I can hold an 11 minute mile I am not worthy and just am worthy of the heart rate monitor. I do love my new toy. While experimenting with it I found that office workers according to their caloric burning should not be consuming more then one greenbean and one grape.

Michigan: Went to Michigan this weekend for my inlaws 40th wedding anniversary celebration. I ate my weight in pastries every morning for breakfast, then would promptly go back to the room and sleep off my pastry induced coma. I would then spend the entire day complaining to my husband that I am the fattest person in his family. Next time I am staying at a hotel where NO PASTRIES are served. I have no self control. I am a big glutton. Even when I am full I just keep stuffing the danishes down my throat because "I won't get to eat this stuff again until my next trip" So I guess I am operating under the Bear/Hiberation/Food concept. Aside from my pastry overdoses I had a really nice time. However, I am now back at the jiggle when I run stage again.

House: I hope I don't die anytime soon because this house is a mess and I don't want people to say, "I can't believe she lived like this"

Things people will ask/say upon my untimely death:

Why does she have rubber chicken in a shoe box

Why does she have 10 pair of running shoes but only one pair of high heels

Ooooohhh yuck her sports bras are gray, I ain't touching those.

How come she has over 100 cookbooks but only cooks chicken, hamburgers and cubed pork on the grill.

Is it really neccessary to have canceled checks all the way back to the 1980's.

How many cans of green beans does one person need

Wow....Poison, Guns and Roses, Shakira, Gwen Steffani, Lorretta Lynn, Conway Twitty, Woodland Indiana Flute Music, and Scottish Bagpipes...was she a multiple personality?

Who's gonna cook Thanksgiving dinner?

Do you think she wants to be buried in her gym shorts, Y volunteer tee shirt, and running shoes (the answer is yes!)

I told her not to attempt that second mini marathon.

Upcoming Events

Bun Run this Saturday morning.
Tasha's birthday on Friday
Grandma Casey's birthday on Friday
Hair Coloring on Thursday...I know this is not an event of great family importance but I gotta look good for the bun run.

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