Sunday, July 29, 2007


Bun Run 5k: 84 Kim Kaufman 35:04 11:19
Far better then my zoo run run which had an average pace of 12:25
This all goes to prove my theory that when food is involved I work shown in the example above...see the bun run was at the HOT DOG festival. A festival which glorifies the all american goodness of the absolutely no redeeming food quality of the HOTDOG. Another example: I beat my son at bowling. Why because we were bowling for steak! I, who bowls maybe once a year, beat (by alot) my son who has bowled on leagues. I bet if we had a Cookie Run I would come in first because I am passionate about cookies. I am only ehhhhh about hotdogs but cookies...I bet I could run a 2 minute miles for cookies.

Thank goodness for my young friend because she kept me going when I thought I was going to stop. Matter of fact my heart rate got up to 191 and I slowed down and walked for one minute and then got it back down to the 160s and started again. Total walk times in this run...less then 4 minutes total. Which if I had not taken those and just slowed down I probably could have gotten in in 33 minutes. Something about the race scene just freaks me out because I do 5ks all the time without walking but for some reason when I get in a group setting I get freaked out, which is why I am trying to do all the 5ks I can find to get use to it. However, I do note that my heart rate accelarates alot so I am actually in the anaerobic stage of exercise which is not all that great and effective for training. So seeing as I am making such crappy process I am going to try and do some heart rate training. It has been said that this is much more effective training so we will give it awhirl. My max heart rate should be 175 and 85@ would be 140. So I am going to be working on that theory for awhile...except for 5k races which will be just about better my time..but for now training will be set at the heart rate goal. The article also said when you are in anaerobic state you are not burning fat supplies but rather "Your aerobic range runs from 70-85%, 85% representing your anaerobic threshold, or the point at which your body can no longer provide enough oxygen to the muscles to satiate the demands, so your body engages what is called your Adenosine Triphosphate/Phosphagen System (ATP/Phosphagen system), also known as your Anaerobic pathway. The body is now burning sucrose-based ATP in your muscles because its monosaccharide (one bonded carbohydrate per molecule) is a very simple form of energy, and burns very quickly." So now I am going to apply science and caloric control to my weight loss endevor. Back to measuring food and now I will be measuring my heart rate...sigh...
Well better get going I had vowed to do some work before church this morning and so far the ONLY things I have done are take a bath, blog and throw some toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet. I figure it is cleaning itself while I am blogging....

Will post pictures soon.

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