Friday, January 13, 2006

Poor Sad Kim.....

Okay I am in a feel sorry for poor Kim mood. Why does everyone in the world get to eat whatever the heck they want and I can't? As I am walking downtown I see people eating...just stuffing their faces and looking happy as can be....and I am heading back to the office to eat a disgusting salad, sandwich and apple. BLAH! I want to eat and I am most resentful of this body that can't have food AND REFUSES to run a 10 minute mile! You would think since I have been such a nice compliant diabetic that the very LEAST my body could do is let me have the 10 minute mile. I ran 3 miles yesterday (at 5:30 am.)and it was fun and relaxing but slow.....I had a great lifting session after my run and then in the evening I went to the Core Performance class (at 5:30 pm) and then this morning back up at 6:00 am to do my boot camp class. Tomorrow will hopefully be a 4 miler , providing my foot cooperates. Sunday I think I will take a nice bike ride. I have got to make a schedule for running, however, my schedule is at the mercy of how my foot feels...Once again showing how defiant my body is.... I must make by body obey my mind!!!!! My mind says "Kim you are a are an athlete..." my body however giggles and says "Ha fool" Okay back to work now...I will go and continue to be in the depths of depression due to my inability to consume cookies and cheese nips.....I guess I will go eat another apple...sigh......

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