Saturday, February 11, 2006

There and Back Again

Where oh where has Poor Sad Kim gone? To the depths of depression and back again is where I have been. Well maybe I am not totally back but I am trying to focus and regain my joy for life. Assorted issues have been causing me problems:
Family, Health etc... I guess if I could have run then all the problems would have seemed not nearly as bad. But unfortunately for me my arch pain had finally started healing and boom twisted my ankle and had to be off of it for about 2 1/2 weeks. Those were the longest weeks I have every experienced....Just Eliptical...which I have a long standing love/hate relationship with. At any rate my foot is better and I have been slowly getting back at it. I did 2 1/2 miles on Tuesday and Thursday both slow but it felt good in a painful sorta way. Today I am going to a store in Broadripple to have a gait analysis done. I am almost positive that I need extra stability shoes but what the heck I will let an expert tell me. My son, James and his fiance will be going with me...because I am a big baby and am scared of the interstate. It's only gonna cost me a luch to get him to drag me up there....hope he eats breakfast first!

Lifting update: I feel like I am getting so my fact here is an exact quote from my son James, "Mom you're starting to look like a got dude legs...gross" So I guess I will back off on increasing the weights and start doing more repetitions. My husband has advised that a wife should not have bigger biceps then her husband...that comment just sealed the deal that I would not be increasing my weights but rather do repetitions....though it kills me because I really LOVE to lift weights. I especially love the bench press....

Running Update: Finally back but have to go slow while my foot continues to heal... I got to use my Yaks last week because of some light snow and ice...they were awesome....Matter of fact my foot felt great after that...probably because the Yaks were holding it stable.

Eliptical: I think my thighs have gotten bigger while using this machine...has anyone else had this problem? I start with resistance 9 to warm up then increase over time with keeping it mostly at 12 and hitting some 20's for total this wrong? Any advise?

Power Hour Class: Love it!!!! I actually felt like I could do most everything because my foot is much stronger. I went in early Friday to use the, what I like to call,"The Whacking Ball" it looks like a medicine ball and it is on a rope. I whacked the heck out of the Y wall.... I visualized all my problems and whacked away for about 15 minutes. I was exhausted and much more relaxed after that.

Core Performance Class: Great and Ouch...enough said.

Pregnant Daughter Update: Preganant, grouchy and tired....but I still love her!!!

Well that is all for now....Off to Indy I go....

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