Monday, February 20, 2006


Yesterday morning was COLD...with the windchill is was in the minus degrees at 5:30 am. I contemplated running outside...stuck my head out the door a couple of husband said I was stupid and would freeze to death....I thought not...then I remembered my shoes have those nice little airvents and that my feet, in fact, would get frost bite. So like a good girl I hopped on my treadmill. I HATE THE TREADMILL. I pertually chant (inside my head of course) I hate the treadmill over and over and over. I tried the music. I tried lifting the blinds to try to fool myself into thinking I was outside. Of course after I was on it for 20 minutes and still had not reached my garage I think I figured out that I was going no place. When I did lift my blinds I saw the most disgusting thing...a spiderweb just full of flies....blah I thought I was gonna hurl...I guess I need to make dusting my laundry room a priorty.

On Saturday went to Walmart accompanied by my oh so cute grandson. I told him when we were going in that I was not buying him a toy we were just grocery shopping...I did not buy him a toy but somehow I ended up buying him groceries. He took home Frootloops, yougart, cheese crackers and sugar free gum. Evidently it was vitally important that he have the "All new Froot Loops with new golden loops".

Saturday night I worked our school carnival. That is the grade school all my children went to (the children that are now 24,25 and21). I have worked every year since the middle child was in kindergarton. I think they have me on a life time contract. At any rate, my son, his fiance, my daughter, her husband, my neice and I all worked. My oldest son took the baby so he did not work but walked around and showed off his beautiful baby. I won 12 free games of bowling, my son won 24 games of bowling (thru the raffle) and he won 38 bucks on the 50/50. My oldest son won this really nice board gift basket. Poor daughter won nothing but she had fun!

Sunday the entire family went to use their bowling coupons. I won the first game in a grudge match against my oldest son. He now owes me a steak dinner. I told him I would pick a place where I had a free appetizer coupon but he is gonna buy me dessert. I bowl so much better when I bowl for steak. We are the worse family in the world...we always have to "Beat someone" My son's fiance has truely become part of the family because at the end of the game she said "At least I beat Tyson"(my grandson) Hahaha Gotta love a girl like that...we have turned her! We don't care who we beat as long as we beat someone... My niece one time was all giddy because she beat me in a mother looked at her and said "There is no pride in beating a 4o year old woman when you are 12" My niece said "I don't care I still beat her!"
Well time to go to Power Hour and work my poor sad body...

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