Sunday, February 26, 2006


Aggg it is girl scout cookie time and yes I bought some...all in the interest of helping the girlscouts of course. I thought I could be strong. I was wrong. The first night I got them I ripped the box open and devoured several of each type...okay more then several. I then had my husband lock them up in our gun safe and told him under no circumstances was he to give them to me before the weekend. Does Friday count as the weekend? If not it does now. My husband poor man was sick and obviously delirious because when I asked him where was the key to the gun safe...HE TOLD ME! Now I good diabetic girl would NOT have gotten the key and reclaimed her cookies. While I am an awesome diabetic girl on the weekdays by Friday I am teetering on the edge of the pit of Saturday morning I am falling and by Saturday night I have usually plunged completely to the bottom. I then spend all Sunday painfully crawling my way back up and out of th pit. Okay back to the girlscout cookie saga...Friday night I gorged on cookies till I felt sick. So Saturday morning I plated the remaining cookies up and took them the Y for a snack for the people doing the 10k training run. It pained my soul but I turned my cookies over with a smile. Now I just have to avoid going to all public places to avoid the girlscouts who are trying to kill poor diabetic Kim by offering to sell her yet more cookies. My advise to all...AVOID WALMART...they send their most cut throat cookies sellers to Walmart. I believe they pick the cutest of the cute and send them to Walmart where there is a high volume of traffic. Those little girls might look cute and adorable but their goal is to break my will! They come up and ask oh so cutely "Would you like to by some cookies?" I usually tell them that I should not have cookies because I am not suppose to eat sugar. I really don't know why I give them a reason but I do. I think they must get a badge for mind control. They usually look so crestfallen that I mutter "Okay maybe just one box". But the worst of it is the whole scenerio is played out when I come back OUT of Walmart and usually it is a new little girl so I can't even say "Oh I just bought a box from you". So before entering any store I scan the outside for signs of girlscouts or people coming out of the store with boxes of cookies....***inside information**** sometimes the girlscouts are lurking within the story so be wary!!!

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