Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Okay Tuesday morning I did a little over 3 miles...slow but did not stop once and walk...yeah Kim. However, Tuesday afternoon my ankle felt stiff and tight. I am going to keep up stretching it because it does not hurt so much as just feels a rubberband. So I am gonna stretch myself till I look like Stretch Armstrong...I stretch my foot in the morning before I get out of bed...I stretch at the Y before and after workout...I stretch at work while I am at the copy machine...and hoping that NO ONE walks in on me...because they are going to think I am nuts if they see me. But I figure instead of just standing there I might as well be doing calf raises and ankle rotations etc... Being outside instead of on a treadmill or Precor did me a world of good! I think it was more then worth the ankle stiffness.

MOOD UPDATE:My mood has been much improved....its strange but the only time I am in a really good mood is when I am outside running (or more like semi running) or am at the Y. I think I may be an endorphin junkie! Is is like drugs...the more you use the more you want...will I eventually one day be at the YMCA 24/7 to keep my high??? Do they have a 12 step program for this...will my family have to have an intervention?

WEIGHT LIFTING: I HATE DOING MORE REPETITONS AND LESS WEIGHT! My mind screams MORE WEIGHT MORE WEIGHT....However, I look down at my extremely large calves and biceps and try to remember that my husband does not find the female Hercules look sexy. Plus I think he thinks I am kinda scarey!!

FAMILY: Daughter...doing well...pregnant...still tired...poor girl. Eldest son....doing great at fatherhood...Youngest Son: Anxious to get be married in November. Grandchildren...cute (nothing changed there). Dogs...annoying AND house perpetually smells like wet dog...gross. I tried febreeze but it just smells like perfumed wet dog....even grosser (is grosser a should be!)

Time to go now I am suppose to be cleaning house while my husband is taking a bath...I am not...I am going to wipe my counters down with Pine Sol so the house will smell like I have been cleaning it....bad Kim! I DO NOT LIKE TO CLEAN HOUSE WHEN I CAN BE BLOGGING OR ENTERING TIMES INTO MY EXERCISE SPREADSHEET. AGGGG water is draining...gotta log off and Pine Sol.....

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