Sunday, February 12, 2006

Back from Indy to find out that I do not know what I am talking about. The guy did a gate analysis and while I overpronate it is not severe. So I had the wrong shoes which in fact were probably making me worse. He said I need a light stability/gel shoe and to get rid of all the other stuff. The rigid orthodic, the ankle brace. He gave a soft supportive orthodic and an asic gel shoe. He said if these shoes don't feel good to come back in 30 days and they will switch out my shoes and try another. So as soon as I have my first cup of coffee out I go to check out my spiffy new shoes. There was a really cool pair of purple ones but unfortunately they did not feel as good as the Aasics so I was a good girl and picked comfort over cuteness but it was a tough call.

I had a delicious dinner over at my daughter's house last night. However, I gave my self one heck of a stomach ache by eating mass quanities of the cinnamon swirl bread...ymmm now I will have to exercise like a demon today to make up for what all I ate yesterday! Because if I had just eaten at my daughter's that would not have been bad but when we went to Indy we went out to eat and then stopped at Donaldson's Chocolates on the way back home....BAD KIM.....

This afternoon I am heading over to my son's to see my grandson and grandaughter I will be taking pictures and posting them later so I can share the cuteness with the world.

Thanks again to my son and fiance for driving me to Indy. My poor little car she is use to puttering around town and my son said it was good for the car blah blah blah to make it go zoom on the interstate. I disagree and I am sure she was sobbing and shuddering by the time we got home. She will probably breakdown on me on the way to church to spite me for letting my son drive my "windup car" to Indianapolis. None of the men in my family like my mini Saturn and they grimace and groan while entering and exiting my vehicle.

Well off to try my new shoes.


Amy said...

We all drive Saturns at our house.

Unknown said...

The first time I saw Doug get out of his old Saturn it appeared he was unfolding himself. He must have great flexibility because he is very tall man to get in that little car. My husband and sons are not tall they are about 5'10 and they just groan when they bend maybe they need to go to a Yoga class...hahahah I mayself just sort of fall into the car. Just right for a 5'3 woman.