Monday, January 15, 2007

Wazzzzzz Up

Okay I was trying to be cool with my title but it just ain't working but here's whats up anyway:

Running: I STINK. Due to my slackage because of knee pain for the past month or so I have regressed back to beginner. I did 3.64 miles on Thursday...okay I walked/ran 3.64 miles on Thursday and it was HORRIBLE. My corn was screaming at me. My lungs in protest shut down on me. My mind was was chanting over and over "I am not doing this" "I want coffee" "I hate you" I had to once again argue with myself and tell myself that I am slacker not to mention a HUGE WHINY BABY WITH FLABBY THIGHS. I thought I was past all this argument between my will and my traitorous mind and body but guess not. At any rate I am starting from scratch and it makes me furious.

Mini: Due to my knee pain. I probably won't be able to make my goal for the mini but that is okay I am still going to do it and if I have to walk/run thru the entire thing I can live with that.
Okay I lied I can't live with that but I will deal with it. Okay I won't deal with it well. I will probably whine for six months afterwards but what the heck that is what my blog is for.

Knee: Knee pain is improving..slowly but improving I can now go up and down the stair almost straight instead of at an angle. Heel pain has diminished rapidly.

Spinning: I have resumed spinning. I LOVE SPINNING. My daughter joined me on Saturday. She says she now can't sit down, stand up or climb stairs. I laughed. She says she will see me there next Saturday. She is her mother's daughter. Hurt her and she comes right back for more.

Food: A good clean weekend for Kim. I am going to try really hard to get off some weight and and try to weigh in around 155 or so by mini time. I was strong on Friday. Despite the "please pick me up and call for Pizza" vibe that my phone was sending out. I refrained. I had some scrambled eggs and a lowfat waffle with sugar free maple syrup for dinner. Saturday I got up and had 2 slices carb control bread and one tablespoon of reduced fat peanut butter then went to spinning. Once again stood strong and did not buckle to the "go out for lunch" habit. Came home and scrambled eggs and had a pancake with fat free syrup. Yes this is more then what I eat during the week but that is okay because it is ALOT less then what I usually eat on the weekends. I had shrimp and rice with snowpeas for dinner. Sunday got up really really early and ate some Fruity Cheerios so had to forego my Sunday morning bacon. This made me very very sad as I have had a lifelong love affair with bacon. I had some chex mix for a snack when I got home from church. It has like 4 grams of fat and 120 calories. For lunch I had two wheat tortilla with some cheese and peppers. Cooked with pam not oil...a little dry but good. Side of salsa and lowfat sour cream...repeated for dinner with some sugar free reduced fat mint chocolate chip icecream with sugar free chocolate syrup and 2 table spoons of whipped cream. I know that sounds like alot but compared to what I have been eating it was like a starvation diet. Over the holidays I have been routinely consuming large amounts of Cherry Kisses, Nuts, Cookies, cookies and more cookies. Matter of fact one day around Christmas. I had a plate of cookies for breakfast, had more cookies for snack, ate a plate of cookies for lunch and had cookies for dinner. So my only consumption that days was COOKIES. BAD KIM! So go Kim go for a good weekend. Like I have said before it is all about habit and routine for me. When I am out of a routine I eat like a pig. I am sort of like a horse....put a bridle on me and I do well. Take that bridle off and set me free and I run wild.

Okay enough about food. Plan today is to pick up Ty and take him bowling...but first spinning and power hour.

Baby Adam: Went to church for the very first time. He did great in Sunday school. He sat on my lap and just was so interested in his surroundings. He was arching back so he could check out the HUGE ceiling fans. He loved the singing. During church he went to the nursery. When I went back I asked if was he a good boy and she said he was excellent as long as she was singing to him...which just so happens she sings in the choir so she got her practice and he got to hear a pretty choir lady sing to him. Baby Adam is a very happy morning boy!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Why must I have a mind that is athlete but a body that is a slacker?

My most frequent thought for the week: "I STINK" mostly thought while working out and really it wasn't stink I said but the word I really said sounds trashy and I don't want anyone to think I am just another trashy hoosier woman so I substituted the word "stink" HINT take out the tin and put in uc and that is what I really said but like I said I am not a trashy woman so I won't actually write it.


Virginia said...

I was more excited about Adam going to church with Grandma Kim than anything!! I know even the angels were singing along with the nursery lady!!

Anonymous said...

Have you signed up for the Shamrock Run yet?