Sunday, January 07, 2007

Christmas is over and the Goose Has Gotten Fat

I love the holidays but this year I am mightly glad we are through them. This has been an eventful holiday season!

Running: No running on the weekends since the second weekend of Thanksgiving. So back to my weekend runs this next weekend! I was going to run this weekend but could not due to dental surgery (see dental surgery update below). Not only has Christsmas Shopping stood in the way of my running but a very sore knee. I purchased a patella band last night. My knee is not that excruitating but bad enough that running on it is not that pleasant. I can walk well but going up and down steps is a killer. It feels stiff....So I took this week off from running and went and bought my band so I will start back easy on Tuesday. I am going to start spinning again because I really miss it. I will just find a way to fit it in my schedule. The summary of my non running is my thighs feel flabby and loose and my belly shakes and yes just like a bowl full of jelly, my jeans feel uncomfortable and I miss that used up feeling. Even my power hour workouts I have not gone full blast. So now back at it with full force...except the running due to knee recovery will introduce running back gradually. So I will start updating my side bar. Hopefully next weekend I will go get a new bike (as my previous bike was damaged in the garage fire).

Dental Surgery: My bone grafting on the left side of my mouth was done on Friday. Today it just feels like someone socked me in the jaw and my mouth does not want to open all the way. So $6,080 later I have a fairly good mouth. My insurance should pay about $1,500 of the $3,080 I had to pay for the left side which is better then nothing! I special thank you to my friend Jill who left me a gift of soft foods. What a thoughtful friend she is!

Christmas: It was so wonderful Christmas Eve to have all my lovely family around me. Abby looked adorable and sweet in her little Christmas dress and Carissa looked like a little Christmas Princess in her green velvet Christmas dress. Adam wore a baby's first Christmas outfit and I must say he looked extremely cute and adorable. Tyson was aglow with Christmas excitement and came in waiving his $$$$$$ of fake money he got for Christmas at his other Grandma's house. I love seeing that look of excitement on his face! To begin our festivites Amanda read us a lovely book to help us keep in mind what Christmas is really about. We had a wonderful time as always. Christmas Day G-ma Carnahan, James, Tasha, Lucas, Kendra and Baby Adam came to join Jerry and myself. We opened gifts and then had a delicious lunch (Heavenly Ham yummmmmy). I don't care if a Heavenly Ham does cost $50.00. I work hard all year and if I want a Heavenly Ham on Christmas day I will have one as long as I can afford one!

New Years Day: We had a nice lunch and played board games all afternoon. We played my two new games Fact or Crap and Uno Spin...both fun fun fun! I am a big fan of games and wish we played games more often. I think in Feb I am going to have a Chili dinner and have everyone over to play board games.

Carissa: Is now 1 year old. It is amazing how much they grow in one year. She is walking and playing and laughing. We went to her birthday party on Wednesday and boy did she love cake!

Upcoming Events: Family Girls night Out: Kendra, Denise, Amanda, Tasha, Natalie, G-ma C and any of our friends (must be over 18). Lets get together for a night of bowling and dinner or movie and dinner. If anyonoe has any better ideas throw them out there! We need some bonding time!
Ty: Grandpa and I will pick you up on Martin Luther King day and we will have fun day...what sounds fun to you???

Upcoming birthdays: Jerry and Mom in February and Ty in March.

I had Baby Adam for the night and expect him to wake up at any moment to be fed. He sleeps really well through the night but he makes alot of little sounds. The first couple times I jumped up to check on him and then figured out those are just his sleep sounds so then I would just listen to them to see if they got to be "I want someone" sounds. (Which it only did one time and then it was not a "I want someone" sound it was a "I want my Pacifier" sound.) I was so scared that I would sleep thru his cries but no I popped awake at the first little sound, so did Grandpa Jerry. All those times he slept thru our children crying I bet he was faking because he heard Adam! Jerry is such an amazing Grandpa! Adam is one lucky lucky boy because they are going to have lots of fun when Adam is older and Grandpa teaches about outdoor stuff!

That is all I have no current raves other then the Governement shutting down for President Ford's death. Yes he was good man but come on he got paid to be president. It's not like he volunteered and did not get any compensation. We didn't need to bring the goverment to a grinding halt! I am not just saying this because I had to work..really it did not impact me directly except for I did not get my usual delivery of credit card offers and my "your subscription is going to expire soon" notices. I just think it was gigantic waste of money and time.

Please pardon any typo as this is very early and I have not yet consumed my full cup of coffee. I have to go and rescue Baby Adam as Grandpa wants to wake him up and play with him. I had to tell him "NO waking the baby"

Have a great day everyone! I love all of you! Not just my family but I hold my friends close to my heart as well!

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