Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hostile, Giddy and Bewildered

Those were my mood swings for yesterday. I think I need extra extra extra strength midol. In addition, I have felt sarcastic, mean and nasty and then I when I was taking a walk last night and glanced over in the window and I saw a short squat tubby middle aged woman, discovered it was ME and THEN I WAS DEPRESSED. It is crucial for my well being that I remove 20 pounds of unsightly pudge from my body asap (which was why I was out walking). I need to start walking at lunch again but now we have cable in our break room and it is all I can do to pull myself away from The Young and the Restless. So I must, as sad as it makes me, says goodby to Victor, Nikki, Kay and Jill and begin my afternoon walks.

Sunday: 9.19 walk/run. Not to bad considering I had a belly full of Honey Bunches of Oats (which I will never buy again due to its yumminess factor!)
Monday: Power Hour but not full effort due to my walk/run Sunday. I was all tuckered out.
Tuesday: A little lifting and a 3.25 mile run. Kept a nice steady pace. Kept a good pace by telling myself that 3.25 is nothing compared to 9.19 mile. I did only .25 mile walk to warm up in the more walking. Then my husband I did a 3.75 mile walk in the evening...which I was behind him 90% of the time because 1) my legs were tired from my run in the morning 2) I have PMS weight weighing me down 3) My corn was on fire!

Wednesday: Swimming this a.m. which I am going to be late for if I don't quit blogging and ,hopefully, if the the young and restless does not lure me away, a 30 minute walk this afternoon and perhaps a little walk after church.

Okay time to swim...the pudge will not be removed by sitting at my computer desk...though a girl can dream...

1 comment:

Misc. Muse said...

Awwww baby Adam is a charmer. I haven't gotten to meet him yet, but I love those fat cheeks. You notice only babies look good with fat cheeks of any kind- lol. Other grands are cute too. I take issue with the "tubby" middle age woman- you are not tubby- I think you've done quite well. -Cheer- Cheer!!! I always over eat at our church dinners- I loved that Chinese coleslaw- tell me I can eat my weight in it and nothing will go to my tummy. Mine does not go to my hips- My black friend Teresa says- white women get big hips- black women spread out in front and back--- well someone forgot to tell my body it was not black. Also, that guy that says life begins at 50- I want to kick him! 20's were good except the yr spent recovering from ruptured appendix- 30's were good - 40's were horrible- PMS and perimenopause were so delightful-NOT 50's --- painful, I want to go back- take my mind with me- the brain cells that are left and not so tired- lol. Keep on running- we will slap each others hands at the desert table at church next time. Linda PS if you want to see the skinny me- there is a pic on It is either one with my brothers- very 70's clothing- yuk or one with my 2 sisters.