Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Knee Hurts and Other News

Tyson defeats Abby's Military of Baby....she is not happy....Tyson is.
My knees hurts as does my foot....it started a couple of weeks ago and it is taking its time getting better. The Sunday before last I tried to wrap both knees and run. It hurt so bad I was crying so I started walking. Last week I ran one mile on Tuesday and did 3 miles on the eliptical...no pain. Thursday I skipped the climate run and used the treadmill so I could stop when it started hurting. I did 3 miles with insignificant (not to be confused with none) pain. Today I tried to run my knees, my foot hurt (the same pain as last year), matter of fact my entire body hurt. I am going to chalk it up to exhaustion and try to ice and take tylnol in hopes of making the pain go away.
Grandma Mae is returning to Floriday today. We had a wonderful visit!
Recap of events:
Thursday: Mae arrives...went to Arnis for dinner. I ate like a pig.
Friday: Hooked up with Mae and went to Battleground to TC's at lunch for a killer tenderloin...then had a family gathering of around 19 people in the evening. I kept it simple...hot dogs, hamburgers, (hand spanked by your's truely), pasta salad, watermelon and chips. My family kept saying, "Where is all the food" I told them after going to TC's and having a giant tenderloin that I was not hungry so cooking for 19 did not excite me much. We ended the night by playing scrabble.
Saturday: Started the day with Biscuits and Gravy at Aunt Denises...then took Mae on a yard sale excursion. We told her we did not good bargins because she was bedecked in diamonds so the people thought we had money and therefore would not go down in price so that we could afford yet more jewelry. I told her it is the yard sale way to wear just plain jeans and tee shirt...no jewelry....that way people will think we are destitute and much more likely to bargin with us... Went to Aunt D's for a family birthday/reunion party...However, Mom ended up in the hospital that night and was unable to attend...neither did her hospital helpers...Kendra, James and Tasha. Mom came back to spend the night at my house while she came down from her morphine high.
Sunday: Chicken and Noodles at Aunt D's house....just sat around till around 9:30 chatting and such.
Monday: Dinner at my house. Hahahahah I was in control of the meal...the food Nazi...no carbohydrate festival of noodles, potatos and rolls...we had Grilled Chicken, Baked Potatoe, Corn on the Cob, watermelon and a beautiful tossed salad...and diabetic jello cake for dessert. I have found if you do not set out potato salad the family will actually consume greens...of course I had to lure them to the salad with shredded cheese and bacon bits...but at least I was able to sneak greens in on them.
Okay more details later:

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