Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mission Accomplished

50 minutes run on treadmill
60 minutes walk on treadmill
45 minutes spinning class
2 hour of wandering around Walmart
I thought for sure I would be sore and unable to walk today but feel good and my knee does not hurt anymore then if I had run 2 miles so all looks well. However, I am not going to think I am all in the clear until tomorrow morning because I tend to get my stiffness and soreness on the second day. I think for my knee I have to make sure I stretch it after every activity and then keep it braced for the rest of the day when I use it hard. I am pretty sure I have an IT Band issue going on....Did anyone realize I was a doctor?
Baby Adam: Got his first pair of shoes yesterday and I found him and awesome 4 piece sports outfit for $7.00 on clearance! What a bargin! He put up with the shoe on and off thing really well but then he started getting irritated with us. Baby Adam does NOT suffer silently, when he has had enough he lets us know!
Posting some new pictures on Flickr...please check it out....

1 comment:

Runner Susan said...

All on one day? That's awesome.