Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Little Light on the Workouts/Ended with a Bang

Last weekend was a grandchildren packed weekend. My little guy spent Friday night and Saturday day with us. He was initiated into the world of garage sales and he did GREAT! He hung out with Grandma and Aunt Tasha all morning! He did not start getting cranky until about 12:30 when we went to the grocery store. So to be out from 8:00 am to 1:00 being carted around without being in the least bit cranky was awesome. I did find that it is very hard to hold a baby and push a full shopping cart...I guess my big honking biceps come in handy.

Monday: 4 miles and power evening exercise...spent time with grandchildren

Tuesday: Watched my grandchildren in the morning ( my daughter in law had surgery and needs a little help with the children till she is recovered), nothing in the evening due to rain.

Wed. Lifted and Swam.

Thursday: 5 mile climate run...56 minutes, 1 1/2 mile walk in the afternoon

Friday: nothing in the morning (grandchildren), 1 1/2 mile walk in the afternoon, nothing in the evening due to being grouchy.

Saturday: Dejunked my upstairs room because I have been promising my husband I would do it "after the mini". It took all day but you can now walk thru the room and the Goodwill received my unwanted junk

Sunday: I hope to do 5-6 miles this morning and if I don't take my granddaughter to Aunt Hee Hee's picnic will ride my bike there.

I AM BACK....HA did 6.05 miles in 67 minutes...averagepace per calculator 11.4 per mile. whoooo hoooo but no wonder I felt like crap at the end....the end was puke mountain.....thought for sure I wasn't going to make it...but no stopping up the hill....chugged up it like our old Dodge Ram use to then did a slow jog cool down around my block to make my total of 6.05! Finished my run...ate some breakfast and off to church.
Home from church, over to Aunt Hee Hee's for Amanda to tell us all the good news that she is expecting a baby! Congrats Amanda and Roger!
Back to church in the evening...biked there and back for total biking miles on Sunday of 6 miles.
Found that with biking to church I was able to stay away all thru the Sermon...I think I might be on to something...stationary bikes for worship!
Time to go to power hour...I am not slacking on the workouts like I did this last week...since I can't work out Tuesday morning. I am going to drag my tired butt to the Y after work. I'll update you all on the results of THAT!
Have a great day!