Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mini Meltdown

Every time I think if the mini I feel faint. For that matter every time I hear the word mini I feel faint. Seeing mini things makes me feel faint. I almost sure the stress and fear prior to the mini is going to kill me. I am scared for the following reasons:

I won't be able to keep up with Leo
I will have to walk more then run
2 burly men will exit the slow bus and grab me and forcibly shove me into the "You ain't moving fast enough" bus.
It will be hot
I will have to walk.I will have to walk I will have to walk. I dont wanna walk. I guess after writing this I have my fear narrowed down to fear of failure....I think walking is failure...therefore I will fail because there is no possible way I can run the whole thing. Okay what happened to my I am going to walk/run the mini and be proud of it? Ahhhgggggggggg
Time to go do my 3 mile run.....


Amy said...

You'll do fine! Find Suzie at the start of the race, she isn't much faster than me. She'll stay with you.

Debbi said...

Saw your comment on the Penguin's blog and just had to stop by to give you some encouragement. My longest run prior to my first half-marathon was 11 miles – you've already surpassed that! Walk/run is a great way to complete your first. I didn't set out to do it that way, but I had to walk part of the way or I would have fainted. You'll be so thrilled when you finish; all the anxiety will drain out of your body and you'll be left with a huge and deep sense of accomplishment. Have fun!