Sunday, April 22, 2007

11.33 miles

Today, despite being tired and unmotivated and dehydrated I drug my rear out of bed for a run. The first half was very strong only 3 1 minute water breaks and then somewhere around mile 7 I lost it. I ran out of water, I was thirsty so thirsty (my own fault I only took about 8 ounces of water with me). Managed to get in 11.33 miles average pace of 13.3 minutes per mile. The last mile was mostly walking with my tongue hanging out of my mouth but I finished. I really think for long runs I need to have someone with me to help me keep a slow steady pace. So after the mini I will be begging one of the climate run teams to go on longish runs with me 6-8 miles on Saturday or early Sunday morning! It is lonely running that long by myself...its not that I want to talk but I just want someone there. Maybe I should get a a dog is too fast that would kill me.
During this run: I was thirsty, tired, my music was driving me crazy, I wanted to hear it then I didn't (headphones off, headphones on...over and over and over), my cell phone (in my pocket) banged against my quad and gave me a little bruise, my foot hurt, my knee hurt, my head hurt. I ran past someone's little yard pond, thought about sitting in it, decided they would call the police if they saw a middle aged sweaty woman with headphones sitting in their pond. Ran past burger king, thought the smell would make me puke. People kept staring at me. I wanted to scream at them "Hey can't you see I am striving for health and fitness" "Fat girls need exercise too!" Chanted to myself "I am never doing another mini again" Told the FAST runner that went past me that I was too fat and old to do this. He smiled gave me a thumbs up...I wanted to break his thumb off and slap the smile off of his face, but he was going to fast. At mile 9 thought about calling my daughter to pick me up. Mile 10 started to cry and whine and moan outloud. Mile 11 began to believe I was actually going to make it (by this time my running had become a walking/very little running). However, the "I am never doing another mini chant" became louder and faster in my head. Final.25 mile wondered why on the eath I was doing this and wondered how much I could get off ebay for my mini entry and hotel room, and also wondered why I didn't cut thru VP drive to get home faster. I see my house give one final groan of pain and sprinted toward my steps. Final Destination (home) began to think about how to improve next years training.

1 comment:

m said...

I give you credit for running distance. I don't ever see myself doing it again. 1 hour is enough for me anymore.

I used to stash water bottle(s) on my long runs too. I thought the fuel belt was a bit dorky looking.