Monday, April 16, 2007

Daytime Victory

Yesterday 7.23 mile mostly running and 2.65 walk. Well this weekend I had every intention of doing a long run. However, the IRS stood firmly in the middle of my path. Taxes are due tomorrow (due to today being emancipation day) but my taxes were not completed. In fact they were not started, not my 2007 quarterly or my 2006 personal. I knew that if I waited till after my long run then I would be too tired and worn out. If I did them before it is likely I would bale on my long run...which is exactly what happened. So Sunday morning I got up, realized my check book at 100 + error and I had bills to pay...again long run first then too tired to do my financials or financials then risk not getting my long run in because I will get drowsy in church and be to tired to go later. I had every intention of leaving right after church, took my clothes and everything, but when I got out I was overcome with this almost like hangover type of exhaustion ( I call it my sitting in church syndrome)so I opted for coming home and napping. I napped for an hour and a half then decided I had to get my slacker rear up and if nothing else go for a long walk. Well I got out and started feeling better so I was able to do 7.23 mile run which was mostly running. I even, on my own choice, came up 4th street hill to come home. I MADE IT UP IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! The hill is NOT easier in the daylight! I thought it might be, but it looked just as horribly long in the daylight as it does at 5:30 in the morning. So anyway I got home, took a 15 minute bath, then immediatly hoofed it to church which was how I got my 2.65 mile walk in. I was suppose to walk home too but they had a VBS meeting that went till 8:00 and so by that time I was starving for dinner so did not think I could wait to eat till I walked home. This morning, due to my late afternoon run and walk, I am kinda stiff so I think I will hit the water.
Saturday night: Baby Adam went to his first Miller Carnival. He had a great time. He won the cake walk two times, won two prizes in the kids raffle, I won 15 worth of movie gift certificates and free popcorn and drink coupons, a golf shirt, and a blue ink pin. We were there for around 2 1/2 hours, then we trooped back to my house to have Chili, german chocolate cupcakes, and the turnovers that Baby Adam won in the cake walk.

Accomplished this weekend: 2006 Taxes, 2007 quarterly taxes, Miller School Carnival, a little laundry done, Checkbook Error found and corrected, Bills paid, Filing done, Grocery shopping done, church I guess I had a pretty good and busy weekend.
Oops once again late to swimming!

1 comment:

m said...

I haven't run that distance in over a year. Good for you. I think 6 miles is as far as I'm going in the next couple months.

You got a lot accomplished this week. Me...organized the linen closet. (and I was excited about that)