Friday, April 13, 2007

Beginning Meltdown

Yesterday I got in the mail: MY MINI CONFIRMATION BOOKLET. I held it in my hand and there was no panic. Until I opened the booklet and begin to read. 13.1 miles what was I thinking? Am I insane? There was information on first aid stations, hydration stations, what to do in case of emergencies both human and weather, how to find you family amid thousands and thousands of people. It also included the dire results of losing your mini confirmation book, starting the mini early, losing your chip AND going slower then the required pace of 18 minutes per mile. By the time I was done reading my booklet I was feeling faint (good thing I was in bed in my pjs), I felt like I was going to puke and I had a desire to flee far far away from Indy. So now I am having some SERIOUS doubts. Not even the lure of free cookies and country music at the end of the route has made my terror abate.

Tax Meltdown: I finished our personal taxes from 2006. They are ready to sign and insert my check for payment because evidently claiming 0 all year long is not adequate to cover my tax liability. Uncle Sam wants me, no demands me, to deplete my meger savings to give him more money so our Congressmen, Senators, and the President can live like kings and dine on exotic foods and expensive wines, while I live in the middle of gang territory and eat generic hotdogs. No..just kidding... I know my money goes for studies of the mating habits of Honey Bees..... So now that the personal taxes our done I have begun our first quarter 2007 taxes. After staring at the Estimated Tax Worksheet I have decided that my brain hurt and I went to a tax site and found tax software that will do all the thinking for me. I just have to data entry.
Runs: 3.25 miles on Tuesday...pretty stopping...last mile was by far the fastest (don't be impressed I don't go that fast in the beginning!) 5 miles on Thursday and it felt...dare I say it...not as painful.... no stopping.....I did not struggle with my breathing as much...wasn't any faster but I could actually breath during portions of this run and was able to occasionally burst furth with a sentence or two. I am mostly a silent on my five miles...I can either breath or talk but am incapable of doing both. I am constantly amazed by those that can chatter way during their runs...oh and really really jealous.

Okay off to the Y for Power Hour. I was gonna swim but I have swam the last couple of weeks and I am starting to feel like sponge bob. I think if someone hugs me I am gonna squirt water out of every pore.
Long Run/Walk this weekend. Wish me luck! There will be no gatorade.....


Doug said...

I'm sure we're going to have a pasta dinner at my parents' house the night before the race, so plan on coming to that!

Doug said...

That was Amy, not Doug. I'm just lazy to log out of Doug's username.