Sunday, October 30, 2005


Well I am back from my trip to Schaumburg where I did LOTS of Shopping (shopping=lots of walking b/c had no car) and even more DESSERT EATING! I went with my sister because she had to go on a business trip and did not want to go alone. We had a wonderful time!!! I did very good with food till dinner time and then we had a DESSERTS EVERY NIGHT (and they were NOT tiny desserts...they were lumber jack size desserts)...ymmmmmm. However, now as the old saying goes "You play you pay" I am now suffering the consquences of my excessive consumption of desserts. I did 4 miles this morning and thought I was going to DIE ! By the time I hit my home street I thought I was going to hurl all over the place. I was cramping and my head hurt and of course my foot was throbbing. I am a mess and no amount of treadmill work or precor replaces the great outdoors....I don't care what they say! So after I get my oral surgery out of the way on Thursday I am going to work my butt off (and my thighs and my gut etc...) On the upside I believe my foot is on the way to recovery. I still take Naproxen and ice it after using it but the pain has dramatically decreased. I was actually able to make it thru my boot camp class with very little discomfort and that was with running sprints and doing jacks. However,this morning after pounding on it for 4 miles it did throb. My foot is screaming "No more desserts you big pig I can't take anymore weight on me!" So I guess before consuming desserts I should consult all parts of my body not just my stomach.

This has been such a busy week because after I returned from my trip, I kept my grandson and my neices over night friday, where we went out to dinner and to Boo at the Zoo and then came home to watch our favorite Halloween movie Nightmare Before Christmas...they ate LOTS of popcorn and stayed up late. The next morning we got up made Mickey Mouse Pancakes, Eggs and Sausage and orange juice. We then went to the free movie and ate yet more popcorn. Then we came home and played some board games and bingo (for prizes...their favorite). At 3:00 our day together ended and they went home after having a fun time.. and I wasTIRED from our fun time (but I had a great time with some really great kids! I have decided that mothers 40 and older that have young childen must surely take some kind of upper to keep going on a daily basis.

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