Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Finally at long last my foot pain has take a leave of absence...permently I hope! Sunday I did 4 miles and today I did 3 1/2 miles (alot less the what I was running preinjury but that's okay)then swam for 45 minutes!!!! NO PAIN. My joy knows no bounds!!! However, the downsize is that I have lost my power of concentration. Every single mile is not physically painfully but it is most certainly mentally painful. I was going to run tomorrow but because the first thought in my head this morning was "Oh my God I am so glad I don't have to run." I decided to punish my traiterous body and make it go whether it liked it or not! I was okay at the end and hope that I can get my mind back in tune with my body. Before my body would give out before my mind...not it is the other way around....I prefer it the other way!!! I hope know one was listening to me this morning because I argued with myself outloud the entire 3 1/2 miles (truely I did...people probably thought I was a nutcase). My mind kept saying stop stop walk and so I called myself a wienie, baby and slacker and advised my mind that it had better shut the heck up or I would really give it something to whine about...perhaps 30 minutes of walking lunges with the body bar or even worse continually seal walking across the gym.

After all this recovery I have a new found respect for my body and now when it says it hurts I will listen to it and not try to push thru pain because I have lost a lot more ground by prolonging the healing then if I would have just given it a rest when it first started.

Tomorrow is my oral surgery day. I am going to the Y to exercise before my surgery then I am coming home and popping a valium and waiting for daughter to pick me up and deliver me to the Den of Pain and Agony. The dentist has prescribed some valium because I am a big baby when it comes to dental work. My plan is to take valium all day tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and sleep my way thru the healing process!!!! I told my husband just wake me up long enought to pour some nourishment down my throat and shoot another valium down my throat and I'll be good to go.

Advise for the Day: Don't run and swim in the same day because it will GIVE you a HUGE appetite.

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