Sunday, November 13, 2005


I think my little hiatus (injured foot,despite doing other cardio work) has definetly put me behind. I only did 3.8 miles yesterday and thought my breathing would never get under control) It was all I could do to talk myself into finishing but finish I did. My legs weren't tired it was all the cardio thing (and a little mental). I tried to justify it by telling myself it had been 14 hours since I ate last...I am recovering still from oral surgery and foot injury...excuse excuse excuse!!!!I feel like I am starting all over which bugs the heck out of me since I have a 5k on December 3. I am also on the heavy side for doing this! I really really need to get off at a mininmum of 10-15 pounds. I probably should start measuring all my food again....BLAH. I am going to clean my house this morning and then just do a couple miles then do maybe 5 miles on my bike. Sometimes I feel like I will NEVER obtain my goal of being able to do a 1/2 marathon!!!! I guess not this May but I have targeted next May 2007 I am going to work for it with a PASSION! In the meantime I think I am ready to work on some sprints maybe that will help bring my cadio back to life....the only thing is it STINKS doing sprints by yourself. Maybe I can talk someone at the Y into helping me!!! My problem is the people there are either to advanced for me and the others are strictly walkers. There seems to be NO ONE at my level!
Wedding: My daughter was married on Thursday evening...congrats to Lucas and Kendra. I am very happy and glad that they are marrried! My daughter and I have had our rough patches (Hey and I could probably do a entire blog devoted to nothing but mother/daughter conflict.hahaha). Maybe instead of yelling at each other over the phone we should set up a blog and just post our rude thoughts about each other there! Hahahahahah
We are having scheduling conflicts but hope to have reception within 30 days.
Grandchildren: Baby Shower today for the littlest princess in our family....the eldest princess (see wedding update) willl soon have a little princess to train!!!! Eldest Princess is waiting for mother (me) to keel over so she may inherit my title as "Queen". Queen refuses to keel over and will retain her title till she is 120 years old!!!!! Tough Luck Eldest Princess! Grandson Tyson will be at the baby shower today to help celebrate his little sister! I tell you that kid has a sense of humor! I love spending time with him because you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. He cracks me up. He is going to be happy next time he comes to my house because I added a new Ninja Turtle to the toybox and it came with a DVD also.
Nieces: Okay Amber time to get back to Power Hour and congrats on your weight loss. Just remember to keep it healthy! I love you and you are doing awesome...keep working at school. We all know you are brilliant we just wanna see it on paper. Cute story about Abby who is 3 yrs old): When I kept her overnight we went to Boo at the Zoo where we went on the enchanted train ride with assorted nursey rhyme themes to watch. We were at the Little Miss Muffett scene where Miss Muffitt was of course eating her curds and whey...when along came the spider...and landed on her head...sending Ms. Muffitt into spastic fit of fear....when Abby spoke up (making all the people on the train laugh their butts off)..and said "Why didn't she just smash the spider." Now that people is a future STRONG woman!!!!!!
House: Still messy...still don't care
Dental: Feeling better....still grossed out but adapting! Back to the dentist on Tuesday for deep cleaning and who knows what other kind of painful dental torture. FYI: The tooth fairy does not visit woman over 40 so don't bother!
Christmas: Have shopped myself into a Christmas frenzy. I have made a Master Christmas List and have it color coded for gift ideas, gifts purchased, gifts purchased and wrapped. I even have a little Christmas Code Legend at the bottom of my list. I think I have finally gone over the Christmas deep end. No doubt when I do keel over (see Grandchildren update for that timeline), they will find my body amid wrapping paper and bows with my Master Christmas List clutched to my chest in my cold dead knarled up hands.

Thats all for now folks...probably way more then you wanted to read but hey it is 6:15 am on Sunday morning I have no family members or friends that will allow me to call them this early and my newspaper is not here so what else do I have to do????? Whats that??? Did I hear someone say get my big butt out on the road and run..... Hmmm guess it is that time....Bye for now!


jeanne said...

Hey Kim, thanks for the comment! I know EXACTLY how you feel! It's always cardio with me too (well, now it's a leg injury, that's mostly healed by not entirely, so yeah, it's cardio but it's totally MENTAL too. and i mean that it's MENTAL!!!)

But yeah you pushing yourself. And yes, 14 hours without food would definitely put a cramp in your running! plus a wedding and all that other stuff! They're not excuses, they are reality! What's helping me is starting over again with a definite plan, and starting at the beginning. Good luck!

The Slug said...

Hey guess what???
I'm back big as life!!!!Love readin your bloggs
You are so funny!!!Bet you got it from yo mama !!!!

The Slug said...

Found Big Daddys Blog
hasn't posted since he set up.
Must be living a boring ,non eventful life !!!!