Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Sun is Shining and the Birds are Chirping

Thank goodness winter is coming to an end. I am sitting at my computer with my blinds open. I can hear the birds chirping and such a feeling of peace has come over me. I am off to step class this morning so that tomorrow morning if I do any exercise it would be a leisurely bike ride in the early a.m. or perhaps I will just sit my rather flat booty on the couch and drink coffee and read the paper. I did try so very hard to go without coffee this week and that was such a failure. I walked past our coffee shop downtown and my eyes rolled to the back of my head and my legs were shaking so I caved!!! Maybe next week I will try again. But I gave up Taco Belll should I have to give up coffee too? A woman can only take so much deprivation. Well time to do some token housework. I will try the old pinesol routine but I don't know how much longer I can pull off "the house smells clean so it must be clean" routine. I think the cobwebs are gonna blow my act. Sigh.... I may actually have to do some work..... Hint for other slovenly wives: candles and dimmer lights also are wonderful tools!
PROMISE: I faithfully promise to keep my desserts at a total of one for today.

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