Sunday, October 01, 2006

Make it Hurt Please

Friday Morning Workout: INTENSE. Lots of sprintwork. Seal walking ( a horrible horrible exercise), pushups/pullups/tricep dips....more sprintwork. Saturday morning I was sore and my muscles were saying..."Oh No you are NOT doing any working out today" Ha since my body bales on me all the time this was the perfect time to torture it. So......

Yesterday morning was a practice for the 10k pumpkin push. My plan was to mostly walk on account of the extreme muscle soreness. But I popped two extra strength pain Tylonol and ended up doing way more running then I had ever intended. I had already done my steady longer run on Thursday so Saturday my plan was just to get familar with the pumpkin push route. After the "Hog Jog Experience" I have decided that not knowing a route makes it 1000% more difficult as the run seems endless and you have no idea when it is going to be over (unless of course you can afford one of those nice little devices that the real runners wears...also I feel like I should move much much faster to even deserve one). I had driven the route and then thought I better do it on foot as well. Because parts of it are just along corn fields with a few houses my mom followed behind me in the car. Now don't think I am a weenie because I am not normally a fraidy cat and I go out when it is dark lots of times...but it just seemed sorta isolated. Anyway it went well aside from the fact that it is a HILLY route and all the hills are uphill and there are no big downhills. The hills go up up up and then the land evens out. THAT STINKS. I love the downhills and it is like a little thank you to kim for the uphill work. At any rate when I was done I felt really good....which means I DID NOT WORK HARD ENOUGH. I know I did not push myself very hard because when I was done I was all excited about going to spinning class. So off to spinning where I recruited another person from the halls of the Y to try spinning.They should pay me to be a spokesperson. When I went into class I said to the instructor "Make it Hurt Please" and she gladly complied. I was dripping sweat by the time I was done and THEN I felt tired.
Now not to brag. Okay I am bragging but prior to my practice 10k and the spinning class. I baked one birthday cake, made a double batch of cookies, a pan of homemade macaroni and cheese, did one load of laundry AND did all my dishes from the baking and was out the door by 8:15 a.m. Sometimes I just think wow Kim you ARE awesome. oops my overinflated ego is on the rise again...oops back to my day again...When I got home I took a nice hot bath and I would have stayed in there for hours but it was time to go my son in laws birthday party(which that was why I made the mac and cheese and cake). We had some lunch, sat around and talked and then played some euchre. Baby Adam looked especially spiffy in his little blue overalls. We sat outside and Baby Adam loves to be outside. It was a little cool but he was all snuggled up in a blanket and all you could see were two little eyes, one teeney little nose and a mouth! He loves to be outside! After leaving the birthday party we headed out to Westpoint for a Hobo Stew that the church was putting on. I had some really good Ham and Beans and they had yummmy desserts. Then they sat around the campfire and sang. I personally don't like to sing but I do like to listen and there was one woman there that had an awesome singing voice. It was strong and kinda bluesy sounding. Finally home where I read for like 10 minutes and then I was out like a light.

Wedding: The wedding is fast approaching and I do not have a dress. I am starting to panic. I am going to go online and see what I can find. Tasha and I did have nice time while looking for a dress. We drove to Kokomo and hit a few stores and then had a delicious lunch at the Olive Garden. I really love my soon to be daughter in law! Good job son!

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Baby Adams' feet look like they are made for running...not walking like the song says...or was that 'these boots are made for walking?????" Anyway, looks like he will be a lean, long runner, Grandma Kim!!