Saturday, August 26, 2006

General News

Husband: Still feeling poorly. He still has chest pains and his stomach is all torn up. It is to the point where they took him off the medicine for his heart and are concentrating on getting his stomach healed. He is now on Zantac 150 twice a day and Nexum (which is horribly expensive...$150 for 30 pills). He has started to put on a few pounds but not enough. He still eats very little and is NOT resting. I left him alone this morning to go to the grocery store and when I came home he had taken out three bushes and raked up the yard. Friday when we weren't looking he started working on the garage and James caught him. Then he told me he was going out to Pine Village to sit by the creek and relax and he did not sit down...he went hiking and now he is all pale and washed out and weak. He is a very very very bad patient and needs to be watch every minute of the day. He is like one of those work horses that will just work and work till they drop in the field. He has a high pain threshhold and will be holding his gut with one hand and the rake with the other. No man is gonna drop on my I will not leave this house unless he is by my side. He goes to the GP on Monday and to the Cardiologist next on Friday. STILL NOT SMOKING! Go Jerry! The whole family is proud of you! I think the GP might have to tranquilize him to make him STOP working.

Adam: No no Adam yet. Mother impatient and very very large. Doctor says progress at all and 5 days till due date.

Tyson: Likes his new teacher at school. Is loving football and soccer. He has his first Football game this Sunday afternoon and I will be going to watch. He came over with Brad on Friday night and we took a little walk around the block with his little sister. On the way we met up with one of the neighborhood kids who came over to play with him.

Carissa: What a sweetie. She sat on Grandma's lap lots. We took a walk and blew some bubbles and sat in the rocking chair and then had some juice. She has two front teeth now. She is most definitely a Daddy's girl.

New Garage: Contractor came and checked out our site. He will be giving us a quote in a couple of days. In the meantime I am to acquire the building permit.

House: Dirty and Dusty. I think I need to put my house cleaning iron back in the fire...but I do not want to take out my other irons (lifting, running, and blogging). I need to hire a maid. My daughter and I were talking...she hates cooking but loves to clean. I hate cleaning but love to cook. Together we would make one complete woman. I think we should get a thing going where she comes over to clean and then she could stay and I would fix her dinner.....what do you think Girly????

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