Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Conversion (Law Dictionary Definition) Control over another person's personal property which is wrongfully exercised; control in a manner which violates the person's rights to the property.
Victim: Me (Mother of the Conversioner...is that a word?)
Conversioner: Jamie (son of Victim)
Property: Cookie Dough, Bacon and Butter
Value of Property: Priceless based on its yummy factor
Background: The day of the yard sale I took to my son's house some bacon, eggs, bread, butter and Monstor Cookie Dough. The plan was for me to make bacon and eggs for us for breakfast and later make some cookies. Instead breakfast was doughnuts and it got too hot later to even think about making cookies. The yard sale had come to an end and I went to pack up my stuff to take back home...I grabbed my bacon, my eggs, the bread and forget to grab the butter and cookie dough. My son (who has a life long love affair with bacon) looks in the fridge and says hey where did the bacon go I was gonna make BLTs for dinner. I told him I put it in his Dad's truck and I am taking it home. Next thing you know I see my son hot footing it out to his Dad's truck...and then he is jogging back in with MY bacon under his arm......I was tired and he is big and strong so I did not have any desire to tussle him over the bacon so I just glared at him. So off I go home..baconless....that is a sad sad thing to be baconless for the people in our family love our bacon.... However, Jamie had not ended his crime spree with just the conversion of my bacon...the next morning I get a phone call...."Mom are you missing anything?" I respond, "Besides my bacon?" He then goes in to detail about the yumminess of my cookie dough which I had left behind. He describes in detail how delicious it is with they tiny M&Ms. I DEMAND the return of my cookie dough. He laughs and says he also has my butter! I again DEMAND my cookie dough yet again (he can keep the butter). I hear laughter in the background. Tasha says they will bring me some cookies. Not only has my son committed the crime of conversion but he has drug his poor sweet fiance into his life of crime. In our family we would find him guilty of the crime of conversion and based on the items he converted would likely get the gallows. And just for the record Jamie has a criminal history....He cut the head off my rubber chicken.
Victim who will soon be seeking restitution

Exercise: Blah after Sunday 7 mile walk/run and then 3 mile evening bike ride and then Monday's Spinning and Boot Camp Class 2 mile walk on my lunch break yesterday afternoon (I might add it was over 98 degrees) I was kinda tired so today's workout was kinda blah. I walked for about 1/2 mile, then did 1/2 mile of jogging, then 1/2 mile of sprints, then 1/2 mile of jogging, then 1/2 mile walking then 1 1/4 mile of jogging. Just was not into it this morning. I lifted but not with my usual enthusiasm. That is why I like to do my long runs on Saturday because then I can rest on Sunday and feel all fresh for the new week. Tomorrow swimming and then Thursday 3 miles and then I may only do Spinning on Friday and then Saturday will be a 5k. I don't know why I keep doing the summer 5ks when they are NEVER successful but I guess if I don't get an "A" in running I definetley get an "A++++" in never giving up! I am so looking foward to my 30 degree weather!

1 comment:

Virginia said...

What can I say???They are my kinfolks...I can't disown them so I guess I will have to adjust...as long as they stay on this side of the law!!!!