Saturday, August 05, 2006

Nice Baptist Ladies Don't Run

I am back from my 5k and I am ready to bore you with all the horrendous details. As to be expected my 5k time was even worse! Now I will explain why...yes I always have an excuse...
1) We had to run 90% in grass. Wet Grass at that! You would think it would be easier to run in grass but let me tell you it absolutely is harder. My calves were burning and my calves NEVER burn. The ground is uneven and the grass was kinda feet were sopping wet within the first 5 minutes. My ankles were fatigued from the uneven terrain.
2) When it was not grass it was a muddy down hill or muddy uphill (and I might add very very steep uphill. Once of the hills I was almost in a crouching position to get up.
3)We were running thru woods. Now when I think of woods I think of cool cool cool. However the woods here, had in fact TRAPPED the heat and humidity in so it was liking running thru a rain forest.
4) The race started at 9:00 am. I get up at 4:30 am so by 9:00 I feel like I am partial thru my day. I am and will always be a 5:00 a.m runner. I think they should schedule races at 5:00 am. Then maybe I can actually beat some other people.

Race Time: Sob Sob I hang my head in shame 36.37 average pace...again hanging my head in shame 11:47 pace. I was 2nd out of 7 in my age group. NOW THAT IS SURPRISING. You might think huh how did she manage to come in 2nd with that crappy time...(1st place went to a lady I go to the Y with(Rebecca)..she did awesome). The answer to the question: How on earth did she manage to come in 2nd with that crappy time? ARE YOU READY???? NICE MIDDLE AGED BAPTIST LADIES DON'T RUN...THEY WALK/RUN. So it boils down to I beat the other walker/runners cause they are ladies and I am not....And ended up with a shiny metal to pin on my droopy chest. OH and FYI Rebecca is a Methodist which explains why she kicked butt with her time!
Thanks to:
My Son James and Tasha: For standing out in the heat to watch me embarrass myself. Thank you son it means so much to me to have you stick with me thru this and I WILL MAKE YOU PROUD....just as soon as the heat breaks!

My new dear friend Katherine who sticks with me thru these horrendous experiences. I am so looking forward to running some fall and winter runs with her! We will KICK BUTT then and I WILL DO A 30 Minute 5k this winter.

Rebeccca: Number 1 runner! I heard you yell "Go Kim Go" and it made me move! I should have had you at the 2 mile marker!


Tomorrow: 6 mile run on the agenda. It might be slow but I gotta do it.


Virginia said... about Pentecostal??? We can run and dance and even jump at the same time and be HAPPY!!!

m said...

Sounds like you were running an XC race (cross country) My times in xc are about 3 minutes slower than pavement times. Though running in wet grass is weird. What were they thinking?

I'm looking forward to winter running also.

SRR said...

NO SHAME!! You did it, and that counts for something!! Yeah you!