Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Have you ever wondered?

Have you every watched somebody running down the road and thought, "I wonder what is going thru their mind as the run down the road." Well here are the random thoughts of Kim for this mornings oh so successful run:

Thank goodness the humidity is gone.... I can breathe this is awesome!

What should I fix for dinner tonight?

Why did I have to run past the bread shop? Next time avoid the block the bread shop is on. I wonder what I should make for dinner.

Boy this street is dark I hope I don't fall over my own feet. Is that a dead cat? Is it a possum....ugh it is a cat. Oh my gosh I hope I did not just run thru dead cat brains.

Am I going in the right direction? I am hungry. I wonder what I am gonna make for dinner.

I wonder if wearing my "Have a Happy Day" underwear is making me faster or if this is just a fluke.

Boy this is a great sports bra!

Come on Kimmie this hill is just gonna hurt for a little while.

That's ironic...running up a hill and the song "Hurts so Good" comes on.

Oh my gosh I can't feel my legs. Have I died and gone to running heaven? Oh my gosh "Knocking on Heavens Door" is on...I musta died.

No I am not dead my knee is starting to talk to me.

I wonder if the people driving past me are laughing at me?

Ohhhhhhhh beathe Kim breath....the Y is within site.....no don't stop....don't worry about breathing you can breath when you get to the Y.


Man I am wearing these underwear again.....

Okay those are my thoughts. I know I should be having deep thoughts and contemplations on my runs but as I have said before I am a very shallow woman. And this was a very active thought run for me...most of the time my run thoughts this summer have consisted of 1) Oh my gosh I am burning up 2) Oh my gosh I think I am dying and 3) Oh my gosh I can't wait till fall gets here. 3) Please God let this end. Evidently the cooler weather activates my brain cells.
Also please note that my training schedule was revised a little. This morning was just too awesome to waste on the treadmill. Enjoyability Factor 100000% and time wasn't to shabby either. Just a rough estimate I would say 33 minutes or less and that is coming off of doing 11 1/2 miles in the last three days, along with one spinning class...so good job Kimmie.

Tomorrow: Swimming Blah

Update: My grandson Tyson has signed up for football. Go Ty Go. He is going to be an awesome football player. Hopefully I will get up to see his practice tonight. I bet he looks so CUTE in his pads and helmet.

1 comment:

Deb said...

I give ya lots of credit for running. Everytime I run, I get heart palpitations. My doctor says it's PVCs, which are just little skips of beats in my heart---nothing to worry about he says...but it's disturbing when I do run, and it feels like something jumping out of my chest! So my thoughts while running is, "Lord HELP ME LIVE THIS ONE OUT!!!" *THuMP!*