Tuesday, September 05, 2006

On the road again...I just can't wait to get on the road again!

This morning 3.35 miles and NO stopping and my time would have been awesome but I had to slow down on several sections because it was pitch black outside. I could not even see the sidewalk. Considering I was sick over the weekend I think I was AMAZING. I tried to focus and not get all whiny inside my head....had to tell that niggling little voice that continually chants, "I don't like this" to SHUT UP and you know what today it did! So my workout was successfull and the weather was awesome (actually I would have liked it to be 10 degrees cooler but hey I am being grateful for what I get). But I keep thinking the 10k is twice as long as that so I need to be twice as strong but I am going to go for the 10k anyway. Does anyone else have to keep talking to themselves while they "run". I constantly am reminding my self to relax, to use the big strong calf muscles I have to push off, loosen my shoulders etc. When will this every become natural? I have found that 3/4 of my battles are with my brain and not my legs. My legs says "ah don't feel so bad" and my mind retorts, "Are you crazy of course your tired you should stop right now and walk." And 90% of the time my stupid legs OBEY my stupid mind. Today my legs fought back and we ran and ran and ran....My mind is now getting its revenge by screaming, "I am hungry feed me ice cream, feed me cookies, feed my chinese buffet" My legs are staying strong and the refuse to budge me from my chair. My body and mind are always at odds...sigh.....

1 comment:

m said...

I talk to myself all the times during my runs. More lately b/c my stupid IPOD has died. Now it's more complaining that I have to spend another $100 on a new shuffle. I love those runs where your mind and body are one. Too bad they happen so infrequently.