Friday, September 15, 2006

Why I do the thing I do

I went on someone's blog the other day and she listed all the reasons she runs and so I asked myself "Why do I?" I am not good at it but I still continue...I mean I am a back of the packer of the back of the packers so why do I continue to do here are my reasons...

I run because
1. I keep failing
2. they say big girls are lazy and I am proving them all wrong
3. I like to eat
4. life is hard and it fills your mind and when I am running my mind is empty except for the constant chant in my head of "Oh my gosh my legs are killing me and I can't breath".
5. I am doing something in the family that is unique to me.
6. I feel a sense of pride in my perseverance.
7. it may encourage other overweight woman in their 40's to not be scared to start working out.
8. I don't like housework or gardening
9. I want to keep my diabetes and blood pressure in check
10. the shirts they give you for doing the races are really cute!!! The Zoo Run has penguins on it and the hog jog...well you can figure that one out.
11. I want to set an example for my children and know determination, drive, focus, fitness....
12. it teaches me to overcome fears
So now that we have delved into the depths of my soul off to lighter topics

Thursday Run: AWESOME 3.40 miles no stopping...up and across the big long hilly bridge by my sister's house! Not sure of time and don't really care. I was steady and did not stop not even once!

Baby Adam: He had his very first bath and he loved it! His mother said after his bath he was all zonked out. He has regained all his lost birth weight. I will post pictures tomorrow. His mother needs to send me the picture where is in the blue bag so I can post it!

Baby Carissa: Crawling....can you believe it...before long she will be walking....and another one of us will be let loose upon the world.

Tyson: Playing Football and Soccer. They boy is going to have legs of steel. Go Ty Go!

Abby's Birthday: Sunday at 2:00 at Aunt Denise's house, Snack foods and cake will be served.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow cucu when I saw that post before I was freaked could I, a woman of simple words, have given birth to a bona fide author...but no I see I have given birth to one that plagarizes....hahahaahahah Ah and for the record my children were NOT like the flickering flame of a lamp mine were like a raging inferno!