Friday, September 15, 2006

Ten Things

Ten Things that are Great About Weight loss and Gaining Fitness

1. I can not only see my toes I can bend down and touch them.

2. Several times I have been asked if I am my son's wife. He finds this offensive. I find it offensive that he finds that offensive.

3. I no longer waste money by paying a Y membership that I never use. I actually use my Y membership!

4. My belly does not rub against my steering wheel leaving black stains on the belly of my shirts.

5. When I get hugged people can get their arms all the way around me.

6. I can run and play with my grandchildren and neices.

7. Clothes shopping does not traumatize me to the point where I have to go home and lay down with cool cloth on my head in a dark room.

8. I am no longer breaking chairs at the office.

9. When I drop food it does not plop on my my drops on my pant legs.

10. I can shop at Old Navy.


1. I have lots of extra skin and nothing to do with it.

2. I am not cheap to feed. Fresh fruits and vegtables are expensive.

3. The running has made my booty dissappear. I look like sponge bob square pants.

4. According to my children I no longer have "anything good to eat" in the house.

5. I don't have time to read anymore

6. I can't go on vacation because I am afraid to be off my food program and afraid that I will not have access to a gym.

7. I have become self absorbed. It is always about me.

8. I have an obsession with sporting good stores. In particular the shoe department.

9. People's eyes glaze over everytime I open my mouth because they know inevitable I will talk about working out.

10. Santa no longer finds me attractive.


m said...

You are to funny! I love your lists. I have no ass either. I mean no ass! I'm built like a boy on my backside. I never thought to compare myself to sponge bob. It was always that skank paris hilton. She has no ass either. I think I would rather have a sponge bob butt.

Great post!

Virginia said...

I love your blogs, but the people that respond to them using vulgar language spoils it for alot of people!!! Little kids and old people read these...keep it decent!!!! PLEASE!!!