Friday, September 01, 2006


Okay in the last post I told you I would write something more interesting...alas I am a liar...
Nothing interesting just the same old boring waaa waaa.

Garage: In the process of finding a contractor to erect one garage within our budget.

Husband: Recovering. He got the flu on top of all the other stuff. He is very weak but this long weekend should give him some good recovery rest.

Grandson: No baby yet. I think he likes his mother's comfy womb and will not come out. Perhaps he can be lured out with little debbie snacks? I am going to take her walking this weekend and then out for a spicy lunch to help encourage him to come out.

Fitness: Alas I missed a workout yesterday! However, I was good and strong today. I held up well during spinning then power hour. My plan is to do 6 1/2 tomorrow. Hopefully with minimal walking and then spinning class in the later morning. I like to run on Sunday but it is just too hard to get a long run in and then get home fix breakfast and get to Sunday School. When we were just attending church I had plenty of time but Sunday School starts early and it is just too rushed. I have decided my focus is somewhat lacking and now that the weather is getting cooler I need to really bear down!

Just in case anyone is interested I am actually cleaning my house and not just swabbing down my countertops with Pinesol to make it smell clean! Oh and I HATE HOUSEWORK! Nothing makes me crabbier in the world because the more I clean the more dirt I find and then the house seems even dirtier. My old tricks were pinesol and low wattage bulbs but that ain't working no more.....

1 comment:

The Slug said...

cSo !!! What's new, you little FIBBER you ???